3 writes to CharsLength
System.Data (3)
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\MemoryRecordBuffer.cs (1)
161_buffer[ordinal].CharsLength = length;
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\SqlRecordBuffer.cs (2)
457CharsLength = length; 474CharsLength = ndataIndex + length;
6 references to CharsLength
System.Data (6)
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\MemoryRecordBuffer.cs (1)
65return _buffer[ordinal].CharsLength;
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\SqlRecordBuffer.cs (5)
230return new String((char[])_object, 0, (int)CharsLength); 403Debug.Assert(ndataIndex + length <= CharsLength, "Invalid fieldOffset or length"); 459if (ndataIndex > CharsLength) { // no gap is allowed 466if (ndataIndex + length > CharsLength) { // beyond the current length 471Array.Copy((char[])_object, 0, data, 0, CharsLength);