1 instantiation of Key
System.Data.SqlXml (1)
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\XslAst.cs (1)
446return new Key(name, match, use, xslVer);
15 references to Key
System.Data.SqlXml (15)
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilGenerator.cs (2)
1826foreach (Key key in compiler.Keys[idx]) { 2052private QilNode CompileKeyUse(Key key) {
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilGeneratorEnv.cs (4)
370private QilNode CompileSingleKey(List<Key> defList, QilNode key, IFocus env) { 378foreach (Key keyDef in defList) { 384private QilNode CompileSingleKey(List<Key> defList, QilIterator key, QilIterator context) { 389foreach (Key keyDef in defList) {
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\XslAst.cs (3)
271internal class Keys : KeyedCollection<QilName, List<Key>> { 272protected override QilName GetKeyForItem(List<Key> list) { 445public static Key Key(QilName name, string match, string use, XslVersion xslVer) {
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\XsltLoader.cs (4)
732Key key = (Key)SetInfo(f.Key(keyName, match, use, input.XslVersion), null, ctxInfo); 739List<Key> defList = new List<Key>();
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\XslVisitor.cs (2)
26case XslNodeType.Key : return VisitKey ((Key) node); 61protected virtual T VisitKey (Key node) { return VisitChildren( node ); }