68 references to Count
System.Data (66)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\DBCommandBuilder.cs (1)
529if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 1) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\DbProviderFactories.cs (1)
177for (int i = 0; (configDataTable != null) && (i < configDataTable.Rows.Count); i++)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\DBSchemaRow.cs (1)
28int count = dataTable.Rows.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataColumn.cs (1)
1371if ((0 <= maxLength) && (null != Table) && (0 < Table.Rows.Count)) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataColumnCollection.cs (1)
406for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataRow.cs (1)
214int count = _table.Rows.Count, i = 0;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataSet.cs (6)
1216bytes += table.Rows.Count * rowBytes; 1268bitMatrix[i] = new TableChanges(Tables[i].Rows.Count); 1286Debug.Assert(bitMatrix[i].HasChanges <= table.Rows.Count, "to many changes"); 1311int rowCount = rows.Count; 1462for (int j = 0; j < table.Rows.Count; j++) { 2204if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTable.cs (19)
627int rowCount = Rows.Count; 804Debug.Assert(Rows.Count > rowIndex); 830Debug.Assert(Rows.Count > rowIndex); 1294for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count; i++) { 2116DataRow[] oldRows = new DataRow[Rows.Count]; 2625bool shouldFireClearEvents = (this.Rows.Count != 0); // if Rows is already empty, this is noop 2840for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count; i++) { 2846if (dtChanges.Rows.Count == 0) 2867for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count; i++) { 2873if (dtChanges.Rows.Count == 0) 2889for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count; i++) { 3584DataRow[] oldRows = new DataRow[Rows.Count]; 4141initialLoad = (Rows.Count == 0); 5589if (this.Rows.Count == 0) { 6207for (int j = 0; j < Rows.Count; j++) { 6214for (int j = 0; j < Rows.Count; j++) 6227for (int j = 0; j < Rows.Count; j++) 6259int count = column.table.Rows.Count; 6325for (int j = 0; j < Rows.Count; j++) { //evaluate for all rows in the table
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTableReader.cs (6)
104hasRows = (currentDataTable.Rows.Count > 0); 158hasRows = (currentDataTable.Rows.Count > 0); 186if (rowCounter >= currentDataTable.Rows.Count -1 ) { 199if (rowCounter == currentDataTable.Rows.Count) { 760if (0 > rowCounter ||currentDataTable.Rows.Count <= rowCounter) { 773if (0 > rowPosition ||currentDataTable.Rows.Count <= rowPosition) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Filter\AggregateNode.cs (1)
159rows = new DataRow[childTable.Rows.Count];
fx\src\data\System\Data\ForeignKeyConstraint.cs (1)
452if (Table.DataSet.EnforceConstraints && Table.Rows.Count > 0) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Merger.cs (3)
173int rowsCount = src.Rows.Count; 174bool wasEmpty = dst.Rows.Count == 0; 254if(0 < dst.Rows.Count && ndxSearch != null) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Odbc\odbcmetadatafactory.cs (2)
193object[] getTypeInfoValues = new object[schemaTable.Rows.Count]; 552if (dataSourceInformationTable.Rows.Count != 1){
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\OleDbCommandBuilder.cs (2)
289if (0 == table.Rows.Count) { 297if (0 == table.Rows.Count) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\OledbConnectionStringbuilder.cs (1)
634System.Collections.Generic.List<string> providerNames = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>(table.Rows.Count);
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\OleDbMetaDataFactory.cs (1)
196if (dataSourceInformationTable.Rows.Count != 1){
fx\src\data\System\Data\ProviderBase\DbMetaDataFactory.cs (1)
323if (dataSourceInfoTable.Rows.Count != 1) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\ProviderBase\SchemaMapping.cs (1)
653bool addPrimaryKeys = (((0 == _dataTable.PrimaryKey.Length) && ((4 <= (int)_loadOption) || (0 == _dataTable.Rows.Count)))
fx\src\data\System\Data\RecordManager.cs (1)
152freeRecordList.Capacity = freeRecordList.Count + table.Rows.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\Select.cs (2)
179int rowsCount = this.table.Rows.Count; 224int rowsCount = this.table.Rows.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\Selection.cs (1)
757append = (table.Rows.IndexOf(row)+1 == table.Rows.Count);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlConnectionStringBuilder.cs (1)
1338string[] serverNames = new string[rows.Count];
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlParameter.cs (2)
1271if (schema.Rows.Count <= 0) { 1275int fieldCount = schema.Rows.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\xmlsaver.cs (6)
2012rows += ((DataTable)tables[i]).Rows.Count ; 2018rows = rc.Count ; 2026if (((DataTable)_tables[i]).Rows.Count > 0) 2086int rowCount = table.Rows.Count; 2097int rowCount = table.Rows.Count; 2471if (_ds.TopLevelTables()[0].Rows.Count == 1)
fx\src\data\System\NewXml\XmlDataDocument.cs (3)
770for (i = 0; i < row.Table.Rows.Count; i++) 776for (i = pos + 1; i < row.Table.Rows.Count; i++) { 782if (i < row.Table.Rows.Count)
System.Data.DataSetExtensions (1)
System\Data\TypedTableBaseExtensions.cs (1)
122if ((index >= 0) && (index < source.Rows.Count))
System.Web (1)
UI\WebControls\ObjectDataSourceView.cs (1)
1163arguments.TotalRowCount = dataTable.Rows.Count;