3 writes to doc
System.Data (3)
fx\src\data\System\NewXml\DataPointer.cs (3)
23this.doc = doc; 33this.doc = pointer.doc; 85this.doc = pointer.doc;
24 references to doc
System.Data (24)
fx\src\data\System\NewXml\DataPointer.cs (24)
33this.doc = pointer.doc; 43this.doc.AddPointer( (IXmlDataVirtualNode)this ); 58doc.Mapper.GetRegion( this.node, out rowElem ); 83Debug.Assert( node == this.doc || node.OwnerDocument == this.doc ); 85this.doc = pointer.doc; 94Debug.Assert( node == this.doc || node.OwnerDocument == this.doc ); 105Debug.Assert( node == this.doc || node.OwnerDocument == this.doc ); 125if (!doc.IsNotMapped( c ) && (c.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Attribute) == fAttribute && (fNulls || ! Convert.IsDBNull( row[c, rowVersion] ) ) ) 169MoveTo( node, c, doc.IsTextOnly(c) ); 175XmlNode n = doc.SafeFirstChild( node ); 189if (fOnValue && !doc.IsTextOnly(column)) 198XmlNode n = doc.SafeFirstChild( node ); 205XmlNode n = doc.SafeNextSibling( node ); 221if (fOnValue && !doc.IsTextOnly(column)) { 247if (fOnValue || doc.IsTextOnly(column) || column.ColumnMapping != MappingType.Attribute) 348return doc.NameTable.Add(column.EncodedColumnName); 367return doc.NameTable.Add(column.Namespace); 392return doc.NameTable.Add( prefix + ":" + lname ); 530if (doc.IsTextOnly( column )) { 615XmlNode child = doc.SafeFirstChild(doc);