File: fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\ITypedGettersV3.cs
Project: ndp\System.Data.csproj (System.Data)
// <copyright file="ITypedGettersV3.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">alazela</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">stevesta</owner>
namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Server {
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    // Interface for strongly-typed value getters
    internal interface ITypedGettersV3 {
        // Null test
        //      valid for all types
        bool IsDBNull( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // Check what type current sql_variant value is
        //      valid for SqlDbType.Variant
        SmiMetaData GetVariantType( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        //  Actual value accessors
        //      valid type indicates column must be of the type or column must be variant 
        //           and GetVariantType returned the type
        //  valid for SqlDbType.Bit
        Boolean GetBoolean( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        //  valid for SqlDbType.TinyInt
        Byte GetByte( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for SqlDbTypes: Binary, VarBinary, Image, Udt, Xml, Char, VarChar, Text, NChar, NVarChar, NText
        //  (Character type support needed for ExecuteXmlReader handling)
        Int64 GetBytesLength( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        int GetBytes( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length );
        // valid for character types: Char, VarChar, Text, NChar, NVarChar, NText
        Int64 GetCharsLength( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        int GetChars( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length );
        String GetString( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for SqlDbType.SmallInt
        Int16 GetInt16( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Int
        Int32 GetInt32( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for SqlDbType.BigInt, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.SmallMoney
        Int64 GetInt64( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Real
        Single GetSingle( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Float
        Double GetDouble( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Numeric (uses SqlDecimal since Decimal cannot hold full range)
        SqlDecimal GetSqlDecimal( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for DateTime & SmallDateTime
        DateTime GetDateTime( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        // valid for UniqueIdentifier
        Guid GetGuid( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );