File: System\Data\Mapping\ViewGeneration\Structures\CellTreeNodeVisitors.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\DataEntity\System.Data.Entity.csproj (System.Data.Entity)
// <copyright file="CellTreeNodeVisitors.cs" company="Microsoft">
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner Microsoft
// @backupOwner Microsoft
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common.Utils.Boolean;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Data.Common.Utils;
using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
namespace System.Data.Mapping.ViewGeneration.Structures
    using WrapperBoolExpr = BoolExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    using WrapperTreeExpr = TreeExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    using WrapperAndExpr = AndExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    using WrapperOrExpr = OrExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    using WrapperNotExpr = NotExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    using WrapperTermExpr = TermExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    using WrapperTrueExpr = TrueExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    using WrapperFalseExpr = FalseExpr<LeftCellWrapper>;
    internal partial class CellTreeNode
        #region Abstract Visitors
        // Abstract visitor implementation for Cell trees
        // TOutput is the return type of the visitor and TInput is a single
        // parameter that can be passed in
        internal abstract class CellTreeVisitor<TInput, TOutput>
            internal abstract TOutput VisitLeaf(LeafCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
            internal abstract TOutput VisitUnion(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
            internal abstract TOutput VisitInnerJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
            internal abstract TOutput VisitLeftOuterJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
            internal abstract TOutput VisitFullOuterJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
            internal abstract TOutput VisitLeftAntiSemiJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
        // Another abstract visitor that does not distinguish between different
        // operation nodes
        internal abstract class SimpleCellTreeVisitor<TInput, TOutput>
            internal abstract TOutput VisitLeaf(LeafCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
            internal abstract TOutput VisitOpNode(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param);
        #region Default CellTree Visitor
        // Default visitor implementation for CellTreeVisitor
        // TInput is the type of the parameter that can be passed in to each visit 
        // Returns a CellTreeVisitor as output
        private class DefaultCellTreeVisitor<TInput> : CellTreeVisitor<TInput, CellTreeNode>
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitLeaf(LeafCellTreeNode node, TInput param)
                return node;
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitUnion(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param)
                return AcceptChildren(node, param);
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitInnerJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param)
                return AcceptChildren(node, param);
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitLeftOuterJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param)
                return AcceptChildren(node, param);
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitFullOuterJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param)
                return AcceptChildren(node, param);
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitLeftAntiSemiJoin(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param)
                return AcceptChildren(node, param);
            private OpCellTreeNode AcceptChildren(OpCellTreeNode node, TInput param)
                List<CellTreeNode> newChildren = new List<CellTreeNode>();
                foreach (CellTreeNode child in node.Children)
                    newChildren.Add(child.Accept(this, param));
                return new OpCellTreeNode(node.ViewgenContext, node.OpType, newChildren);
        #region Flattening Visitor
        // Flattens the tree, i.e., pushes up nodes that just have just one child
        private class FlatteningVisitor : SimpleCellTreeVisitor<bool, CellTreeNode>
            #region Constructor/Fields/Invocation
            protected FlatteningVisitor()
            // effects: Flattens node and returns a new tree that is flattened
            internal static CellTreeNode Flatten(CellTreeNode node)
                FlatteningVisitor visitor = new FlatteningVisitor();
                return node.Accept<bool, CellTreeNode>(visitor, true);
            #region Visitors
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitLeaf(LeafCellTreeNode node, bool dummy)
                return node;
            // effects: Visits an internal Op node and processes it
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitOpNode(OpCellTreeNode node, bool dummy)
                // Flatten the children first
                List<CellTreeNode> flattenedChildren = new List<CellTreeNode>();
                foreach (CellTreeNode child in node.Children)
                    CellTreeNode flattenedChild = child.Accept<bool, CellTreeNode>(this, dummy);
                Debug.Assert(flattenedChildren.Count >= 1, "node must have more than 1 child and be an OpCellTreeNode");
                // If only one child, return that
                if (flattenedChildren.Count == 1)
                    return flattenedChildren[0];
                Debug.Assert(flattenedChildren.Count > 1, "Opnode has 0 children?");
                Debug.Assert(node.OpType != CellTreeOpType.Leaf, "Wrong op type for operation node");
                OpCellTreeNode result = new OpCellTreeNode(node.ViewgenContext, node.OpType, flattenedChildren);
                return result;
        #region AssociativeOpFlatteningVisitor
        // Flattens associative ops and single children nodes. Like the
        // FlatteningVisitor, it gets rid of the single children
        // nodes. Furthermore, it also collapses nodes of associative operations,
        // i.e., A IJ (B IJ C) is changed to A IJ B IJ C
        private class AssociativeOpFlatteningVisitor : SimpleCellTreeVisitor<bool, CellTreeNode>
            #region Constructor/Fields/Invocation
            private AssociativeOpFlatteningVisitor()
            internal static CellTreeNode Flatten(CellTreeNode node)
                // First do simple flattening and then associative op flattening
                CellTreeNode newNode = FlatteningVisitor.Flatten(node);
                AssociativeOpFlatteningVisitor visitor = new AssociativeOpFlatteningVisitor();
                return newNode.Accept<bool, CellTreeNode>(visitor, true);
            #region Visitors
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitLeaf(LeafCellTreeNode node, bool dummy)
                return node;
            internal override CellTreeNode VisitOpNode(OpCellTreeNode node, bool dummy)
                List<CellTreeNode> flattenedChildren = new List<CellTreeNode>();
                // Flatten the children first
                foreach (CellTreeNode child in node.Children)
                    CellTreeNode flattenedChild = child.Accept<bool, CellTreeNode>(this, dummy);
                Debug.Assert(flattenedChildren.Count > 1, "node must have more than 1 child and be an OpCellTreeNode");
                // If this op is associative and a child's OP is the same as this
                // op, add those to be this nodes children
                List<CellTreeNode> finalChildren = flattenedChildren;
                if (CellTreeNode.IsAssociativeOp(node.OpType))
                    finalChildren = new List<CellTreeNode>();
                    foreach (CellTreeNode child in flattenedChildren)
                        if (child.OpType == node.OpType)
                OpCellTreeNode result = new OpCellTreeNode(node.ViewgenContext, node.OpType, finalChildren);
                return result;
        #region LeafVisitor
        // This visitor returns all the leaf tree nodes in this
        private class LeafVisitor : SimpleCellTreeVisitor<bool, IEnumerable<LeafCellTreeNode>>
            private LeafVisitor() { }
            internal static IEnumerable<LeafCellTreeNode> GetLeaves(CellTreeNode node)
                LeafVisitor visitor = new LeafVisitor();
                return node.Accept<bool, IEnumerable<LeafCellTreeNode>>(visitor, true);
            internal override IEnumerable<LeafCellTreeNode> VisitLeaf(LeafCellTreeNode node, bool dummy)
                yield return node;
            internal override IEnumerable<LeafCellTreeNode> VisitOpNode(OpCellTreeNode node, bool dummy)
                foreach (CellTreeNode child in node.Children)
                    IEnumerable<LeafCellTreeNode> children = child.Accept<bool, IEnumerable<LeafCellTreeNode>>(this, dummy);
                    foreach (LeafCellTreeNode leafNode in children)
                        yield return leafNode;