2 writes to spatialSvcs
System.Data.Entity (2)
System\Data\Spatial\DbGeography.cs (2)
33this.spatialSvcs = spatialServices; 63this.spatialSvcs = resolvedServices;
32 references to spatialSvcs
System.Data.Entity (32)
System\Data\Spatial\DbGeography.cs (32)
53get { return this.spatialSvcs.CreateWellKnownValue(this); } 56if (this.spatialSvcs != null) 380public int CoordinateSystemId { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetCoordinateSystemId(this); } } 385public int Dimension { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetDimension(this); } } 390public string SpatialTypeName { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetSpatialTypeName(this); } } 395public bool IsEmpty { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetIsEmpty(this); } } 405public string AsText() { return this.spatialSvcs.AsText(this); } 411internal string AsTextIncludingElevationAndMeasure() { return this.spatialSvcs.AsTextIncludingElevationAndMeasure(this); } 417public byte[] AsBinary() { return this.spatialSvcs.AsBinary(this); } 425public string AsGml() { return this.spatialSvcs.AsGml(this); } 440return this.spatialSvcs.SpatialEquals(this, other); 452return this.spatialSvcs.Disjoint(this, other); 464return this.spatialSvcs.Intersects(this, other); 483return this.spatialSvcs.Buffer(this, distance.Value); 495return this.spatialSvcs.Distance(this, other); 507return this.spatialSvcs.Intersection(this, other); 519return this.spatialSvcs.Union(this, other); 531return this.spatialSvcs.Difference(this, other); 543return this.spatialSvcs.SymmetricDifference(this, other); 554public int? ElementCount { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetElementCount(this); } } 563return this.spatialSvcs.ElementAt(this, index); 574public double? Latitude { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetLatitude(this); } } 580public double? Longitude { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetLongitude(this); } } 586public double? Elevation { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetElevation(this); } } 592public double? Measure { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetMeasure(this); } } 601public double? Length { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetLength(this); } } 606public DbGeography StartPoint { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetStartPoint(this); } } 611public DbGeography EndPoint { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetEndPoint(this); } } 616public bool? IsClosed { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetIsClosed(this); } } 626public int? PointCount { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetPointCount(this); } } 635return this.spatialSvcs.PointAt(this, index); 645public double? Area { get { return this.spatialSvcs.GetArea(this); } }