2 writes to FromInference
System.Data (2)
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataSet.cs (2)
2188schema.FromInference = true; 2194schema.FromInference = false; // this is always false if you are not calling fron inference
51 references to FromInference
System.Data (51)
fx\src\data\System\Data\XMLSchema.cs (51)
442if (FromInference && relation.Nested) { 468bool isChoice = this.FromInference && (pt is XmlSchemaChoice);// currently we add this support for choice, just for inference 479if (!FromInference || (((XmlSchemaElement)el).MaxOccurs != Decimal.One && !(((XmlSchemaElement)el).SchemaType is XmlSchemaComplexType))) 514if ((elements.Count == 1) || (this.FromInference && elements.Count > 0)) { //let's see if this element looks like a DataSet 626if (this.FromInference) { 715if (this.FromInference && ds.Tables.Count == 0 && String.Compare(ds.DataSetName, "NewDataSet", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) 778if (this.FromInference && pt is XmlSchemaChoice && pt.MaxOccurs > Decimal.One && (el.SchemaType is XmlSchemaComplexType)) 787if (this.FromInference) { 797if (child == null && this.FromInference && el.Name == table.TableName) { 803if (!this.FromInference || el.Name != table.TableName) {// check is required to support 1.1 inference behavior 823if(this.FromInference && table.UKColumnPositionForInference == -1) { // this is done for Inference 897if (!(ct.BaseXmlSchemaType is XmlSchemaComplexType && this.FromInference)) 915if (ct.BaseXmlSchemaType is XmlSchemaComplexType && this.FromInference) 920if (!this.FromInference) 924if (this.FromInference) 951if (!this.FromInference) 955if (this.FromInference) { 1141if (FromInference && relation.Nested) { 1242if (!FromInference && table!=null) { 1253if (!this.FromInference) { 1273if (!FromInference ||(isSimpleContent && table.Columns.Count == 0 )) {// for inference backward compatability 1277if (this.FromInference) { 1291if (!this.FromInference ||_ds.Tables.GetTable(typeName, _TableUri) == null) { // for inference; special case: add table if doesnot exists in collection 1293if (this.FromInference) { 1349if (!FromInference || (FromInference && table == null)) 1395if (!this.FromInference) 1408if (FromInference) { 1489if (this.FromInference) { 1509if (this.FromInference) 1518if (FromInference && relation.Nested) { 1693if(FromInference && table.XmlText != null) { // backward compatability for inference 1727if (this.FromInference) { 1788if (this.FromInference) { 1813if(this.FromInference && table.XmlText != null) // backward compatability for inference 1825if (this.FromInference) { 1878if(this.FromInference) 1881if (this.FromInference) // move this setting to SetProperties 1954if ((!isBase || FromInference) && (table.Columns.Contains(columnName, true))) { 1958if (FromInference) { // for backward compatability with old inference 2004if (this.FromInference) { // move this setting to SetProperties 2115if (((!isBase) || FromInference) && (table.Columns.Contains(columnName, true))) { 2119if (FromInference) { // for backward compatability with old inference 2158column.AllowDBNull = this.FromInference ||(elem.MinOccurs == 0 ) || elem.IsNillable; 2198if(this.FromInference) {// search for prefix after adding to table, so NS has its final value, and 2263if (this.FromInference) 2277if (!FromInference) { 2300if (FromInference) { 2312if ((((XmlSchemaElement)choiceEl).RefName.Name.Length != 0) && (!FromInference && ((XmlSchemaElement)choiceEl).MaxOccurs != Decimal.One && !(((XmlSchemaElement)choiceEl).SchemaType is XmlSchemaComplexType))) 2316if (FromInference) { 2343if (FromInference && isNewDataSet) {