12 references to WithinSequence
System.Data.SqlXml (12)
System\Xml\Xsl\Runtime\XmlQueryOutput.cs (12)
66this.xstate = XmlState.WithinSequence; 383Debug.Assert(this.xstate == XmlState.WithinSequence, "StartTree cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 395this.xstate = XmlState.WithinSequence; 523Debug.Assert(this.xstate != XmlState.WithinSequence && this.xstate != XmlState.EnumAttrs, "WriteTextBlock cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 531Debug.Assert(this.xstate != XmlState.WithinSequence && this.xstate != XmlState.EnumAttrs, "WriteTextBlockNoEntities cannot be called in the " + this.xstate + " state."); 545if (this.xstate != XmlState.WithinSequence) 797if (this.xstate == XmlState.WithinSequence) 804Debug.Assert(this.xstate == XmlState.WithinSequence, "Values can only be written at the top-level."); 893case XmlState.WithinSequence: 1063Debug.Assert(this.xstate != XmlState.WithinSequence, "StartCopy should not called if state is WithinSequence"); 1142case XmlState.WithinSequence: 1171case XmlState.WithinSequence: