2 types derived from DataView
System.Data (1)
fx\src\data\System\Data\RelatedView.cs (1)
13internal sealed class RelatedView : DataView, IFilter {
System.Data.DataSetExtensions (1)
System\Data\LinqDataView.cs (1)
24internal class LinqDataView : DataView, IBindingList, IBindingListView
7 instantiations of DataView
System.Data (3)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTable.cs (1)
1161view = new DataView(this, true);
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataViewManager.cs (1)
342DataView dataView = new DataView(table);
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor.cs (1)
31DataView dataView = new DataView(table);
System.Web (1)
UI\WebControls\FilteredDataSetHelper.cs (1)
26DataView dv = new DataView(table);
System.Web.DataVisualization (1)
Common\General\Chart.cs (1)
647dataSource = new DataView((DataTable)dataSource);
System.Web.Entity.Design (1)
System\Data\WebControls\Design\EntityDesignerDataSourceView.cs (1)
95return DesignTimeData.GetDesignTimeDataSource(DesignTimeData.CreateSampleDataTable(new DataView(schemaTable), true), minimumRows);
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (1)
Common\General\Chart.cs (1)
647dataSource = new DataView((DataTable)dataSource);
76 references to DataView
System.Data (58)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataRowView.cs (12)
15private readonly DataView dataView; 29internal DataRowView(DataView dataView, DataRow row) 56public DataView DataView { 69/// <exception cref="DataException"><see cref="System.Data.DataView.get_AllowEdit"/> when setting a value.</exception> 88/// <exception cref="DataException"><see cref="System.Data.DataView.get_AllowEdit"/> when setting a value.</exception> 127/// in relation to <see cref="System.Data.DataView.get_RowStateFilter"/> 167/// Returns a <see cref="System.Data.DataView"/> 172/// <exception cref="ArgumentException">null or mismatch between <paramref name="relation"/> and <see cref="System.Data.DataView.get_Table"/>.</exception> 173public DataView CreateChildView(DataRelation relation, bool followParent) { 192public DataView CreateChildView(DataRelation relation) { 200public DataView CreateChildView(string relationName, bool followParent) { 204public DataView CreateChildView(string relationName) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTable.cs (7)
41private DataView defaultView = null; 165internal readonly List<DataView> delayedViews = new List<DataView>(); 1153public DataView DefaultView { 1155DataView view = defaultView; 1165view = Interlocked.CompareExchange<DataView>(ref defaultView, view, null); 1902foreach(DataView dv in delayedViews) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataView.cs (20)
116/// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> class.</para> 123/// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> class with the 131/// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> class with the 267/// be added using the <see cref='System.Data.DataView.AddNew'/> 289/// Gets the number of records in the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/>. 307/// Gets the <see cref='System.Data.DataViewManager'/> associated with this <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> . 346/// <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/>. 414/// <para>Gets or sets the row state filter used in the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/>.</para> 503/// Resets the <see cref='System.Data.DataView.Sort'/> property to its default state. 514/// Indicates whether the <see cref='System.Data.DataView.Sort'/> property should be persisted. 678/// Closes the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> 757/// Finds a row in the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> by the specified primary key 772/// Finds a row in the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> by the specified primary key values. 786/// Finds a row in the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> by the specified primary key 796/// Finds a row in the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> by the specified primary key values. 868/// Gets an enumerator for this <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/>. 1045/// Occurs when the list managed by the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/> changes. 1256/// Gets the filter for the <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/>. 1459/// Opens a <see cref='System.Data.DataView'/>. 1745public virtual bool Equals(DataView view) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataViewListener.cs (13)
22/// <summary><see cref="DataView.ObjectID"/></summary> 25internal DataViewListener(DataView dv) { 31DataView dv = (DataView)_dvWeak.Target; 41DataView dv = (DataView)_dvWeak.Target; 51DataView dv = (DataView)_dvWeak.Target; 61/// Maintain the DataView before <see cref="DataView.ListChanged"/> is raised. 64DataView dv = (DataView)_dvWeak.Target; 74DataView dv = (DataView)_dvWeak.Target;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataViewManager.cs (2)
338public DataView CreateDataView(DataTable table) { 342DataView dataView = new DataView(table);
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor.cs (2)
30internal DataView GetDataView(DataTable table) { 31DataView dataView = new DataView(table);
fx\src\data\System\Data\RelatedView.cs (1)
107public override bool Equals( DataView dv) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Selection.cs (1)
System.Data.DataSetExtensions (2)
System\Data\DataTableExtensions.cs (2)
258public static DataView AsDataView(this DataTable table) 271public static DataView AsDataView<T>(this EnumerableRowCollection<T> source) where T : DataRow
System.Web (6)
UI\WebControls\FilteredDataSetHelper.cs (2)
21public static DataView CreateFilteredDataView(DataTable table, string sortExpression, string filterExpression, IDictionary filterParameters) { 26DataView dv = new DataView(table);
UI\WebControls\ObjectDataSourceView.cs (4)
1008DataView dataView = cachedData as DataView; 1134DataView dataView = result.ReturnValue as DataView;
System.Web.DataVisualization (5)
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (2)
1135DataView dataView = dataSource as DataView;
Common\General\Chart.cs (3)
403 dataSource is DataView || 474else if (dataSource is DataView) 476dataTable = ((DataView)dataSource).Table;
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (5)
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (2)
1135DataView dataView = dataSource as DataView;
Common\General\Chart.cs (3)
403 dataSource is DataView || 474else if (dataSource is DataView) 476dataTable = ((DataView)dataSource).Table;