Implemented interface members:
5 overrides of Count
System.Data.SqlXml (5)
System\Xml\Xsl\IlGen\XmlILAnnotation.cs (1)
106public override int Count {
System\Xml\Xsl\QIL\QilXmlWriter.cs (1)
426public override int Count {
System\Xml\Xsl\XmlQueryTypeFactory.cs (3)
646public override int Count { 897public override int Count { 1078public override int Count {
22 references to Count
System.Data.SqlXml (22)
System\Xml\Xsl\ListBase.cs (6)
38for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 46for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 63Insert(Count, value); 84for (int index = Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 110for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 129return Count - 1;
System\Xml\Xsl\XmlQueryType.cs (15)
145if (thisPrime.Count == 1 && basePrime.Count == 1) 179if (Count == 0) 211if (thisPrime.Count != thatPrime.Count) 215if (thisPrime.Count == 1) { 408for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { 430switch (Count) { 440sa = new string[Count]; 441for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 484Debug.Assert(Count == 1 && IsSingleton, "This method should only be called for item types."); 485Debug.Assert(baseType.Count == 1 && baseType.IsSingleton, "This method should only be called for item types."); 521Debug.Assert(this.Count == 1 && this.IsSingleton, "this should be an item"); 522Debug.Assert(other.Count == 1 && other.IsSingleton, "other should be an item"); 551Debug.Assert(Count == 1, "Do not pass a Union type to this method.");
System\Xml\Xsl\XmlQueryTypeFactory.cs (1)
1079get { return; }