// <copyright file="SyndicationSerializer.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <summary>
// Provides a serializer that creates syndication objects and
// then formatts them.
// </summary>
// @owner Microsoft
namespace System.Data.Services.Serializers
#region Namespaces.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Services.Common;
using System.Data.Services.Providers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
#endregion Namespaces.
/// <summary>Serializes results into System.ServiceModel.Syndication objects, which can then be formatted.</summary>
internal sealed class SyndicationSerializer : Serializer
#region Fields.
/// <summary>Namespace-qualified attribute for null value annotations.</summary>
internal static readonly XmlQualifiedName QualifiedNullAttribute = new XmlQualifiedName(XmlConstants.AtomNullAttributeName, XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace);
/// <summary>Empty person singleton.</summary>
private static readonly SyndicationPerson EmptyPerson = new SyndicationPerson(null, String.Empty, null);
/// <summary>Namespace-qualified namespace prefix for the DataWeb namespace.</summary>
private static readonly XmlQualifiedName QualifiedDataWebPrefix = new XmlQualifiedName(XmlConstants.DataWebNamespacePrefix, XmlConstants.XmlNamespacesNamespace);
/// <summary>Namespace-qualified namespace prefix for the DataWebMetadata namespace.</summary>
private static readonly XmlQualifiedName QualifiedDataWebMetadataPrefix = new XmlQualifiedName(XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespacePrefix, XmlConstants.XmlNamespacesNamespace);
/// <summary>Factory for syndication formatter implementation.</summary>
private readonly SyndicationFormatterFactory factory;
/// <summary>Last updated time for <see cref="SyndicationItem"/> elements.</summary>
/// <remarks>
/// While this is currently an arbitrary decision, it at least saves us from re-querying the system time
/// every time an item is generated.
/// </remarks>
private readonly DateTimeOffset lastUpdatedTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
/// <summary>Writer to which output is sent.</summary>
private readonly XmlWriter writer;
/// <summary>Top-level feed being built.</summary>
private SyndicationFeed resultFeed;
/// <summary>Top-level item being built.</summary>
private SyndicationItem resultItem;
#endregion Fields.
/// <summary>Initializes a new SyndicationSerializer instance.</summary>
/// <param name="requestDescription">Request description.</param>
/// <param name="absoluteServiceUri">Absolute URI to the service entry point.</param>
/// <param name="service">Service with configuration and provider from which metadata should be gathered.</param>
/// <param name="output">Stream to write to.</param>
/// <param name="encoding">Encoding for text in output stream.</param>
/// <param name="etag">HTTP ETag header value.</param>
/// <param name="factory">Factory for formatter objects.</param>
internal SyndicationSerializer(
RequestDescription requestDescription,
Uri absoluteServiceUri,
IDataService service,
Stream output,
Encoding encoding,
string etag,
SyndicationFormatterFactory factory)
: base(requestDescription, absoluteServiceUri, service, etag)
Debug.Assert(service != null, "service != null");
Debug.Assert(output != null, "output != null");
Debug.Assert(encoding != null, "encoding != null");
Debug.Assert(factory != null, "factory != null");
this.factory = factory;
this.writer = factory.CreateWriter(output, encoding);
/// <summary>Serializes exception information.</summary>
/// <param name="args">Description of exception to serialize.</param>
public override void WriteException(HandleExceptionArgs args)
ErrorHandler.SerializeXmlError(args, this.writer);
/// <summary>Writes a primitive value to the specified output.</summary>
/// <param name="primitive">Primitive value to write.</param>
/// <param name="propertyName">name of the property whose value needs to be written</param>
/// <param name="expectedTypeName">Type name of the property</param>
/// <param name="content">Content dictionary to which the value should be written.</param>
internal static void WritePrimitiveValue(object primitive, string propertyName, string expectedTypeName, DictionaryContent content)
Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName), "!String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)");
Debug.Assert(expectedTypeName != null, "expectedTypeName != null");
if (primitive == null)
content.AddNull(expectedTypeName, propertyName);
string primitiveString = PlainXmlSerializer.PrimitiveToString(primitive);
Debug.Assert(primitiveString != null, "primitiveString != null");
content.Add(propertyName, expectedTypeName, primitiveString);
/// <summary>Writes an Atom link element.</summary>
/// <param name="linkRelation">relation of the link element with the parent element</param>
/// <param name="title">title of the deferred element</param>
/// <param name="href">uri for the deferred element</param>
/// <param name="linkType">link type for the deferred element</param>
/// <param name="item">Item to write link in.</param>
internal static void WriteDeferredContentElement(string linkRelation, string title, string href, string linkType, SyndicationItem item)
Debug.Assert(linkRelation != null, "linkRelation != null");
Debug.Assert(item != null, "item != null");
Debug.Assert(linkType != null, "linkType != null");
SyndicationLink link = new SyndicationLink();
link.RelationshipType = linkRelation;
link.Title = title;
link.Uri = new Uri(href, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
link.MediaType = linkType;
/// <summary>Flushes the writer to the underlying stream.</summary>
protected override void Flush()
/// <summary>Writes a single top-level element.</summary>
/// <param name="expanded">Expanded properties for the result.</param>
/// <param name="element">Element to write, possibly null.</param>
protected override void WriteTopLevelElement(IExpandedResult expanded, object element)
Debug.Assert(this.RequestDescription.IsSingleResult, "this.RequestDescription.SingleResult");
Debug.Assert(element != null, "element != null");
this.resultItem = new SyndicationItem();
this.resultItem.BaseUri = this.AbsoluteServiceUri;
if (this.RequestDescription.TargetSource == RequestTargetSource.EntitySet ||
this.RequestDescription.TargetSource == RequestTargetSource.ServiceOperation)
bool needPop = this.PushSegmentForRoot();
this.RequestDescription.TargetSource == RequestTargetSource.Property,
"TargetSource(" + this.RequestDescription.TargetSource + ") == Property -- otherwise control shouldn't be here.");
ResourceType resourcePropertyType;
if (this.RequestDescription.TargetKind == RequestTargetKind.OpenProperty)
resourcePropertyType = (element == null) ? ResourceType.PrimitiveStringResourceType : WebUtil.GetResourceType(this.Provider, element);
if (resourcePropertyType == null)
Type propertyType = element == null ? typeof(string) : element.GetType();
throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.Serializer_UnsupportedTopLevelType(propertyType));
Debug.Assert(this.RequestDescription.Property != null, "this.RequestDescription.Property - otherwise Property source set with no Property specified.");
ResourceProperty property = this.RequestDescription.Property;
resourcePropertyType = property.ResourceType;
resourcePropertyType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType,
"Open ResourceTypeKind == EnityType -- temporarily, because ATOM is the only implemented syndication serializer and doesn't support it.");
bool needPop = this.PushSegmentForRoot();
expanded, // expanded
element, // element
resourcePropertyType, // expectedType
this.RequestDescription.ResultUri, // absoluteUri
this.RequestDescription.ContainerName, // relativeUri
this.resultItem); // target
// Since the element is not equal to null, the factory should never return null
SyndicationItemFormatter formatter = this.factory.CreateSyndicationItemFormatter(this.resultItem);
/// <summary>Writes multiple top-level elements, possibly none.</summary>
/// <param name="expanded">Expanded properties for the result.</param>
/// <param name="elements">Enumerator for elements to write.</param>
/// <param name="hasMoved">Whether <paramref name="elements"/> was succesfully advanced to the first element.</param>
protected override void WriteTopLevelElements(IExpandedResult expanded, IEnumerator elements, bool hasMoved)
Debug.Assert(elements != null, "elements != null");
Debug.Assert(!this.RequestDescription.IsSingleResult, "!this.RequestDescription.SingleResult");
string title;
if (this.RequestDescription.TargetKind != RequestTargetKind.OpenProperty &&
this.RequestDescription.TargetSource == RequestTargetSource.Property)
title = this.RequestDescription.Property.Name;
title = this.RequestDescription.ContainerName;
this.resultFeed = new SyndicationFeed();
this.resultFeed.BaseUri = RequestUriProcessor.AppendEscapedSegment(this.AbsoluteServiceUri, "");
string relativeUri = this.RequestDescription.LastSegmentInfo.Identifier;
// support for $count
if (this.RequestDescription.CountOption == RequestQueryCountOption.Inline)
bool needPop = this.PushSegmentForRoot();
title, // title
this.RequestDescription.ResultUri, // absoluteUri
relativeUri, // relativeUri
hasMoved, // hasMoved
this.resultFeed, // feed
SyndicationFeedFormatter formatter = this.factory.CreateSyndicationFeedFormatter(this.resultFeed);
/// <summary>
/// Write out the entry count
/// </summary>
protected override void WriteRowCount()
XElement rowCountElement = new XElement(
XName.Get(XmlConstants.RowCountElement, XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace),
/// <summary>
/// Write out the uri for the given element
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">element whose uri needs to be written out.</param>
protected override void WriteLink(object element)
throw Error.NotImplemented();
/// <summary>
/// Write out the uri for the given elements
/// </summary>
/// <param name="elements">elements whose uri need to be writtne out</param>
/// <param name="hasMoved">the current state of the enumerator.</param>
protected override void WriteLinkCollection(IEnumerator elements, bool hasMoved)
throw Error.NotImplemented();
/// <summary>Ensures that common namespaces are included in the topmost tag.</summary>
/// <param name='attributeExtensions'>Attribute extensions to write namespaces to.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method should be called by any method that may write a
/// topmost element tag.
/// </remarks>
private static void IncludeCommonNamespaces(Dictionary<XmlQualifiedName, string> attributeExtensions)
attributeExtensions.Add(QualifiedDataWebPrefix, XmlConstants.DataWebNamespace);
attributeExtensions.Add(QualifiedDataWebMetadataPrefix, XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace);
/// <summary>Sets the type name for the specified syndication entry.</summary>
/// <param name="item">Item on which to set the type name.</param>
/// <param name="fullName">Full type name for the entry.</param>
private static void SetEntryTypeName(SyndicationItem item, string fullName)
Debug.Assert(item != null, "item != null");
item.Categories.Add(new SyndicationCategory(fullName, XmlConstants.DataWebSchemeNamespace, null));
/// <summary>
/// Write the link relation element
/// </summary>
/// <param name="title">title for the current element</param>
/// <param name="linkRelation">link relation for the self uri</param>
/// <param name="relativeUri">relative uri for the current element</param>
/// <param name="item">Item to write to.</param>
/// <param name="attributeExtensions">List of custom attributes to add to the link element</param>
private static void WriteLinkRelations(string title, string linkRelation, string relativeUri, SyndicationItem item, params KeyValuePair<XmlQualifiedName, string>[] attributeExtensions)
Debug.Assert(item != null, "item != null");
Debug.Assert(relativeUri != null, "relativeUri != null");
// Write the link relation element
var link = new SyndicationLink();
link.RelationshipType = linkRelation;
link.Title = title;
link.Uri = new Uri(relativeUri, UriKind.Relative);
foreach (KeyValuePair<XmlQualifiedName, string> attributeExtension in attributeExtensions)
link.AttributeExtensions.Add(attributeExtension.Key, attributeExtension.Value);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a particular property value should be skipped from the content section due to
/// EntityProperty mappings for friendly feeds
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentSourceRoot">Current root segment in the source tree for a resource type</param>
/// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property being checked for</param>
/// <returns>true if skipping of property value is needed, false otherwise</returns>
private static bool EpmNeedToSkip(EpmSourcePathSegment currentSourceRoot, String propertyName)
if (currentSourceRoot != null)
EpmSourcePathSegment epmProperty = currentSourceRoot.SubProperties.Find(subProp => subProp.PropertyName == propertyName);
if (epmProperty != null)
Debug.Assert(epmProperty.SubProperties.Count == 0, "Complex type added as leaf node in EPM tree.");
Debug.Assert(epmProperty.EpmInfo != null, "Found a non-leaf property for which EpmInfo is not set.");
Debug.Assert(epmProperty.EpmInfo.Attribute != null, "Attribute should always be initialized for EpmInfo.");
if (epmProperty.EpmInfo.Attribute.KeepInContent == false)
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Obtains the child EPM segment corresponding to the given <paramref name="propertyName"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="currentSourceRoot">Current root segment</param>
/// <param name="propertyName">Name of property</param>
/// <returns>Child segment or null if there is not segment corresponding to the given <paramref name="propertyName"/></returns>
private static EpmSourcePathSegment EpmGetComplexPropertySegment(EpmSourcePathSegment currentSourceRoot, String propertyName)
if (currentSourceRoot != null)
return currentSourceRoot.SubProperties.Find(subProp => subProp.PropertyName == propertyName);
return null;
/// <summary>Writes the value of a complex object.</summary>
/// <param name="element">Element to write.</param>
/// <param name="propertyName">name of the property whose value needs to be written</param>
/// <param name="expectedType">expected type of the property</param>
/// <param name="relativeUri">relative uri for the complex type element</param>
/// <param name="content">Content to write to.</param>
/// <param name="currentSourceRoot">Epm source sub-tree corresponding to <paramref name="element"/></param>
private void WriteComplexObjectValue(object element, string propertyName, ResourceType expectedType, string relativeUri, DictionaryContent content, EpmSourcePathSegment currentSourceRoot)
Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName), "!String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName)");
Debug.Assert(expectedType != null, "expectedType != null");
Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeUri), "!String.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeUri)");
Debug.Assert(expectedType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.ComplexType, "Must be complex type");
Debug.Assert(content != null, "content != null");
// Non-value complex types may form a cycle.
// PERF: we can keep a single element around and save the HashSet initialization
// until we find a second complex type - this saves the allocation on trees
// with shallow (single-level) complex types.
Debug.Assert(!expectedType.IsMediaLinkEntry, "!expectedType.IsMediaLinkEntry");
DictionaryContent valueProperties = new DictionaryContent(expectedType.Properties.Count);
Debug.Assert(!expectedType.InstanceType.IsValueType, "!expectedType.Type.IsValueType -- checked in the resource type constructor.");
if (element == null)
content.AddNull(expectedType.FullName, propertyName);
if (this.AddToComplexTypeCollection(element))
ResourceType resourceType = WebUtil.GetNonPrimitiveResourceType(this.Provider, element);
this.WriteObjectProperties(null, element, resourceType, null, relativeUri, null, valueProperties, currentSourceRoot);
if (!valueProperties.IsEmpty)
content.Add(propertyName, resourceType.FullName, valueProperties);
throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.Serializer_LoopsNotAllowedInComplexTypes(propertyName));
/// <summary>Write the entry element.</summary>
/// <param name="expanded">Expanded result provider for the specified <paramref name="element"/>.</param>
/// <param name="element">element representing the entry element</param>
/// <param name="expectedType">expected type of the entry element</param>
/// <param name="absoluteUri">absolute uri for the entry element</param>
/// <param name="relativeUri">relative uri for the entry element</param>
/// <param name="target">Target to write to.</param>
private void WriteEntryElement(IExpandedResult expanded, object element, ResourceType expectedType, Uri absoluteUri, string relativeUri, SyndicationItem target)
Debug.Assert(element != null || (absoluteUri != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeUri)), "Uri's must be specified for null values");
Debug.Assert(target != null, "target != null");
string title, fullName;
if (expectedType == null)
// If the request uri is targetting some open type properties, then we don't know the type of the resource
// Hence we assume it to be of object type. The reason we do this is that if the value is null, there is
// no way to know what the type of the property would be, and then we write it out as object. If the value
// is not null, then we do get the resource type from the instance and write out the actual resource type.
title = typeof(object).Name;
fullName = typeof(object).FullName;
title = expectedType.Name;
fullName = expectedType.FullName;
target.Title = new TextSyndicationContent(String.Empty);
if (element == null)
SetEntryTypeName(target, fullName);
target.AttributeExtensions[QualifiedNullAttribute] = XmlConstants.XmlTrueLiteral;
// Don't know when we hit this code path, keeping existing behaviour in this case
absoluteUri = Serializer.GetUri(element, this.Provider, this.CurrentContainer, this.AbsoluteServiceUri);
Debug.Assert(absoluteUri.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(this.AbsoluteServiceUri.AbsoluteUri, StringComparison.Ordinal), "absoluteUri.AbsoluteUri.StartsWith(this.AbsoluteServiceUri.AbsoluteUri, StringComparison.Ordinal))");
relativeUri = absoluteUri.AbsoluteUri.Substring(this.AbsoluteServiceUri.AbsoluteUri.Length);
ResourceType actualResourceType = WebUtil.GetNonPrimitiveResourceType(this.Provider, element);
string mediaETag = null;
Uri readStreamUri = null;
string mediaContentType = null;
if (actualResourceType.IsMediaLinkEntry)
this.Service.StreamProvider.GetStreamDescription(element, this.Service.OperationContext, relativeUri, out mediaETag, out readStreamUri, out mediaContentType);
SetEntryTypeName(target, actualResourceType.FullName);
// Write the etag property, if the type has etag properties
string etag = this.GetETagValue(element);
if (etag != null)
target.AttributeExtensions[new XmlQualifiedName(XmlConstants.AtomETagAttributeName, XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace)]
= etag;
DictionaryContent content = new DictionaryContent(actualResourceType.Properties.Count);
using (EpmContentSerializer epmSerializer = new EpmContentSerializer(actualResourceType, element, target, this.Provider))
this.WriteObjectProperties(expanded, element, actualResourceType, absoluteUri, relativeUri, target, content, actualResourceType.HasEntityPropertyMappings ? actualResourceType.EpmSourceTree.Root : null);
epmSerializer.Serialize(content, this.Provider);
if (actualResourceType.IsMediaLinkEntry)
// Write <content type="..." src="..." />
Debug.Assert(readStreamUri != null, "readStreamUri != null");
Debug.Assert(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaContentType), "!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaContentType)");
target.Content = new UrlSyndicationContent(readStreamUri, mediaContentType);
if (!content.IsEmpty)
// Since UrlSyndicationContent must have empty content, we write the <m:property /> node as SyndicationElementExtension.
target.Content = content;
this.Service.InternalOnWriteItem(target, element);
/// <summary>
/// Writes the feed element for the atom payload
/// </summary>
/// <param name="expanded">Expanded properties for the result.</param>
/// <param name="elements">collection of entries in the feed element</param>
/// <param name="expectedType">expectedType of the elements in the collection</param>
/// <param name="title">title of the feed element</param>
/// <param name="absoluteUri">absolute uri representing the feed element</param>
/// <param name="relativeUri">relative uri representing the feed element</param>
/// <param name="hasMoved">whether the enumerator has successfully moved to the first element</param>
/// <param name='feed'>Feed to write to.</param>
/// <param name="disposeElementsOnSuccess">If set to true the function should dispose the elements enumerator when it's done
/// with it. Not in the case this method fails though.</param>
private void WriteFeedElements(
IExpandedResult expanded,
IEnumerator elements,
ResourceType expectedType,
string title,
Uri absoluteUri,
string relativeUri,
bool hasMoved,
SyndicationFeed feed,
bool disposeElementsOnSuccess)
Debug.Assert(feed != null, "feed != null");
// Write the other elements for the feed
feed.Id = absoluteUri.AbsoluteUri;
feed.Title = new TextSyndicationContent(title);
var uri = new Uri(relativeUri, UriKind.Relative);
var link = new SyndicationLink(uri, XmlConstants.AtomSelfRelationAttributeValue, title, null, 0L);
if (!hasMoved)
// ATOM specification: if a feed contains no entries, then the feed should have at least one Author tag
// Instead of looping, create an item that will defer the production of SyndicationItem instances.
// PERF: consider optimizing out empty collections when hasMoved is false.
feed.Items = this.DeferredFeedItems(
(o, e) => this.WriteNextPageLink(o, e, absoluteUri),
/// <summary>
/// Writes the next page link to the current xml writer corresponding to the feed
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lastElement">Object that will contain the keys for skip token</param>
/// <param name="expandedResult">The <see cref="IExpandedResult"/> of the $skiptoken property of the object being written</param>
/// <param name="absoluteUri">Absolute URI for the result</param>
private void WriteNextPageLink(object lastElement, IExpandedResult expandedResult, Uri absoluteUri)
this.writer.WriteStartElement("link", XmlConstants.AtomNamespace);
this.writer.WriteAttributeString("rel", "next");
this.writer.WriteAttributeString("href", this.GetNextLinkUri(lastElement, expandedResult, absoluteUri));
/// <summary>Provides an enumeration of deferred feed items.</summary>
/// <param name="expanded">Expanded properties for the result.</param>
/// <param name="elements">Elements to enumerate.</param>
/// <param name="expectedType">Expected type of elements.</param>
/// <param name="hasMoved">Whether the enumerator moved to the first element.</param>
/// <param name="activeSegmentNames">The segment names active at this point in serialization.</param>
/// <param name="nextPageLinkWriter">Delegate that writes the next page link if necessity arises</param>
/// <param name="disposeElements">If set to true the function should dispose the elements enumerator (always).</param>
/// <returns>An object that can enumerate syndication items.</returns>
private IEnumerable<SyndicationItem> DeferredFeedItems(
IExpandedResult expanded,
IEnumerator elements,
ResourceType expectedType,
bool hasMoved,
object activeSegmentNames,
Action<object, IExpandedResult> nextPageLinkWriter,
bool disposeElements)
object savedSegmentNames = this.SaveSegmentNames();
object lastObject = null;
IExpandedResult lastExpandedSkipToken = null;
while (hasMoved)
object o = elements.Current;
IExpandedResult skipToken = this.GetSkipToken(expanded);
if (o != null)
SyndicationItem target = new SyndicationItem();
IExpandedResult expandedO = o as IExpandedResult;
if (expandedO != null)
expanded = expandedO;
o = GetExpandedElement(expanded);
skipToken = this.GetSkipToken(expanded);
this.WriteEntryElement(expanded, o, expectedType, null, null, target);
yield return target;
hasMoved = elements.MoveNext();
lastObject = o;
lastExpandedSkipToken = skipToken;
// After looping through the objects in the sequence, decide if we need to write the next
// page link and if yes, write it by invoking the delegate
if (this.NeedNextPageLink(elements))
nextPageLinkWriter(lastObject, lastExpandedSkipToken);
if (disposeElements)
/// <summary>
/// Write entry/feed elements, except the content element and related links
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element">entity instance being serialized</param>
/// <param name="type">resource type of the entry element</param>
/// <param name="title">title for the current element</param>
/// <param name="absoluteUri">absolute uri for the current element</param>
/// <param name="relativeUri">relative uri for the current element</param>
/// <param name="mediaETag">entity tag for the Media Resource</param>
/// <param name="item">Item to write to.</param>
private void WriteOtherElements(object element, ResourceType type, string title, Uri absoluteUri, string relativeUri, string mediaETag, SyndicationItem item)
Debug.Assert(item != null, "item != null");
Debug.Assert(absoluteUri != null, "absoluteUri != null");
Debug.Assert(relativeUri != null, "relativeUri != null");
// Write Id element
item.Id = absoluteUri.AbsoluteUri;
// Write Updated element
item.LastUpdatedTime = this.lastUpdatedTime;
// Write "edit-media" link
if (type != null && type.IsMediaLinkEntry)
KeyValuePair<XmlQualifiedName, string>[] attributeExtensions = new KeyValuePair<XmlQualifiedName, string>[0];
if (element != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mediaETag))
XmlQualifiedName mediaResourceETagKey = new XmlQualifiedName(XmlConstants.AtomETagAttributeName, XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace);
attributeExtensions = new KeyValuePair<XmlQualifiedName, string>[] { new KeyValuePair<XmlQualifiedName, string>(mediaResourceETagKey, mediaETag) };
// Write "edit" link
/// <summary>Writes all the properties of the specified resource or complex object.</summary>
/// <param name="expanded">Expanded properties for the result.</param>
/// <param name="customObject">Resource or complex object with properties to write out.</param>
/// <param name="resourceType">resourceType containing metadata about the current custom object</param>
/// <param name="absoluteUri">absolute uri for the given resource</param>
/// <param name="relativeUri">relative uri for the given resource</param>
/// <param name="item">Item in which to place links / expansions.</param>
/// <param name="content">Content in which to place values.</param>
/// <param name="currentSourceRoot">Epm source sub-tree corresponding to <paramref name="customObject"/></param>
private void WriteObjectProperties(IExpandedResult expanded, object customObject, ResourceType resourceType, Uri absoluteUri, string relativeUri, SyndicationItem item, DictionaryContent content, EpmSourcePathSegment currentSourceRoot)
Debug.Assert(customObject != null, "customObject != null");
Debug.Assert(resourceType != null, "resourceType != null");
Debug.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeUri), "!String.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeUri)");
if (absoluteUri == null && resourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
// entity type should have an URI, complex type should not have an URI
// If the static type of the object is "Object", we will mistreat an entity type as complex type and hit this situation
throw new DataServiceException(500, Strings.BadProvider_InconsistentEntityOrComplexTypeUsage(resourceType.Name));
List<ResourcePropertyInfo> navProperties = null;
IEnumerable<ProjectionNode> projectionNodes = null;
if (resourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
Debug.Assert(this.CurrentContainer != null, "this.CurrentContainer != null");
if (this.Provider.IsEntityTypeDisallowedForSet(this.CurrentContainer, resourceType))
throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.BaseServiceProvider_NavigationPropertiesOnDerivedEntityTypesNotSupported(resourceType.FullName, this.CurrentContainer.Name));
navProperties = new List<ResourcePropertyInfo>(resourceType.Properties.Count);
projectionNodes = this.GetProjections();
if (projectionNodes == null)
var action = resourceType.DictionarySerializerDelegate;
if (action == null && this.Provider.IsV1Provider)
Module module = typeof(SyndicationSerializer).Module;
Type customObjectType = customObject.GetType();
Type[] parameterTypes = new Type[] { typeof(object), typeof(DictionaryContent) };
DynamicMethod method = new DynamicMethod("content_populator", typeof(void), parameterTypes, module, false /* skipVisibility */);
ILGenerator generator = method.GetILGenerator();
MethodInfo methodWritePrimitiveValue = typeof(SyndicationSerializer).GetMethod("WritePrimitiveValue", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
// Downcast the argument.
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, customObjectType);
foreach (ResourceProperty property in resourceType.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.Primitive))
if (SyndicationSerializer.EpmNeedToSkip(currentSourceRoot, property.Name))
// WritePrimitiveValue(propertyValue, property.Name, property.ResourceType, content);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, resourceType.GetPropertyInfo(property).GetGetMethod());
if (property.Type.IsValueType)
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Box, property.Type);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.Name);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, property.ResourceType.FullName);
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methodWritePrimitiveValue);
action = (Action<object, DictionaryContent>)method.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action<object, DictionaryContent>), null);
resourceType.DictionarySerializerDelegate = action;
if (action != null)
action(customObject, content);
foreach (ResourceProperty property in resourceType.Properties.Where(p => p.TypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.Primitive))
object propertyValue = WebUtil.GetPropertyValue(this.Provider, customObject, resourceType, property, null);
if (SyndicationSerializer.EpmNeedToSkip(currentSourceRoot, property.Name))
WritePrimitiveValue(propertyValue, property.Name, property.ResourceType.FullName, content);
foreach (ResourceProperty property in this.Provider.GetResourceProperties(this.CurrentContainer, resourceType))
string propertyName = property.Name;
if (property.TypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
Debug.Assert(navProperties != null, "navProperties list must be assigned for entity types");
object propertyValue =
(this.ShouldExpandSegment(property.Name)) ? GetExpandedProperty(this.Provider, expanded, customObject, property) : null;
navProperties.Add(new ResourcePropertyInfo(property, propertyValue));
if (property.TypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.ComplexType)
object propertyValue = WebUtil.GetPropertyValue(this.Provider, customObject, resourceType, property, null);
bool needPop = this.PushSegmentForProperty(property);
relativeUri + "/" + property.Name,
SyndicationSerializer.EpmGetComplexPropertySegment(currentSourceRoot, property.Name));
if (resourceType.IsOpenType)
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> properties = this.Provider.GetOpenPropertyValues(customObject);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> property in properties)
string propertyName = property.Key;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
throw new DataServiceException(500, Strings.Syndication_InvalidOpenPropertyName(resourceType.FullName));
Type valueType;
ResourceType propertyResourceType;
object value = property.Value;
if (value == null || value == DBNull.Value)
valueType = typeof(string);
propertyResourceType = ResourceType.PrimitiveStringResourceType;
valueType = value.GetType();
propertyResourceType = WebUtil.GetResourceType(this.Provider, value);
// A null ResourceType indicates a ----ed type (eg, IntPtr or DateTimeOffset). So ignore it.
if (propertyResourceType == null)
throw new DataServiceException(500, Strings.Syndication_InvalidOpenPropertyType(propertyName));
if (propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.Primitive)
if (value != null && SyndicationSerializer.EpmNeedToSkip(currentSourceRoot, propertyName))
WritePrimitiveValue(value, propertyName, propertyResourceType.FullName, content);
if (propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.ComplexType)
Debug.Assert(propertyResourceType.InstanceType == valueType, "propertyResourceType.Type == valueType");
relativeUri + "/" + propertyName,
SyndicationSerializer.EpmGetComplexPropertySegment(currentSourceRoot, propertyName));
propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType,
"propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType -- otherwise should have been processed as primitve or complex type.");
// Open navigation properties are not supported on OpenTypes
throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.OpenNavigationPropertiesNotSupportedOnOpenTypes(propertyName));
foreach (ProjectionNode projectionNode in projectionNodes)
string propertyName = projectionNode.PropertyName;
ResourceProperty property = resourceType.TryResolvePropertyName(propertyName);
// First solve the normal entity type property - turn it into a nav. property record
if (property != null && property.TypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
Debug.Assert(navProperties != null, "navProperties list must be assigned for entity types");
// By calling the GetResourceProperties we will use the cached list of properties
// for the given type and set. But we have to search through it.
// We could use the GetContainer (since that's what the GetResourceProperties does) and check
// if it returns null, but result of that is only partially cached so it might be expensive
// to evaluate for each item in the feed.
if (this.Provider.GetResourceProperties(this.CurrentContainer, resourceType).Contains(property))
object expandedPropertyValue =
(this.ShouldExpandSegment(propertyName)) ? GetExpandedProperty(this.Provider, expanded, customObject, property) : null;
navProperties.Add(new ResourcePropertyInfo(property, expandedPropertyValue));
// Now get the property value
object propertyValue = WebUtil.GetPropertyValue(this.Provider, customObject, resourceType, property, property == null ? propertyName : null);
// Determine the type of the property
ResourceType propertyResourceType;
if (property != null)
propertyResourceType = property.ResourceType;
if (propertyValue == null || propertyValue == DBNull.Value)
propertyResourceType = ResourceType.PrimitiveStringResourceType;
propertyResourceType = WebUtil.GetResourceType(this.Provider, propertyValue);
// A null ResourceType indicates a ----ed type (eg, IntPtr or DateTimeOffset). So ignore it.
if (propertyResourceType == null)
throw new DataServiceException(500, Strings.Syndication_InvalidOpenPropertyType(propertyName));
// And write out the value (depending on the type of the property)
if (propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.Primitive)
if (propertyValue == DBNull.Value)
propertyValue = null;
if (propertyValue != null && SyndicationSerializer.EpmNeedToSkip(currentSourceRoot, propertyName))
WritePrimitiveValue(propertyValue, propertyName, propertyResourceType.FullName, content);
else if (propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.ComplexType)
bool needPop = false;
if (property != null)
needPop = this.PushSegmentForProperty(property);
relativeUri + "/" + propertyName,
SyndicationSerializer.EpmGetComplexPropertySegment(currentSourceRoot, propertyName));
if (property != null)
propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType,
"propertyResourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType -- otherwise should have been processed as primitve or complex type.");
// Open navigation properties are not supported on OpenTypes
throw DataServiceException.CreateBadRequestError(Strings.OpenNavigationPropertiesNotSupportedOnOpenTypes(propertyName));
if (resourceType.ResourceTypeKind == ResourceTypeKind.EntityType)
for (int i = 0; i < navProperties.Count; i++)
ResourcePropertyInfo propertyInfo = navProperties[i];
ResourceProperty navProperty = propertyInfo.Property;
navProperty.IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference) ||
"this must be nav property");
// Generate a link - see http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287#section-4.2.7
string linkType = navProperty.IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceReference) ? XmlConstants.AtomEntryElementName : XmlConstants.AtomFeedElementName;
linkType = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0};{1}={2}", XmlConstants.MimeApplicationAtom, XmlConstants.AtomTypeAttributeName, linkType);
string segmentIdentifier = navProperty.Name;
if (!this.ShouldExpandSegment(navProperty.Name))
XmlConstants.DataWebRelatedNamespace + navProperty.Name,
relativeUri + "/" + segmentIdentifier,
object propertyValue = propertyInfo.Value;
IExpandedResult expandedResultPropertyValue = propertyValue as IExpandedResult;
object expandedPropertyValue =
expandedResultPropertyValue != null ?
GetExpandedElement(expandedResultPropertyValue) :
string propertyRelativeUri = relativeUri + "/" + segmentIdentifier;
Uri propertyAbsoluteUri = RequestUriProcessor.AppendUnescapedSegment(absoluteUri, segmentIdentifier);
SyndicationLink link = new SyndicationLink();
link.RelationshipType = XmlConstants.DataWebRelatedNamespace + navProperty.Name;
link.Title = navProperty.Name;
link.Uri = new Uri(propertyRelativeUri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
link.MediaType = linkType;
bool needPop = this.PushSegmentForProperty(navProperty);
// if this.CurrentContainer is null, the target set of the navigation property is hidden.
if (this.CurrentContainer != null)
if (navProperty.IsOfKind(ResourcePropertyKind.ResourceSetReference))
IEnumerable enumerable;
bool collection = WebUtil.IsElementIEnumerable(expandedPropertyValue, out enumerable);
Debug.Assert(collection, "metadata loading must have ensured that navigation set properties must implement IEnumerable");
SyndicationFeed feed = new SyndicationFeed();
InlineAtomFeed inlineFeedExtension = new InlineAtomFeed(feed, this.factory);
IEnumerator enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
bool hasMoved = enumerator.MoveNext();
propertyValue as IExpandedResult,
SyndicationItem inlineItem = new SyndicationItem();
this.WriteEntryElement(propertyValue as IExpandedResult, expandedPropertyValue, navProperty.ResourceType, propertyAbsoluteUri, propertyRelativeUri, inlineItem);
InlineAtomItem inlineItemExtension = new InlineAtomItem(inlineItem, this.factory);
// The matching call to RecurseLeave is in a try/finally block not because it's necessary in the
// presence of an exception (progress will halt anyway), but because it's easier to maintain in the
// code in the presence of multiple exit points (returns).
#region Inner types.
/// <summary>Stores the resource property, its value and a flag which indicates whether this is a open property or not.</summary>
private struct ResourcePropertyInfo
/// <summary>refers to the property that this instance represents.</summary>
private ResourceProperty resourceProperty;
/// <summary>Value of the property.</summary>
private object value;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of ResourcePropertyInfo.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resourceProperty">resource property instance.</param>
/// <param name="value">value for the resource property.</param>
public ResourcePropertyInfo(ResourceProperty resourceProperty, object value)
Debug.Assert(resourceProperty != null, "resourceProperty != null");
this.resourceProperty = resourceProperty;
this.value = value;
/// <summary>Returns the resource property.</summary>
internal ResourceProperty Property
get { return this.resourceProperty; }
/// <summary>Returns the value of the resource property.</summary>
internal object Value
get { return this.value; }
/// <summary>Wrapper for an inline item.</summary>
[XmlRoot(ElementName = XmlConstants.AtomInlineElementName, Namespace = XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace)]
internal class InlineAtomItem : IXmlSerializable
/// <summary>Factory for item formatter.</summary>
private readonly SyndicationFormatterFactory factory;
/// <summary>Item being serialized.</summary>
private SyndicationItem item;
/// <summary>Empty constructor.</summary>
internal InlineAtomItem()
/// <summary>Initializing constructor.</summary>
/// <param name="item">Item being serialized.</param>
/// <param name="factory">Factory for item formatter.</param>
internal InlineAtomItem(SyndicationItem item, SyndicationFormatterFactory factory)
this.item = item;
this.factory = factory;
#region IXmlSerializable Members
/// <summary>Reserved method.</summary>
/// <returns>null</returns>
public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema()
return null;
/// <summary>Generates an object from its XML representation.</summary>
/// <param name='reader'>XmlReader with representation.</param>
public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
throw Error.NotImplemented();
/// <summary>Converts an object into its XML representation.</summary>
/// <param name='writer'>Writer to write representation into.</param>
public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
SyndicationItemFormatter formatter = this.factory.CreateSyndicationItemFormatter(this.item);
if (formatter != null)
/// <summary>Wrapper for an inline feed.</summary>
[XmlRoot(ElementName = XmlConstants.AtomInlineElementName, Namespace = XmlConstants.DataWebMetadataNamespace)]
internal class InlineAtomFeed : IXmlSerializable
/// <summary>Factory for item formatter.</summary>
private readonly SyndicationFormatterFactory factory;
/// <summary>Feed being serialized.</summary>
private SyndicationFeed feed;
/// <summary>Empty constructor.</summary>
internal InlineAtomFeed()
/// <summary>Initializing constructor.</summary>
/// <param name="feed">Feed being serialized.</param>
/// <param name="factory">Factory for item formatter.</param>
internal InlineAtomFeed(SyndicationFeed feed, SyndicationFormatterFactory factory)
this.feed = feed;
this.factory = factory;
#region IXmlSerializable Members
/// <summary>Reserved method.</summary>
/// <returns>null</returns>
public System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema GetSchema()
return null;
/// <summary>Generates an object from its XML representation.</summary>
/// <param name='reader'>XmlReader with representation.</param>
public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
throw Error.NotImplemented();
/// <summary>Converts an object into its XML representation.</summary>
/// <param name='writer'>Writer to write representation into.</param>
public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
#endregion Inner types.