3 writes to inFwdDecls
System.Data.SqlXml (3)
System\Xml\Xsl\QIL\QilXmlReader.cs (3)
67this.inFwdDecls = false; 157this.inFwdDecls = true; 225this.inFwdDecls = false;
8 references to inFwdDecls
System.Data.SqlXml (8)
System\Xml\Xsl\QIL\QilXmlReader.cs (8)
235Debug.Assert(!this.inFwdDecls || ann.XmlType != null, "Forward decl for " + r.LocalName + " '" + id + "' must have an xmlType attribute"); 240Debug.Assert(list.Count <= (this.inFwdDecls ? 0 : 1), "Parameter '" + id + "' must have 0 or 1 arguments"); 242if (this.inFwdDecls || list.Count == 0) 249Debug.Assert(list.Count == (this.inFwdDecls ? 0 : 1), "Let '" + id + "' must have 0 or 1 arguments"); 250if (this.inFwdDecls) 262Debug.Assert(list.Count == (this.inFwdDecls ? 2 : 3), "Function '" + id + "' must have 2 or 3 arguments"); 263if (this.inFwdDecls) 274if (this.inFwdDecls) {