2 writes to sortIndex
System.Data (2)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataColumn.cs (2)
1051sortIndex = null; 1095sortIndex = table.GetIndex(indexDesc, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows, (IFilter)null);
9 references to sortIndex
System.Data (9)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataColumn.cs (9)
1047if ((null != sortIndex) && (-1 == ordinal)) { 1048Debug.Assert(2 <= sortIndex.RefCount, "bad sortIndex refcount"); 1049sortIndex.RemoveRef(); 1050sortIndex.RemoveRef(); // second should remove it from index collection 1093if (sortIndex == null) { 1096sortIndex.AddRef(); 1098return sortIndex; 1397if (sortIndex != null) { 1398if (sortIndex.IsKeyInIndex(_storage.NullValue)) {// here we do use strong typed NULL for Sql types