4 writes to right
System.Data (4)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Filter\BinaryNode.cs (3)
28this.right = right; 82right = un.right; 94right = right.Optimize();
fx\src\data\System\Data\Select.cs (1)
135expr.right = temp;
30 references to right
System.Data (30)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Filter\BinaryNode.cs (15)
34right.Bind(table, list); 42return EvalBinaryOp(op, left, right, row, version, null); 46return EvalBinaryOp(op, left, right, null, DataRowVersion.Default, recordNos); 51return(left.IsConstant() && right.IsConstant()); 55return(left.IsTableConstant() && right.IsTableConstant()); 58return(left.HasLocalAggregate() || right.HasLocalAggregate()); 62return(left.HasRemoteAggregate() || right.HasRemoteAggregate()); 68return right.DependsOn(column); 76if (right is UnaryNode) { 77UnaryNode un = (UnaryNode)right; 84if (right is ZeroOpNode) { 85if (((ZeroOpNode)right).op != Operators.Null) { 94right = right.Optimize(); 1229vRight = right.Eval(row, version); 1245if (right.IsConstant())
fx\src\data\System\Data\Select.cs (15)
89if (expr.right is BinaryNode) { 90AnalyzeExpression((BinaryNode)expr.right); 96UnaryNode unaryNode = expr.right as UnaryNode; 116ExpressionNode e = isLeft ? expr.right : expr.left; 122if (expr.left is NameNode && expr.right is ConstNode) { 132if (expr.right is NameNode && expr.left is ConstNode) { 134expr.left = expr.right; 382IsOperatorIn(bnode.right) || 536int rResult = Eval((BinaryNode)expr.right,row,version); 545object vRight = expr.right.Eval(row, version); 547bool isRConst = (expr.right is ConstNode); 551if ((vRight == DBNull.Value)||(expr.right.IsSqlColumn && DataStorage.IsObjectSqlNull(vRight))) 556if ((isRConst)||(!expr.right.IsSqlColumn)) 564if (expr.left.IsSqlColumn || expr.right.IsSqlColumn) { 580((isLConst && !isRConst && (leftType == StorageType.String) && (rightType == StorageType.Guid) && (null != (namedNode = expr.right as NameNode)) && (namedNode.column.DataType == typeof(Guid))) ||