1 write to parent
System.Management (1)
propertyset.cs (1)
57 this.parent = parent;
16 references to parent
System.Management (16)
propertyset.cs (16)
83 int status = parent.wbemObject.GetNames_(null, flag, ref qualVal, out propertyNames); 144 int status = this.parent.wbemObject.GetNames_(null, flag, ref dummy, out nameArray); 152 array.SetValue(new PropertyData(parent, propertyName), index++); 181 return (IEnumerator)(new PropertyDataEnumerator(parent, isSystem)); 193 return new PropertyDataEnumerator(parent, isSystem); 346 return new PropertyData(parent, propertyName); 370 if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) 372 ManagementClass cls = new ManagementClass(parent.ClassPath); 373 parent.SetPropertyValue(propertyName, cls.GetPropertyValue(propertyName)); 377 int status = parent.wbemObject.Delete_(propertyName); 409 if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) //can't add properties to instance 420 int status = parent.wbemObject.Put_(propertyName, 0, ref wmiValue, wmiCimType); 448 if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) //can't add properties to instance 462 int status = parent.wbemObject.Put_(propertyName, 0, ref wmiValue, wmiCimType); 490 if (parent.GetType() == typeof(ManagementObject)) //can't add properties to instance 500 int status = parent.wbemObject.Put_(propertyName, 0, ref dummyObj, wmiCimType);