17 references to EnumAttrs
System.Data.SqlXml (17)
System\Xml\Xsl\Runtime\XmlQueryOutput.cs (17)
184if (this.xstate == XmlState.EnumAttrs) { 386this.xstate = (rootType == XPathNodeType.Attribute || rootType == XPathNodeType.Namespace) ? XmlState.EnumAttrs : XmlState.WithinContent; 393Debug.Assert(this.xstate == XmlState.EnumAttrs || this.xstate == XmlState.WithinContent, "EndTree cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 414this.xstate = XmlState.EnumAttrs; 429Debug.Assert(this.xstate == XmlState.EnumAttrs, "StartElementContent cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 443Debug.Assert(this.xstate == XmlState.EnumAttrs || this.xstate == XmlState.WithinContent, "WriteEndElement cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 461Debug.Assert(this.xstate == XmlState.EnumAttrs, "WriteStartAttribute cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 480this.xstate = XmlState.EnumAttrs; 493Debug.Assert(this.xstate == XmlState.EnumAttrs, "WriteNamespaceDeclaration cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 523Debug.Assert(this.xstate != XmlState.WithinSequence && this.xstate != XmlState.EnumAttrs, "WriteTextBlock cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 531Debug.Assert(this.xstate != XmlState.WithinSequence && this.xstate != XmlState.EnumAttrs, "WriteTextBlockNoEntities cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 702this.xstate = XmlState.EnumAttrs; 905case XmlState.EnumAttrs: 1152case XmlState.EnumAttrs: 1173this.xstate = XmlState.EnumAttrs; 1176case XmlState.EnumAttrs: 1208case XmlState.EnumAttrs: return XPathNodeType.Element;