File: cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Xaml\ErrorTolerantObjectWriter.cs
Project: ndp\System.Data.csproj (System.Data)
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.Activities.Presentation.Xaml
    using System;
    using System.Activities;
    using System.Activities.Debugger;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Runtime;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xaml;
    using System.Xaml.Schema;
    using Microsoft.Activities.Presentation.Xaml;
    using NameReferenceConverter = System.Windows.Markup.NameReferenceConverter;
    // This XamlWriter wraps an ObjectWriter to provide limited error tolerance, as follows:
    // - Buffer the node stream as a tree of fragments (one for each activity) and statically validate it.
    // - Write the node stream out to an ObjectWriter, wrapping any subtrees that failed validation 
    //   in an ErrorActivity.
    // - If validation fails at the root level, we don't load any object, we only provide validation errors.
    // We are only tolerant of errors that can be detected statically; i.e. we are not resillient
    // to XamlObjectWriter exceptions.
    internal class ErrorTolerantObjectWriter : XamlWriter, IXamlLineInfoConsumer
        // We store three main types of state:
        // - The current state of the nodestream (XamlFrames), for validation purposes.
        // - Buffered XamlFragments.
        // - NameScopes, which have 
        // Current state of the nodestream, for performing validation
        WalkableStack<XamlFrame> xamlStack;
        // Root of the tree of completed fragments (except for the root, which may be in progress)
        XamlFragment rootFragment;
        // Stack of in-progress fragments
        Stack<XamlFragment> fragmentStack;
        // Stack of in-progress namescopes; fragments can overlap multiple namescopes, and vice versa
        Stack<NameScopeFrame> nameScopeStack;
        // Completed namescopes, saved so we can resolve all references at end of parse
        List<NameScopeFrame> poppedNameScopes;
        // Pending NS declarations whose corresponding StartObject hasn't been written yet
        NamespaceStackNode pendingNamespaces;
        XamlObjectWriter objectWriter;
        XamlType typeOfActivity;
        XamlMember nameOfReference;
        XamlValueConverter<XamlDeferringLoader> activityLoader;
        int lineNumber, linePosition;
        public string LocalAssemblyName { get; set; }
        public IList<XamlLoadErrorInfo> LoadErrors { get; private set; }
        public ErrorTolerantObjectWriter(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
            this.xamlStack = new WalkableStack<XamlFrame>();
            this.rootFragment = new XamlFragment(schemaContext);
            this.fragmentStack = new Stack<XamlFragment>();
            this.nameScopeStack = new Stack<NameScopeFrame>();
            this.nameScopeStack.Push(new NameScopeFrame(null));
            this.poppedNameScopes = new List<NameScopeFrame>();
            this.objectWriter = new XamlObjectWriter(schemaContext);
            this.typeOfActivity = objectWriter.SchemaContext.GetXamlType(typeof(Activity));
            this.nameOfReference = XamlLanguage.Reference.GetMember("Name");
            this.activityLoader = typeOfActivity.GetMember("Implementation").DeferringLoader;
        public object Result { get; private set; }
        public override XamlSchemaContext SchemaContext { get { return this.objectWriter.SchemaContext; } }
        public override void WriteNamespace(NamespaceDeclaration namespaceDeclaration)
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
            if (this.pendingNamespaces == null)
                this.pendingNamespaces = new NamespaceStackNode();
            this.pendingNamespaces.Add(namespaceDeclaration.Prefix, namespaceDeclaration.Namespace);
        public override void WriteStartObject(XamlType type)
            // This validation must be done before pushing the object frame, so that if there is an error,
            // we treat the containing type as an error and not just the subtree.
            // Pushing the activity frame must be done before the rest of validation, because if this
            // is an unknown Activity, we want to treat just this subtree as an error, not its parent.
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
        public override void WriteGetObject()
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
        public override void WriteEndObject()
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
            if (CurrentFragment.ObjectDepth == 0)
                XamlFragment completedFragment = CurrentFragment;
                if (this.fragmentStack.Count == 0)
                    Fx.Assert(completedFragment == this.rootFragment, "Base of stack should be root fragment");
        public override void WriteStartMember(XamlMember member)
            Fx.Assert(this.xamlStack.Count > 0 && this.xamlStack.Current.Member == null, "Unexpected StartMember");
            this.xamlStack.Current.Member = member;
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
        public override void WriteEndMember()
            Fx.Assert(this.xamlStack.Count > 0 && this.xamlStack.Current.Member != null, "Unexpected EndMember");
            this.xamlStack.Current.Member = null;
            this.xamlStack.Current.MemberIsSet = false;
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
        public override void WriteValue(object value)
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
        public void SetLineInfo(int lineNumber, int linePosition)
            // We need to save the line info statically, for validation errors
            this.lineNumber = lineNumber;
            this.linePosition = linePosition;
            // But we also need to keep it in sync with the nodestream, for XOW errors
            // XOW and XamlNodeQueue.Writer both implement IXamlLineInfoConsumer, so we can do a straight cast
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
            ((IXamlLineInfoConsumer)CurrentWriter).SetLineInfo(lineNumber, linePosition);
        // ObjectWriter always wants LineInfo
        public bool ShouldProvideLineInfo { get { return true; } }
        internal static bool IsErrorActivity(Type objectType)
            return objectType == typeof(ErrorActivity) ||
                (objectType != null && objectType.IsGenericType &&
                 objectType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(ErrorActivity<>));
        // Node loop that strips out ErrorActivities on Save. Assumes that ErrorActivities are never
        // nested, and that XamlObjectReader doesn't have line info.
        internal static void TransformAndStripErrors(System.Xaml.XamlReader objectReader, XamlWriter writer)
            // Every ErrorActivity is prefixed with all the NamespaceDeclarations that were in scope
            // in the original document. We track the current namespaces in scope on Save, so that we
            // can strip out any redundant declarations.
            NamespaceStackNode currentNamespaces = null;
            NamespaceStackNode pendingNamespaces = null;
            while (objectReader.Read())
                // Update the namespace stack
                switch (objectReader.NodeType)
                    case XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration:
                        if (pendingNamespaces == null)
                            pendingNamespaces = new NamespaceStackNode() { PreviousNode = currentNamespaces };
                        pendingNamespaces.Add(objectReader.Namespace.Prefix, objectReader.Namespace.Namespace);
                    case XamlNodeType.StartObject:
                    case XamlNodeType.GetObject:
                        if (pendingNamespaces != null)
                            currentNamespaces = pendingNamespaces;
                            pendingNamespaces = null;
                if (objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject && IsErrorActivity(objectReader.Type.UnderlyingType))
                    ActivityFragment.TransformErrorActivityContents(objectReader, writer, currentNamespaces);
                if (objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.EndObject)
                    if (currentNamespaces.ObjectDepth == 0)
                        currentNamespaces = currentNamespaces.PreviousNode;
        XamlFragment CurrentFragment
            get { return this.fragmentStack.Peek(); }
        NameScopeFrame CurrentNameScope
            get { return this.nameScopeStack.Peek(); }
        XamlWriter CurrentWriter
            get { return CurrentFragment.NodeQueue.Writer; }
        static void AppendShortName(StringBuilder result, XamlType type)
            if (type.IsGeneric)
                bool isFirst = true;
                foreach (XamlType typeArg in type.TypeArguments)
                    if (isFirst)
                        isFirst = false;
                    AppendShortName(result, typeArg);
        // If a generic type is unknown, we don't know whether the open generic couldn't be resolved,
        // or just its children. So we only want to surface errors for types that don't have unknown
        // children.
        static void GetLeafUnresolvedTypeArgs(XamlType type, HashSet<XamlType> unresolvedTypeArgs)
            Fx.Assert(type.IsUnknown, "Method should only be called for unknown types");
            bool hasUnknownChildren = false;
            if (type.IsGeneric)
                foreach (XamlType typeArg in type.TypeArguments)
                    if (typeArg.IsUnknown)
                        GetLeafUnresolvedTypeArgs(typeArg, unresolvedTypeArgs);
                        hasUnknownChildren = true;
            if (!hasUnknownChildren)
        internal static string GetXamlMemberName(XamlMember member)
            if (member.IsDirective)
                return "{" + member.PreferredXamlNamespace + "}" + member.Name;
                return GetXamlTypeName(member.DeclaringType) + "." + member.Name;
        internal static string GetXamlTypeName(XamlType type)
            string typeNs = type.PreferredXamlNamespace;
            string typeName = GetFullTypeNameWithoutNamespace(type);
            string clrns, assembly;
            if (XamlNamespaceHelper.TryParseClrNsUri(typeNs, out clrns, out assembly))
                return clrns + "." + typeName;
                return typeNs + ":" + typeName;
        static bool IsWhitespace(string value)
            foreach (char c in value)
                if (c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != ' ' && c != '\t')
                    return false;
            return true;
        // Validate named references and write out the complete nodestream to the ObjectWriter
        void CompleteLoad()
            if (this.rootFragment.HasError)
                this.Result = null;
                this.rootFragment.WriteTo(this.objectWriter, false);
                this.Result = this.objectWriter.Result;
        // Gets the property type of the containing member, or its item type if it's a collection.
        XamlType GetParentPropertyType(out bool parentIsDictionary)
            XamlMember parentMember;
            XamlType collectionType;
            XamlType result = GetParentPropertyType(out parentMember, out collectionType);
            parentIsDictionary = collectionType != null && collectionType.IsDictionary;
            return result;
        XamlType GetParentPropertyType(out XamlMember parentMember, out XamlType collectionType)
            parentMember = this.xamlStack.Previous(1).Member;
            Fx.Assert(parentMember != null, "StartObject or Value without preceding StartMember");
            if (parentMember.IsDirective &&
                (parentMember.Type.IsCollection || parentMember.Type.IsDictionary))
                if (parentMember == XamlLanguage.Items)
                    collectionType = this.xamlStack.Previous(1).Type;
                    if (collectionType == null)
                        // This is a GetObject, need to look at the containing member
                        collectionType = this.xamlStack.Previous(2).Member.Type;
                    collectionType = parentMember.Type;
                return collectionType.ItemType;
            collectionType = null;
            return parentMember.Type;
        // Checks whether to push a new ActivityFrame for a new StartObject (i.e. whether the object
        // is an activity and is replaceable in case of error).
        void PushNewActivityFrameIfNeeded()
            Fx.Assert(this.xamlStack.Count > 0, "PushNewActivityFrameIfNeeded called without a StartObject");
            if (this.xamlStack.Count == 1)
                // This is the root of the document
            if (CurrentFragment.HasError)
                // We're already inside an error frame, no point pushing any more frames
            // Check the parent property type (not the object type) because that's what determines
            // whether we can inject an ErrorActivity.
            bool parentIsDictionary;
            XamlType parentType = GetParentPropertyType(out parentIsDictionary);
            if (parentType != null && parentType.UnderlyingType != null && !parentIsDictionary &&
                this.fragmentStack.Push(new ActivityFragment(SchemaContext) { Type = parentType.UnderlyingType });
                CurrentFragment.Namespaces = this.xamlStack.Current.Namespaces;
        void PushNameScope()
            this.nameScopeStack.Push(new NameScopeFrame(this.nameScopeStack.Peek()));
        void PushXamlFrame(XamlType type)
            NamespaceStackNode currentNamespaces = this.xamlStack.Count > 0 ? this.xamlStack.Current.Namespaces : null;
            this.xamlStack.Push(new XamlFrame { Type = type });
            if (this.pendingNamespaces != null)
                this.pendingNamespaces.PreviousNode = currentNamespaces;
                this.xamlStack.Current.Namespaces = this.pendingNamespaces;
                this.pendingNamespaces = null;
                this.xamlStack.Current.Namespaces = currentNamespaces;
        void ValidateStartObject()
            // Check if type is known
            XamlType type = this.xamlStack.Current.Type;
            if (type.IsUnknown)
                HashSet<XamlType> unresolvedTypes = null;
                if (type.IsGeneric)
                    unresolvedTypes = new HashSet<XamlType>();
                    GetLeafUnresolvedTypeArgs(type, unresolvedTypes);
                if (unresolvedTypes != null &&
                    (unresolvedTypes.Count > 1 || !unresolvedTypes.Contains(type)))
                    ValidationError(SR.UnresolvedGenericType, GetXamlTypeName(type));
                    foreach (XamlType unresolvedTypeArg in unresolvedTypes)
            else if (this.xamlStack.Count > 1)
                // Check assignability to parent member
                if (!type.IsMarkupExtension)
                    XamlMember parentMember;
                    XamlType collectionType;
                    XamlType expectedType = GetParentPropertyType(out parentMember, out collectionType);
                    if (collectionType != null)
                        if (!CollectionAcceptsType(collectionType, type))
                            ValidationError(SR.UnassignableCollection, type, collectionType.ItemType, collectionType);
                    else if (parentMember != null && !parentMember.IsUnknown &&
                        !type.CanAssignTo(parentMember.Type) && parentMember.DeferringLoader == null)
                        ValidationError(SR.UnassignableObject, type, parentMember.Type, parentMember.Name);
            // Update the NameScope stack
            if (type.IsNameScope && this.xamlStack.Count > 1)
        void ValidateGetObject()
            XamlType type = this.xamlStack.Previous(1).Member.Type;
            if (type.IsNameScope)
        // Check whether a member is set more than once
        bool ValidateSetMember()
            XamlFrame frame = this.xamlStack.Current;
            if (frame != null)
                if (frame.MemberIsSet && !frame.Member.IsUnknown && !frame.Member.IsDirective)
                    ValidationError(SR.MemberCanOnlyBeSetOnce, frame.Member);
                    return false;
                frame.MemberIsSet = true;
            return true;
        bool CollectionAcceptsType(XamlType collectionType, XamlType type)
            return collectionType.IsUnknown ||
                collectionType.AllowedContentTypes == null ||
                collectionType.AllowedContentTypes.Any(contentType => type.CanAssignTo(contentType));
        void ValidateStartMember()
            XamlFrame currentFrame = this.xamlStack.Current;
            XamlMember member = currentFrame.Member;
            // Make sure that the member is known.
            // Don't bother surfacing an error for unknown instance properties or unknown content on 
            // unknown types. It's redundant, since we'll already surface an error for the unknown type.
            if (member == XamlLanguage.UnknownContent)
                if (!currentFrame.Type.IsUnknown)
                    ValidationError(SR.UnknownContent, this.xamlStack.Current.Type);
            else if (member.IsUnknown && (member.IsAttachable || member.IsDirective || !member.DeclaringType.IsUnknown))
                ValidationError(SR.UnresolvedMember, member.Name, member.DeclaringType);
            // Check for duplicate members
            if (currentFrame.PastMembers == null)
                currentFrame.PastMembers = new HashSet<XamlMember>();
            if (currentFrame.PastMembers.Contains(member))
                ValidationError(SR.DuplicateMember, member);
            // Check for misplaced attachable members
            if (member.IsAttachable && !currentFrame.Type.IsUnknown && !currentFrame.Type.CanAssignTo(member.TargetType))
                ValidationError(SR.MemberOnBadTargetType, member.Name, member.TargetType);
            // Update the NameScope stack
            if (member.DeferringLoader != null)
        void ValidateEndMember()
        void ValidateEndObject()
        void ValidateValue(object value)
            XamlType type = this.xamlStack.Current.Type;
            XamlMember member = this.xamlStack.Current.Member;
            string valueString = value as string;
            if (valueString == null || member.IsUnknown || !ValidateSetMember() || IsWhitespace(valueString))
            // Check if this is x:Name or RuntimeNameProperty
            if (member == XamlLanguage.Name || (type != null && member == type.GetAliasedProperty(XamlLanguage.Name)))
                if (!CurrentNameScope.RegisterName(valueString, CurrentFragment))
                    ValidationError(SR.DuplicateName, valueString);
            // Check if this is an x:Reference
            if (type == XamlLanguage.Reference && (member == this.nameOfReference || member == XamlLanguage.PositionalParameters))
                CurrentNameScope.AddNeededName(CurrentFragment, valueString, this.lineNumber, this.linePosition);
            XamlValueConverter<TypeConverter> converter =
                (member == XamlLanguage.Initialization) ? type.TypeConverter : member.TypeConverter;
            if (converter != null && converter.ConverterType == typeof(NameReferenceConverter))
                CurrentNameScope.AddNeededName(CurrentFragment, valueString, this.lineNumber, this.linePosition);
            // Check if text is supported on this member
            if (member == XamlLanguage.Initialization)
                if (!type.IsUnknown && type.TypeConverter == null && !XamlLanguage.String.CanAssignTo(type))
                    ValidationError(SR.NoTypeConverter, type);
            else if (member.IsDirective)
                if (member == XamlLanguage.Items)
                    if (type == null)
                        // Inside a GetObject - get the type from the parent member
                        type = this.xamlStack.Previous(1).Member.Type;
                    if (!CollectionAcceptsType(type, XamlLanguage.String))
                        ValidationError(SR.NoTextInCollection, type);
            else if (member.TypeConverter == null && !XamlLanguage.String.CanAssignTo(member.Type) &&
                (member.DeferringLoader == null || member.DeferringLoader == this.activityLoader))
                ValidationError(SR.NoTextInProperty, XamlLanguage.String, member.Type, member.Name);
        void ValidationError(string message, params object[] arguments)
            ValidationError(message, this.lineNumber, this.linePosition, arguments);
            CurrentFragment.HasError = true;
        void ValidationError(string message, int lineNumber, int linePosition, params object[] arguments)
            // The default ToString implementations can be very clunky, especially for generics.
            // Use our own friendlier versions instead.
            for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
                XamlType type = arguments[i] as XamlType;
                if (type != null)
                    arguments[i] = GetXamlTypeName(type);
                    XamlMember member = arguments[i] as XamlMember;
                    if (member != null)
                        arguments[i] = GetXamlMemberName(member);
            string error = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, message, arguments);
            if (LoadErrors == null)
                LoadErrors = new List<XamlLoadErrorInfo>();
            LoadErrors.Add(new XamlLoadErrorInfo(error, lineNumber, linePosition));
        [SuppressMessage(FxCop.Category.Usage, FxCop.Rule.DoNotIgnoreMethodResults, Justification =
            "StringBuilder.Append just returns the same instance that was called")]
        void ValidationErrorUnknownType(XamlType type)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            string clrns, assembly;
            if (XamlNamespaceHelper.TryParseClrNsUri(type.PreferredXamlNamespace, out clrns, out assembly))
                if (assembly == null)
                    assembly = this.LocalAssemblyName;
                StringBuilder typeName = new StringBuilder();
                AppendShortName(typeName, type);
                ValidationError(SR.UnresolvedTypeInAssembly, typeName, assembly);
                StringBuilder typeName = new StringBuilder();
                AppendShortName(typeName, type);
                ValidationError(SR.UnresolvedTypeInNamespace, typeName, type.PreferredXamlNamespace);
        void DecrementNameScopeDepth()
            if (CurrentNameScope.Depth == 0)
        // Resolves all simple name references in the tree, raising validation errors for any that
        // can't be resolved.
        void CompleteNameReferences()
            foreach (NameScopeFrame nameScope in this.poppedNameScopes)
                if (nameScope.NeededNames == null)
                foreach (NameReference reference in nameScope.NeededNames)
                    XamlFragment target = nameScope.FindName(reference.Name);
                    if (target == null)
                        ValidationError(SR.UnresolvedName, reference.LineNumber, reference.LinePosition, reference.Name);
                        reference.Fragment.HasError = true;
                        if (target.ReferencedBy == null)
                            target.ReferencedBy = new HashSet<XamlFragment>();
        private static string GetFullTypeNameWithoutNamespace(XamlType xamlType)
            string typeName = string.Empty;
            if (xamlType != null)
                typeName = xamlType.Name;
                bool firstTypeArg = true;
                if (xamlType.TypeArguments != null && xamlType.TypeArguments.Count > 0)
                    typeName += "(";
                    foreach (XamlType typeArg in xamlType.TypeArguments)
                        if (!firstTypeArg)
                            typeName += ",";
                            firstTypeArg = false;
                        typeName += typeArg.Name;
                    typeName += ")";
            return typeName;
        class XamlFrame
            public XamlType Type { get; set; }
            public XamlMember Member { get; set; }
            public bool MemberIsSet { get; set; }
            public NamespaceStackNode Namespaces { get; set; }
            public HashSet<XamlMember> PastMembers { get; set; }
        // A stack that is implemented as a list to allow walking up the stack.
        class WalkableStack<T> : List<T> where T : class
            public T Pop()
                T result = this[Count - 1];
                this.RemoveAt(Count - 1);
                return result;
            public T Previous(int index)
                return this[Count - 1 - index];
            public void Push(T frame)
            public T Current
                get { return Count > 0 ? this[Count - 1] : null; }
        // Class to buffer a tree of XAML fragments and write them back out in the correct order.
        class XamlFragment
            private XamlFragment firstChild;
            private XamlFragment nextSibling;
            public XamlFragment(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
                NodeQueue = new XamlNodeQueue(schemaContext);
            public XamlNodeQueue NodeQueue { get; private set; }
            public int ObjectDepth { get; set; }
            public bool HasError { get; set; }
            public NamespaceStackNode Namespaces { get; set; }
            public HashSet<XamlFragment> ReferencedBy { get; set; }
            // Adds a child fragment at the current position of the NodeQueue.
            // We store the fragment as a Value Node, and expand out its contents at Write time.
            // We also store the fragments in a simple tree structure to so we can iterate them quickly.
            public void AddChild(XamlFragment newChild)
                XamlFragment curChild = this.firstChild;
                if (curChild == null)
                    this.firstChild = newChild;
                    while (curChild.nextSibling != null)
                        curChild = curChild.nextSibling;
                    curChild.nextSibling = newChild;
            // Find all references to error fragments and mark the referencing fragments as also errored.
            public static void FindBrokenReferences(XamlFragment rootFragment)
                // By starting from the root of the tree and walking its children, we ensure we traverse
                // each node at least once, and so find every error fragment.
                // Given an error fragment, we want to mark all its children and all its referencing fragments
                // as errors, and process them recursively.
                Queue<XamlFragment> queue = new Queue<XamlFragment>();
                while (queue.Count > 0)
                    if (rootFragment.HasError)
                        // We found an error at the root. We won't be able to load any part of the document,
                        // so skip this redundant processing.
                    XamlFragment current = queue.Dequeue();
                    if (current.HasError)
                        // Mark all this fragment's children as errored, and enqueue them for recursive processing.
                        XamlFragment child = current.firstChild;
                        while (child != null)
                            child.HasError = true;
                            child = child.nextSibling;
                        // Mark all fragments that reference this fragment as errored, and enqueue them for recursive processing.
                        if (current.ReferencedBy != null)
                            foreach (XamlFragment referencingFragment in current.ReferencedBy)
                                referencingFragment.HasError = true;
                        // Clear the links so that we don't traverse them again if there is a cycle.
                        current.firstChild = null;
                        current.ReferencedBy = null;
                        // This fragment is healthy, but we need to check for any errors in its children.
                        // Don't remove the children, we'll need to traverse them if this fragment gets
                        // marked as errored later.
                        XamlFragment child = current.firstChild;
                        while (child != null)
                            child = child.nextSibling;
            // Write this fragment and all its children out to the specified writer.
            public virtual void WriteTo(XamlWriter writer, bool parentHasError)
                // In the constrained designer scenario, we can always assume that there is line info.
                XamlReader nodeReader = NodeQueue.Reader;
                IXamlLineInfo lineInfo = (IXamlLineInfo)nodeReader;
                IXamlLineInfoConsumer lineInfoConsumer = (IXamlLineInfoConsumer)writer;
                int lineNumber = 0;
                int linePosition = 0;
                while (nodeReader.Read())
                    if (lineInfo.LineNumber > 0 &&
                            (lineInfo.LineNumber != lineNumber || lineInfo.LinePosition != linePosition))
                        lineNumber = lineInfo.LineNumber;
                        linePosition = lineInfo.LinePosition;
                        lineInfoConsumer.SetLineInfo(lineNumber, linePosition);
                    XamlFragment child = (nodeReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.Value) ? nodeReader.Value as XamlFragment : null;
                    if (child != null)
                        child.WriteTo(writer, parentHasError || HasError);
        class ActivityFragment : XamlFragment
            public ActivityFragment(XamlSchemaContext schemaContext)
                : base(schemaContext)
            public Type Type { get; set; }
            // We can only construct an ErrorActivity that is assignable to properties of type
            // Activity or Activity<T>, not any of their descendants.
            public static bool IsActivityType(Type type)
                return type == typeof(Activity) ||
                    (type.IsGenericType &&
                    type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Activity<>));
            public override void WriteTo(XamlWriter writer, bool parentHasError)
                if (HasError && !parentHasError)
                    Fx.Assert(this.Type != null && IsActivityType(this.Type), "Cannot create ErrorActivity for non-Activity property");
                    Type errorType;
                    if (this.Type == typeof(Activity))
                        errorType = typeof(ErrorActivity);
                        errorType = typeof(ErrorActivity<>).MakeGenericType(this.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
                    XamlType errorXamlType = writer.SchemaContext.GetXamlType(errorType);
                    XamlNodeList errorNodes = GetErrorNodes();
                    ErrorActivity.WriteNodeList(writer, errorNodes);
                    writer.WriteEndMember(); // </ErrorActivity.ErrorNodeList>
                    writer.WriteEndObject(); // </ErrorActivity>
                    base.WriteTo(writer, parentHasError);
            // Extracts the Error Nodes contents out of the ErrorActivity and writes them to the 
            // specified writer.
            // Expects reader to be positioned on SO ErrorActivity and leaves it on corresponding EO.
            public static void TransformErrorActivityContents(System.Xaml.XamlReader objectReader, XamlWriter writer,
                NamespaceStackNode currentNamespaces)
                XamlMember errorNodesMember = objectReader.Type.GetMember(ErrorActivity.ErrorNodesProperty);
                // Skip past off <ErrorActivity>
                    Fx.Assert(objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartMember, "Expected StartMember");
                    if (objectReader.Member == errorNodesMember)
                        // Skip past <ErrorActivity.ErrorNodes>
                        // Skip past the dummy StartObject & StartMember
                        Fx.Assert(objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject, "Expected StartObject");
                        Fx.Assert(objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartMember, "Expected StartMember");
                        // Strip redundant namespaces
                        while (objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.NamespaceDeclaration)
                            string ns = currentNamespaces.LookupNamespace(objectReader.Namespace.Prefix);
                            if (ns != objectReader.Namespace.Namespace &&
                                !IsIgnorableCompatNamespace(objectReader.Namespace, currentNamespaces))
                        // Pass through the original contents, stripping out any hidden APs added by
                        // the XamlDebuggerXmlReader, since XOR wouldn't write them out.
                        XamlType debuggerReaderType = objectReader.SchemaContext.GetXamlType(typeof(XamlDebuggerXmlReader));
                        Fx.Assert(objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartObject, "Expected StartObject");
                        XamlReader subReader = objectReader.ReadSubtree();
                        while (!subReader.IsEof)
                            if (subReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.StartMember &&
                                subReader.Member.DeclaringType == debuggerReaderType &&
                                subReader.Member.SerializationVisibility == DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)
                        // Close out the dummy StartObject & StartMember
                        Fx.Assert(objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.EndMember, "Expected EndMember");
                        Fx.Assert(objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.EndObject, "Expected EndObject");
                        // Skip past </ErrorActivity.ErrorNodes>
                        Fx.Assert(objectReader.NodeType == XamlNodeType.EndMember, "Expected EndMember");
                        // Skip any APs added by the designer
                        Fx.Assert(objectReader.Member.IsAttachable, "Unexpected member on ErrorActivity");
                while (objectReader.NodeType != XamlNodeType.EndObject); // </ErrorActivity>
            // If the namespace is the markup-compat namespace, we skip writing it out as long as there
            // is an ignorable namespace at the root of the doc; DesignTimeXamlWriter will add it to the
            // root later. We assume that the exact prefix for markup-compat doesn't matter, just whether the
            // namespace is defined.
            static bool IsIgnorableCompatNamespace(NamespaceDeclaration ns, NamespaceStackNode currentNamespaces)
                if (ns.Namespace == NameSpaces.Mc)
                    NamespaceStackNode rootNamespaces = currentNamespaces;
                    while (rootNamespaces.PreviousNode != null)
                        rootNamespaces = rootNamespaces.PreviousNode;
                    foreach (string rootNs in rootNamespaces.Values)
                        if (NameSpaces.ShouldIgnore(rootNs))
                            return true;
                return false;
            XamlNodeList GetErrorNodes()
                XamlNodeList result = new XamlNodeList(NodeQueue.Writer.SchemaContext);
                // Dummy StartObject & StartMember. This is here so that ObjectReader doesn't try
                // to hoist all the namespaces on save, which would cause them to be added as
                // Imports by the VBExpression converter.
                // Write out all namespaces in scope to the NodeList, to ensure that the any type
                // converters that use namespaces/prefixes still work on round trip.
                // (We can strip out the redundant ones on Save.)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> ns in Namespaces.FlattenNamespaces())
                    result.Writer.WriteNamespace(new NamespaceDeclaration(ns.Value, ns.Key));
                // Write out the original contents of this fragment, expanding our children if any.
                base.WriteTo(result.Writer, true);
                // Close the dummy object
                return result;
        class NameScopeFrame
            private Dictionary<string, XamlFragment> declaredNames;
            private List<NameReference> neededNames;
            public NameScopeFrame Parent { get; private set; }
            public int Depth { get; set; }
            public List<NameReference> NeededNames { get { return this.neededNames; } }
            public NameScopeFrame(NameScopeFrame parent)
                Parent = parent;
            public void AddNeededName(XamlFragment fragment, string name, int lineNumber, int linePosition)
                if (this.neededNames == null)
                    this.neededNames = new List<NameReference>();
                this.neededNames.Add(new NameReference
                    Fragment = fragment,
                    Name = name,
                    LineNumber = lineNumber,
                    LinePosition = linePosition
            public XamlFragment FindName(string name)
                NameScopeFrame current = this;
                    XamlFragment result = null;
                    if (current.declaredNames != null && current.declaredNames.TryGetValue(name, out result))
                        return result;
                    current = current.Parent;
                while (current != null);
                return null;
            public bool RegisterName(string name, XamlFragment containingFragment)
                if (this.declaredNames == null)
                    this.declaredNames = new Dictionary<string, XamlFragment>();
                if (this.declaredNames.ContainsKey(name))
                    return false;
                this.declaredNames.Add(name, containingFragment);
                return true;
        class NameReference
            public XamlFragment Fragment { get; set; }
            public string Name { get; set; }
            public int LineNumber { get; set; }
            public int LinePosition { get; set; }
        class NamespaceStackNode : Dictionary<string, string>
            public NamespaceStackNode PreviousNode { get; set; }
            public int ObjectDepth { get; set; }
            public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> FlattenNamespaces()
                // We need to hide not only any shadowed prefixes, but any shadowed namespaces, since
                // XamlXmlWriter doesn't allow declaration of multiple prefixes for the same namespaace
                // at the same scope.
                HashSet<string> prefixes = new HashSet<string>();
                HashSet<string> namespaces = new HashSet<string>();
                NamespaceStackNode current = this;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> pair in current)
                        if (!prefixes.Contains(pair.Key) && !namespaces.Contains(pair.Value))
                            yield return pair;
                    current = current.PreviousNode;
                while (current != null);
            public string LookupNamespace(string prefix)
                NamespaceStackNode current = this;
                    string ns;
                    if (current.TryGetValue(prefix, out ns))
                        return ns;
                    current = current.PreviousNode;
                while (current != null);
                return null;