1 write to records
System.Data (1)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Selection.cs (1)
694records = new IndexTree(this);
48 references to records
System.Data (48)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Selection.cs (48)
189return records[recordIndex]; 194return records.HasDuplicates; 262Debug.Assert(null != records, "null records"); 417int record = records.DeleteByIndex(recordIndex); 434return new IndexTree.RBTreeEnumerator(records, startIndex); 443int index = records.GetIndexByKey(record); 471index = records.GetIndexByKey(record); 498GetUniqueKeyValues(list, records.root); 506int nodeId = records.Search(record); 508return records.GetIndexByNode(nodeId); //always returns the First record index 516return records.GetIndexByNode(nodeId); 524return records.GetIndexByNode(nodeId); 535x = records.root; 540x = records.root; 543c = column.CompareValueTo(records.Key(x), key); 545if (c < 0) { x = records.Left(x); } // < for decsending 546else { x = records.Right(x); } 551c = column.CompareValueTo(records.Key(x), key); 553if (c > 0) { x = records.Left(x); } // > for ascending 554else { x = records.Right(x); } 568x = records.root; 576x = records.root; 578c = CompareRecordToKey(records.Key(x), key); 580if (c > 0) { x = records.Left(x); } 581else { x = records.Right(x); } 589x = records.root; 591x = records.root; 593c = CompareRecords(records.Key(x), record); 595if (c > 0) { x = records.Left(x); } 596else { x = records.Right(x); } 608int x = records.root; 611int c = comparison(key, (TRow)table.recordManager[records.Key(x)]); 613if (c < 0) { x = records.Left(x); } 614else { x = records.Right(x); } 627int recordIndex = records.GetIndexByNode(nodeId); 629if (records.Next (nodeId) == IndexTree.NIL) 632int span = records.SubTreeSize(records.Next(nodeId)); 728records.InsertAt(-1, record, append); 759int nodeId = records.InsertAt(-1, record, append); 767OnListChanged(ListChangedType.ItemAdded, records.GetIndexByNode(nodeId)); 772return records.GetIndexByNode(nodeId); 897records.UpdateNodeKey(oldRecord, newRecord); //change in place, as Both records have same key value 905records.DeleteByIndex(oldRecordIndex); // DeleteByIndex doesn't require searching by key 909records.Insert(newRecord); 943GetUniqueKeyValues(list, records.Left(curNodeId)); 945int record = records.Key(curNodeId); 952GetUniqueKeyValues(list, records.Right(curNodeId));