1 write to ConvertElement
System.Data.Entity (1)
System\Data\Common\CommandTrees\ExpressionBuilder\Internal\ArgumentValidation.cs (1)
178ret.ConvertElement = convertElement;
4 references to ConvertElement
System.Data.Entity (4)
System\Data\Common\CommandTrees\ExpressionBuilder\Internal\EnumerableValidator.cs (4)
72/// not result in an exception. If specified, this function will be called after <see cref="ConvertElement"/>. 80/// on the list of elements produced by calling the <see cref="ConvertElement"/> function on each element of the input enumerable.</returns> 86/// <remarks>Other exceptions may be thrown by the <see cref="ConvertElement"/> and <see cref="CreateResult"/> functions, and by the <see cref="GetName"/> function, if specified.</remarks> 93this.ConvertElement,