307 references to DrawLine
System.Drawing (1)
commonui\System\Drawing\Graphics.cs (1)
1222DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y);
System.Web.Mobile (4)
UI\MobileControls\Design\Util\GroupLabel.cs (2)
51g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, etchLeft, etchTop, r.Width, etchTop); 54g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, etchLeft, etchTop, r.Width, etchTop);
UI\MobileControls\Design\Util\ImageCreator.cs (2)
119g.DrawLine(controlDarkPen, 0, barHeight - 1, width, barHeight - 1); 132g.DrawLine(windowPen, 0, barHeight, width, barHeight);
System.Windows.Forms (259)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ButtonInternal\ButtonPopupAdapter.cs (8)
101g.DrawLine(windowFrame, r.Left + 1, r.Top + 1, r.Right - 2, r.Top + 1); 102g.DrawLine(windowFrame, r.Left + 1, r.Top + 1, r.Left + 1, r.Bottom - 2); 105g.DrawLine(windowFrame, r.Left, r.Bottom - 1, r.Right, r.Bottom - 1); 106g.DrawLine(windowFrame, r.Right - 1, r.Top, r.Right - 1, r.Bottom); 109g.DrawLine(highlight, r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Top); 110g.DrawLine(highlight, r.Left, r.Top, r.Left, r.Bottom); 113g.DrawLine(buttonShadow, r.Left + 1, r.Bottom - 2, r.Right - 2, r.Bottom - 2); 114g.DrawLine(buttonShadow, r.Right - 2, r.Top + 1, r.Right - 2, r.Bottom - 2);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Control.cs (2)
9747e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, clientRectangle.Left, clientRectangle.Top, 9749e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, clientRectangle.Left, clientRectangle.Bottom,
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ControlPaint.cs (77)
681graphics.DrawLine(pen, topLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + i, topLineRights[i], bounds.Y + i); 689graphics.DrawLine(pen, topLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + i, topLineRights[i], bounds.Y + i); 697graphics.DrawLine(pen, topLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + i, topLineRights[i], bounds.Y + i); 706graphics.DrawLine(pen, topLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + i, topLineRights[i], bounds.Y + i); 717graphics.DrawLine(pen, topLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + i, topLineRights[i], bounds.Y + i); 736graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + i, leftLineTops[i], bounds.X + i, leftLineBottoms[i]); 744graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + i, leftLineTops[i], bounds.X + i, leftLineBottoms[i]); 752graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + i, leftLineTops[i], bounds.X + i, leftLineBottoms[i]); 761graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + i, leftLineTops[i], bounds.X + i, leftLineBottoms[i]); 771graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + i, leftLineTops[i], bounds.X + i, leftLineBottoms[i]); 790graphics.DrawLine(pen, bottomLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i, bottomLineRights[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i); 798graphics.DrawLine(pen, bottomLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i, bottomLineRights[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i); 806graphics.DrawLine(pen, bottomLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i, bottomLineRights[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i); 815graphics.DrawLine(pen, bottomLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i, bottomLineRights[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i); 826graphics.DrawLine(pen, bottomLineLefts[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i, bottomLineRights[i], bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1 - i); 845graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineTops[i], bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineBottoms[i]); 853graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineTops[i], bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineBottoms[i]); 861graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineTops[i], bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineBottoms[i]); 870graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineTops[i], bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineBottoms[i]); 881graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineTops[i], bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1 - i, rightLineBottoms[i]); 991graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, bounds.Y, 993graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, bounds.Y, 998graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1, 1000graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y, 1005graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, 1007graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, 1013graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 2, 1015graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Y + 1, 1029graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, bounds.Y, 1031graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, bounds.Y, 1040graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 1, 1042graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y, 1056graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, 1058graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, 1069graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 2, 1071graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Y + 1, 1197graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y, bounds.Right -2, bounds.Y); 1198graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right -2, bounds.Bottom - 1); 1199graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, bounds.Y + 1, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom -2); 1200graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y + 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom -2); 1206graphics.DrawLine(pen, midx, bounds.Y, midx, bounds.Bottom - 2); 1209graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X, midy, bounds.Right - 2, midy); 1212graphics.DrawLine(pen, midx - 1, bounds.Y+2, midx+1, bounds.Y+2); 1213graphics.DrawLine(pen, midx - 2, bounds.Y+3, midx+2, bounds.Y+3); 1216graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X+2, midy - 1, bounds.X + 2, midy + 1); 1217graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.X+3, midy - 2, bounds.X + 3, midy + 2); 1220graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.Right - 3, midy - 1, bounds.Right - 3, midy + 1); 1221graphics.DrawLine(pen, bounds.Right - 4, midy - 2, bounds.Right - 4, midy + 2); 1224graphics.DrawLine(pen, midx - 1, bounds.Bottom - 3, midx+1, bounds.Bottom - 3); 1225graphics.DrawLine(pen, midx - 2, bounds.Bottom - 4, midx+2, bounds.Bottom - 4); 1915graphics.DrawLine(dark, right - (i + 1) - 2, bottom, right, bottom - (i + 1) - 2); 1916graphics.DrawLine(dark, right - (i + 2) - 2, bottom, right, bottom - (i + 2) - 2); 1917graphics.DrawLine(bright, right - (i + 3) - 2, bottom, right, bottom - (i + 3) - 2); 2424g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, x, y, right - 1, y); 2425g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, x, y, x, bottom - 1); 2427g.DrawLine(pen, right - 1, y, right - 1, bottom - 1); 2428g.DrawLine(pen, x, bottom - 1, right - 1, bottom - 1); 2436g.DrawLine(pen, x, y, right - 1, y); 2437g.DrawLine(pen, x, y, x, bottom - 1); 2439g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, right - 1, y, right - 1, bottom - 1); 2440g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, x, bottom - 1, right - 1, bottom - 1); 2459g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y); 2460g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2463g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2464g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2473g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y); 2474g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2477g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2478g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2482g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y); 2483g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2485g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2486g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2497g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y); 2498g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, bound.X, bound.Y, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2500g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1); 2501g.DrawLine(pen, bound.X, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1, bound.X + bound.Width - 1, bound.Y + bound.Height - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridParentRows.cs (6)
726g.DrawLine(gridLinePen, rowBounds.X, rowBounds.Bottom, 796g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y); // the top 797g.DrawLine(Pens.White, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y + bounds.Height); // the right side 798g.DrawLine(Pens.White, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y + bounds.Height, bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height); // the right side 799g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height, bounds.X, bounds.Y); // the left side 955g.DrawLine(new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark),
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridRelationshipRow.cs (2)
764g.DrawLine(drawPen, 770g.DrawLine(drawPen,
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewCell.cs (32)
3646graphics.DrawLine(penGridColor, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3650graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3654graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3669graphics.DrawLine(penBackColor, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3670graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X, y1, bounds.X, y2); 3685graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3686graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X + 1, y1, bounds.X + 1, y2); 3701graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3702graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X + 1, y1, bounds.X + 1, y2); 3709graphics.DrawLine(penGridColor, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3713graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3717graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3732graphics.DrawLine(penBackColor, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3733graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.Right - 1, y1, bounds.Right - 1, y2); 3748graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3749graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.Right - 1, y1, bounds.Right - 1, y2); 3765graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 2, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3766graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.Right - 1, y1, bounds.Right - 1, y2); 3774graphics.DrawLine(penGridColor, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y); 3790graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, x1, bounds.Y, x2, bounds.Y); 3806graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, x1, bounds.Y, x2, bounds.Y); 3830graphics.DrawLine(penBackColor, x1, bounds.Y, x2, bounds.Y); 3831graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, x1 + 1, bounds.Y, x2 - 1, bounds.Y); 3847graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y); 3848graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, x1, bounds.Y + 1, x2, bounds.Y + 1); 3864graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y); 3865graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, x1, bounds.Y + 1, x2, bounds.Y + 1); 3872graphics.DrawLine(penGridColor, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3881graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1, x2, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3892graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, x1, bounds.Bottom - 1, x2, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3916graphics.DrawLine(penBackColor, x1, bounds.Bottom - 1, x2, bounds.Bottom - 1); 3917graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, x1 + 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, x2 - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewCheckBoxCell.cs (2)
1393g.DrawLine(pen, checkBounds.Left, checkBounds.Top, checkBounds.Right-1, checkBounds.Top); 1394g.DrawLine(pen, checkBounds.Left, checkBounds.Top, checkBounds.Left, checkBounds.Bottom-1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell.cs (24)
1029g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1034g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1039g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1044g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1049g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1058g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1063g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1068g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1073g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1078g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1089g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1095g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1112g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1117g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1122g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1127g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1132g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1141g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1146g.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, 1151g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1156g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1161g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1172g.DrawLine(penControlDark, 1178g.DrawLine(penControlDark,
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewComboBoxCell.cs (13)
2367g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X, dropRect.Y, 2369g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X, dropRect.Y, 2375g.DrawLine(pen, valBounds.X, valBounds.Y + valBounds.Height - 1, 2377g.DrawLine(pen, valBounds.X + valBounds.Width - 1, valBounds.Y, 2389g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X, dropRect.Y + dropRect.Height - 1, 2391g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X + dropRect.Width - 1, dropRect.Y, 2397g.DrawLine(pen, valBounds.X, valBounds.Y, 2399g.DrawLine(pen, valBounds.X, valBounds.Y, 2413g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X + 1, dropRect.Y + 1, 2415g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X + 1, dropRect.Y + 1, 2427g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X + 1, dropRect.Y + dropRect.Height - 2, 2429g.DrawLine(pen, dropRect.X + dropRect.Width - 2, dropRect.Y + 1, 2473g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlText, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewTopLeftHeaderCell.cs (6)
410graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 411graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y); 417graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X, bounds.Bottom - 1); 418graphics.DrawLine(penControlLightLight, bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y); 424graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); 425graphics.DrawLine(penControlDark, bounds.X + 1, bounds.Y + 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Y + 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DrawListViewColumnHeaderEventArgs.cs (4)
178graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, r.X, r.Y, r.Right, r.Y); 179graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, r.X, r.Y, r.X, r.Bottom); 183graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, r.X + 1, r.Bottom, r.Right, r.Bottom); 184graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, r.Right, r.Y + 1, r.Right, r.Bottom);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\GroupBox.cs (15)
645graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, 0, boxTop, 0, Height); 647graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, 0, Height-1, Width, Height-1); 649graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, 0, boxTop, textLeft, boxTop); 651graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, textRight, boxTop, Width-1, boxTop); 653graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, Width-1, boxTop, Width-1, Height-1); 663graphics.DrawLine(light, 1, boxTop, 1, Height - 1); 664graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, boxTop, 0, Height - 2); 667graphics.DrawLine(light, 0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1); 668graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, Height - 2, Width - 1, Height - 2); 672graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, boxTop - 1, textLeft, boxTop - 1); 673graphics.DrawLine(light, 1, boxTop, textLeft, boxTop); 676graphics.DrawLine(dark, textRight, boxTop - 1, Width - 2, boxTop - 1); 677graphics.DrawLine(light, textRight, boxTop, Width - 1, boxTop); 680graphics.DrawLine(light, Width - 1, boxTop - 1, Width - 1, Height - 1); 681graphics.DrawLine(dark, Width - 2, boxTop, Width - 2, Height - 2);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\GroupBoxRenderer.cs (18)
229g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Height - 1); 230g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Left, bounds.Height - 2); 233g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Left, bounds.Height - 1, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1); 234g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Left, bounds.Height - 2, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 2); 237g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Top + 1); 238g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Top); 241g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Top, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1); 242g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Top, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2); 287g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Left + 1, boxTop, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Height - 1); 288g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Left, boxTop - 1, bounds.Left, bounds.Height - 2); 291g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Left, bounds.Height - 1, bounds.Width, bounds.Height - 1); 292g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Left, bounds.Height - 2, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 2); 295g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Left + 1, boxTop, textBounds.X - 2, boxTop); 296g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Left, boxTop - 1, textBounds.X - 3, boxTop - 1); 299g.DrawLine(light, textBounds.X + textBounds.Width + 1, boxTop, bounds.Width - 1, boxTop); 300g.DrawLine(dark, textBounds.X + textBounds.Width + 2, boxTop - 1, bounds.Width - 2, boxTop - 1); 303g.DrawLine(light, bounds.Width - 1, boxTop, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1); 304g.DrawLine(dark, bounds.Width - 2, boxTop - 1, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGridInternal\CategoryGridEntry.cs (2)
229g.DrawLine(topLinePen, rect.X - 1, rect.Y - 1, rect.Width + 2, rect.Y - 1); 240g.DrawLine(topLinePen, rect.X - 2, rect.Y - 1, rect.Width + 1, rect.Y - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGridInternal\GridEntry.cs (3)
1895g.DrawLine(linePen, totalWidth, rect.Y, totalWidth, rect.Height); 2067g.DrawLine(p, outline.X + indent,outline.Y + outline.Height / 2, 2072g.DrawLine(p, outline.X + outline.Width/2, outline.Y + indent,
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGridInternal\PropertyGridView.cs (4)
3508g.DrawLine(splitterPen, labelWidth,loc.Y,labelWidth, (cPropsVisible)*(RowHeight+1)+loc.Y); 3529g.DrawLine(linePen, cLineStart,cHeightCurRow,cLineEnd,cHeightCurRow); 3550g.DrawLine(linePen, cLineStart,cHeightCurRow,cLineEnd,cHeightCurRow); 5922pe.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, 0, y, Width, y);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\TableLayoutPanel.cs (4)
468g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, tableBounds.Right, tableBounds.Y, tableBounds.Right, tableBounds.Bottom); 469g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, tableBounds.X, tableBounds.Y + tableBounds.Height - 1, tableBounds.X + tableBounds.Width - 1, tableBounds.Y + tableBounds.Height - 1); 473g.DrawLine(pen, tableBounds.X + tableBounds.Width - 1, tableBounds.Y, tableBounds.X + tableBounds.Width - 1, tableBounds.Y + tableBounds.Height - 1); 474g.DrawLine(pen, tableBounds.X, tableBounds.Y + tableBounds.Height - 1, tableBounds.X + tableBounds.Width - 1, tableBounds.Y + tableBounds.Height - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripHighContrastRenderer.cs (6)
267 g.DrawLine(p, bounds.X + indent, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y); 269 g.DrawLine(p, bounds.X + indent, bounds.Height - 1, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1); 272 g.DrawLine(p, bounds.X, bounds.Y + indent, bounds.X, bounds.Height - 1); 274 g.DrawLine(p, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y + indent, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1); 323 g.DrawLine(foreColorPen, startX, bounds.Top, startX, bounds.Bottom - 1); 336 g.DrawLine(foreColorPen, bounds.Left, startY, bounds.Right - 1, startY);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripProfessionalLowResolutionRenderer.cs (4)
53g.DrawLine(p, bounds.X + indent, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y); 55g.DrawLine(p, bounds.X + indent, bounds.Height - 1, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1); 58g.DrawLine(p, bounds.X, bounds.Y + indent, bounds.X, bounds.Height - 1); 60g.DrawLine(p, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Y + indent, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripProfessionalRenderer.cs (13)
181g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlText, 186g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonHighlight, 193g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlText, 198g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonHighlight, 381g.DrawLine(p, bounds.Left, bounds.Height - 1, bounds.Right, bounds.Height - 1); 384g.DrawLine(p, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 3); 389g.DrawLine(p, bounds.Width -1, 0,bounds.Width -1, bounds.Height - 1); 392g.DrawLine(p, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 3); 898e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonHighlight, 0,0,e.ToolStrip.Width, 0); 1313g.DrawLine(leftPen, startX, bounds.Top, startX, bounds.Bottom - 1); 1317g.DrawLine(rightPen, startX, bounds.Top + 1, startX, bounds.Bottom); 1329g.DrawLine(foreColorPen, bounds.Left, startY, bounds.Right - 1, startY); 1334g.DrawLine(highlightColorPen, bounds.Left + 1, startY, bounds.Right - 1, startY);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripSystemRenderer.cs (13)
241e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonHighlight, 0,bounds.Bottom-1,bounds.Width, bounds.Bottom-1); 242e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.InactiveBorder, 0,bounds.Bottom-2,bounds.Width,bounds.Bottom-2); 245e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonHighlight, 0,bounds.Bottom-1,bounds.Width, bounds.Bottom-1); 246e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonShadow, 0,bounds.Bottom-2,bounds.Width,bounds.Bottom-2); 629g.DrawLine(leftPen, startX, bounds.Top, startX, bounds.Bottom); 633g.DrawLine(rightPen, startX, bounds.Top, startX, bounds.Bottom); 645g.DrawLine(foreColorPen, bounds.Left, startY, bounds.Right, startY); 649g.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonHighlight, bounds.Left, startY, bounds.Right, startY); 670g.DrawLine(topPen, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right -1, bounds.Top); 671g.DrawLine(leftPen, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom-1); 672g.DrawLine(rightPen, bounds.Right-1, bounds.Top, bounds.Right -1, bounds.Bottom-1); 673g.DrawLine(bottomPen, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom-1, bounds.Right -1, bounds.Bottom -1); 680e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ButtonHighlight, 0,0,e.ToolStrip.Width, 0);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\UpDownBase.cs (1)
1736e.Graphics.DrawLine(pen, clientRect.Left, clientRect.Bottom - 1, clientRect.Right - 1, clientRect.Bottom - 1);
System.Workflow.Activities (2)
Designers\StateDesigner.Layouts.cs (2)
711graphics.DrawLine(designerTheme.BorderPen, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom); 1025graphics.DrawLine(designerTheme.BorderPen, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom, rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom);
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (41)
AuthoringOM\Design\DesignerHelpers.cs (10)
305graphics.DrawLine(lightPen, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Top + 1); 306graphics.DrawLine(lightPen, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top + 1); 307graphics.DrawLine(darkPen, bounds.Left + 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1); 308graphics.DrawLine(darkPen, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top + 1); 309graphics.DrawLine(darkdarkPen, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom); 310graphics.DrawLine(darkdarkPen, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Top); 380graphics.DrawLine(CompositeDesignerTheme.ExpandButtonForegoundPen, boundingRect.Left + 2, boundingRect.Top + boundingRect.Height / 2, boundingRect.Right - 2, boundingRect.Top + boundingRect.Height / 2); 382graphics.DrawLine(CompositeDesignerTheme.ExpandButtonForegoundPen, boundingRect.Left + boundingRect.Width / 2, boundingRect.Top + 2, boundingRect.Left + boundingRect.Width / 2, boundingRect.Bottom - 2); 583graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom); 584graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Red, bounds.Right, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom);
AuthoringOM\Design\DesignerWidgets.cs (17)
1619e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, 0, 0, 0, this.splitter.Height); 1620e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, 0, 0, SplitterSize - 1, 0); 1622e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, SplitterSize - 2, 0, SplitterSize - 2, this.splitter.Height - 1); 1623e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, SplitterSize - 2, this.splitter.Height - 1, 0, this.splitter.Height - 1); 1625e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlText, SplitterSize - 1, 0, SplitterSize - 1, this.splitter.Height); 1629e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, 0, 1, this.splitter.Width, 1); 1630e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, 0, 1, 0, SplitterSize - 1); 1632e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, 0, SplitterSize - 2, this.splitter.Width, SplitterSize - 2); 1633e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, this.splitter.Width - 1, SplitterSize - 2, this.splitter.Width - 1, 1); 1635e.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlText, 0, SplitterSize - 1, this.splitter.Width, SplitterSize - 1); 2759graphics.DrawLine(ambientTheme.DropIndicatorPen, dropTargets[activeDropTarget].Left + dropTargets[activeDropTarget].Width / 2, dropTargets[activeDropTarget].Top, dropTargets[activeDropTarget].Left + dropTargets[activeDropTarget].Width / 2, dropTargets[activeDropTarget].Bottom); 3430graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, canvasRect.Left, canvasRect.Top, canvasRect.Left, canvasRect.Bottom); 3431graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, canvasRect.Left, canvasRect.Top, canvasRect.Right, canvasRect.Top); 3432graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLight, canvasRect.Right, canvasRect.Top, canvasRect.Right, canvasRect.Bottom); 3433graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLight, canvasRect.Left, canvasRect.Bottom, canvasRect.Right, canvasRect.Bottom); 3435graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLight, canvasRect.Left, canvasRect.Top, canvasRect.Left, canvasRect.Bottom); 3436graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLight, canvasRect.Left, canvasRect.Top, canvasRect.Right, canvasRect.Top);
AuthoringOM\Design\Dialogs\ThemeConfigurationDialog.cs (4)
558e.Graphics.DrawLine(framePen, this.designerPreview.Left - margin.Width, this.designerPreview.Top - 1, this.designerPreview.Right + margin.Width, this.designerPreview.Top - 1); 559e.Graphics.DrawLine(framePen, this.designerPreview.Left - margin.Width, this.designerPreview.Bottom + 1, this.designerPreview.Right + margin.Width, this.designerPreview.Bottom + 1); 560e.Graphics.DrawLine(framePen, this.designerPreview.Left - 1, this.designerPreview.Top - margin.Height, this.designerPreview.Left - 1, this.designerPreview.Bottom + margin.Height); 561e.Graphics.DrawLine(framePen, this.designerPreview.Right + 1, this.designerPreview.Top - margin.Height, this.designerPreview.Right + 1, this.designerPreview.Bottom + margin.Height);
AuthoringOM\Design\Dialogs\TypeBrowserDialog.cs (8)
510paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, lineRectangle.Left, lineRectangle.Bottom, lineRectangle.Right, lineRectangle.Bottom); 511paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, lineRectangle.Left, lineRectangle.Bottom + 1, lineRectangle.Right, lineRectangle.Bottom + 1); 515paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlDark, lineRectangle.Left, lineRectangle.Bottom, lineRectangle.Right, lineRectangle.Bottom); 516paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.ControlLightLight, lineRectangle.Left, lineRectangle.Bottom + 1, lineRectangle.Right, lineRectangle.Bottom + 1); 519paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowFrame, this.helpTextHolder.Left - 1, this.helpTextHolder.Top - 1, this.helpTextHolder.Left - 1, this.helpTextHolder.Bottom); 520paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowFrame, this.helpTextHolder.Left - 1, this.helpTextHolder.Bottom, this.helpTextHolder.Right, this.helpTextHolder.Bottom); 521paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowFrame, this.helpTextHolder.Right, this.helpTextHolder.Bottom, this.helpTextHolder.Right, this.helpTextHolder.Top - 1); 522paintArgs.Graphics.DrawLine(SystemPens.WindowFrame, this.helpTextHolder.Right, this.helpTextHolder.Top - 1, this.helpTextHolder.Left - 1, this.helpTextHolder.Top - 1);
AuthoringOM\Design\SequentialWorkflowRootDesigner.cs (2)
389e.Graphics.DrawLine(e.DesignerTheme.BorderPen, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom, rectangle.Right, rectangle.Bottom); 476e.Graphics.DrawLine(e.DesignerTheme.BorderPen, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Right, rectangle.Top);