20 writes to tempRecord
System.Data (20)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataRow.cs (5)
56tempRecord = builder._record; 537tempRecord = -1; 551tempRecord = _table.NewRecord(newRecord); 569_table.FreeRecord(ref tempRecord); 1256tempRecord = _table.NewRecord(newRecord);
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTable.cs (15)
762row.tempRecord = recordIndex; 766row.tempRecord = -1; 2031targetRow.tempRecord = -1; 2083targetRow.tempRecord = proposedRecord; 2554row.tempRecord = -1; 2576row.tempRecord = record; 2648row.tempRecord = -1; 3022row.tempRecord = row.newRecord; 3029row.tempRecord = -1; 3034row.tempRecord = -1; 3870row.tempRecord = proposedRecord; 3879row.tempRecord = -1; 3886row.tempRecord = -1; 4602dataRow.tempRecord = recordNo; 4673dataRow.tempRecord = cacheTempRecord;
60 references to tempRecord
System.Data (60)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataRelation.cs (3)
269if (childRow.tempRecord == -1) 301if (childRow.tempRecord != -1) { 302ChildTable.recordManager.SetKeyValues(childRow.tempRecord, ChildKey, parentKeyValues);
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataRow.cs (22)
320Debug.Assert(-1 != tempRecord, "how no propsed record to cancel?"); 438if (tempRecord == -1) { 463Debug.Assert(-1 != tempRecord, "how no propsed record to cancel?"); 529if (tempRecord != -1) { 530if (tempRecord < _table.recordManager.LastFreeRecord) { 540_table.recordManager.VerifyRecord(tempRecord, this); 552Debug.Assert(-1 != tempRecord, "missing temp record"); 570Debug.Assert(-1 == tempRecord, "unexpected temp record"); 622if (tempRecord != -1) { 625_table.SetNewRecord(this, tempRecord, suppressEnsurePropertyChanged: true); 905if (tempRecord != -1) 906return tempRecord; 924if (tempRecord == -1) 926return tempRecord; 1002return(tempRecord != -1); 1004return(tempRecord != -1 || newRecord != -1); 1134bool immediate = (tempRecord == -1); 1257if (tempRecord != -1) { 1259_table.SetNewRecord(this, tempRecord, suppressEnsurePropertyChanged: true); 1289if (-1 != tempRecord) {//Copy temp record for the row in edit mode. 1291_columns[i].CopyValueIntoStore(tempRecord, storeList[i], (BitArray)nullbitList[i], storeIndex); 1302if (column.DataExpression != null && !inChangingEvent && tempRecord == -1 && newRecord != -1)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTable.cs (22)
658if (-1 != row.tempRecord) { 2030int proposedRecord = targetRow.tempRecord; // by saving off the tempRecord, EndEdit won't free newRecord 2553int record = row.tempRecord; 2601if (row.tempRecord != -1) { 3033row.newRecord = row.tempRecord; 3165c.Init(row.tempRecord); 3854if (row.tempRecord != proposedRecord) { 3985if ((currentRecord != row.tempRecord) && // Delete, AcceptChanges, BeginEdit 4075if ((originalRecord != -1) && (originalRecord != row.tempRecord) && 4601int cacheTempRecord = dataRow.tempRecord; 4654Debug.Assert(dataRow.tempRecord == recordNo, "tempRecord has been changed in event handler"); 4662if (dataRow.tempRecord != recordNo) { 4670recordNo = dataRow.tempRecord; 4677if (dataRow.tempRecord != -1) { 6180if (row.tempRecord != -1) { 6199if (row.tempRecord != -1) { 6218if (tableRow.tempRecord != -1) 6248if (relatedRow.tempRecord != -1) { 6272if (row.tempRecord != -1) { 6273column[row.tempRecord] = aggCurrent; 6287if (row.tempRecord != -1) { 6288column[row.tempRecord] = column.DataExpression.Evaluate(row, DataRowVersion.Proposed);
fx\src\data\System\Data\ForeignKeyConstraint.cs (3)
518if (childKey.RecordsEqual(childRow.tempRecord, parentKeyValuesRecord)) { 530if (childKey.Table == parentKey.Table && childRow.tempRecord != -1) { 535if (0 != column.CompareValueTo(childRow.tempRecord, value)) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\RecordManager.cs (1)
243(record == rows[record].tempRecord), "record of a different row");
fx\src\data\System\Data\Select.cs (2)
512else if (row.tempRecord == record) { 614else if (row.tempRecord == record) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Selection.cs (1)
234else if (row.tempRecord == record) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\UniqueConstraint.cs (1)
239(action == DataRowAction.Rollback && row.tempRecord != -1))) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\XmlDataLoader.cs (2)
440c.Init(row.tempRecord); 1009c[row.tempRecord] = null != foundColumns[i] ? foundColumns[i] : DBNull.Value;
fx\src\data\System\NewXml\XmlDataDocument.cs (3)
1568if (parentRowInTree.tempRecord != -1 && colInParent.CompareValueTo( parentRowInTree.tempRecord, comparedValue ) != 0 ) { 2299c.Init(row.tempRecord);