1 write to records
System.Data.SqlXml (1)
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\XsltInput.cs (1)
92records = tmp;
27 references to records
System.Data.SqlXml (27)
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\XsltInput.cs (27)
64public string LocalName { get { return records[currentRecord].localName ;} } 65public string NamespaceUri { get { return records[currentRecord].nsUri ;} } 66public string Prefix { get { return records[currentRecord].prefix ;} } 67public string Value { get { return records[currentRecord].value ;} } 68public string BaseUri { get { return records[currentRecord].baseUri ;} } 69public string QualifiedName { get { return records[currentRecord].QualifiedName ;} } 72public string Uri { get { return records[currentRecord].baseUri ; } } 73public Location Start { get { return records[currentRecord].start ; } } 74public Location End { get { return records[currentRecord].end ; } } 85if (records.Length <= position) { 86int newSize = records.Length * 2; 91Array.Copy(records, tmp, records.Length); 348FillupTextRecord(ref records[curTextNode]); 360FillupCharacterEntityRecord(ref records[curTextNode]); 361if (textIsWhite && !XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(records[curTextNode].value)) { 415FillupRecord(ref records[0]); 417SetRecordEnd(ref records[0]); 431FillupRecord(ref records[0]); 440if (ReadAttribute(ref records[record])) { 447SetRecordEnd(ref records[0]); 510return new DelayedQName(ref records[0]); 622records[0].value = null; 676ReportError(/*[XT0090]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttribute, QualifiedName, records[0].QualifiedName); 680ReportError(/*[XT0090]*/Res.Xslt_InvalidAttribute, QualifiedName, records[0].QualifiedName); 766if (! IsExtensionNamespace(records[0].nsUri)) { 909FillupRecord(ref records[currentRecord]);