System\Data\Common\CommandTrees\ExpressionBuilder\DbExpressionBuilder.cs (26)
521/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that sorts the given input set by the specified sort specifications.
533public static DbSortExpression Sort(this DbExpressionBinding input, IEnumerable<DbSortClause> sortOrder)
2242/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that sorts the given input set by the specified sort key,
2258public static DbSortExpression OrderBy(this DbExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey)
2267/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that sorts the given input set by the specified sort key,
2285public static DbSortExpression OrderBy(this DbExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey, string collation)
2294/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that sorts the given input set by the specified sort key,
2310public static DbSortExpression OrderByDescending(this DbExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey)
2319/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that sorts the given input set by the specified sort key,
2337public static DbSortExpression OrderByDescending(this DbExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey, string collation)
2457/// <param name="argument">A <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that specifies the sorted input set.</param>
2467public static DbSkipExpression Skip(this DbSortExpression argument, DbExpression count)
2490private static DbSortExpression CreateThenBy(DbSortExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey, bool ascending, string collation, bool useCollation)
2513/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that with a sort order that includes the sort order
2531public static DbSortExpression ThenBy(this DbSortExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey)
2537/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that with a sort order that includes the sort order
2557public static DbSortExpression ThenBy(this DbSortExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey, string collation)
2563/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that with a sort order that includes the sort order
2581public static DbSortExpression ThenByDescending(this DbSortExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey)
2587/// Creates a new <see cref="DbSortExpression"/> that with a sort order that includes the sort order
2607public static DbSortExpression ThenByDescending(this DbSortExpression source, Func<DbExpression, DbExpression> sortKey, string collation)
System\Data\Objects\ELinq\OrderByLifter.cs (17)
104return new SortLifter((DbSortExpression)source, aliasGenerator);
112return new ProjectSortLifter(project, (DbSortExpression)projectInput, aliasGenerator);
124return new ProjectLimitSortLifter(project, limit, (DbSortExpression)limitInput, aliasGenerator);
142return new LimitSortLifter(limit, (DbSortExpression)limitInput, aliasGenerator);
156return new ProjectLimitSortLifter(project, limit, (DbSortExpression)projectInput, aliasGenerator);
268protected DbSortExpression RebindSort(DbExpression input, DbSortExpression sort)
274protected DbSortExpression ApplySkipOrderToSort(DbExpression input, DbSkipExpression sortSpec)
280protected DbSkipExpression ApplySortOrderToSkip(DbExpression input, DbSortExpression sort, DbExpression k)
354private readonly DbSortExpression _sort;
357internal LimitSortLifter(DbLimitExpression limit, DbSortExpression sort, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
511private readonly DbSortExpression _sort;
514internal ProjectLimitSortLifter(DbProjectExpression project, DbLimitExpression limit, DbSortExpression sort, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
690private readonly DbSortExpression _sort;
693internal ProjectSortLifter(DbProjectExpression project, DbSortExpression sort, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator)
735private readonly DbSortExpression _sort;
738internal SortLifter(DbSortExpression sort, AliasGenerator aliasGenerator)