36 instantiations of FacetValues
System.Data.Entity (36)
System\Data\Common\CommandTrees\AbstractExpressions.cs (1)
343type = type.ShallowCopy(new FacetValues { Nullable = true });
System\Data\Common\Internal\DbTypeMap.cs (12)
25internal static readonly TypeUsage AnsiString = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, new FacetValues { Unicode = false, FixedLength = false, MaxLength = (int?)null }); 26internal static readonly TypeUsage AnsiStringFixedLength = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, new FacetValues { Unicode = false, FixedLength = true, MaxLength = (int?)null }); 27internal static readonly TypeUsage String = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, new FacetValues { Unicode = true, FixedLength = false, MaxLength = (int?)null }); 28internal static readonly TypeUsage StringFixedLength = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, new FacetValues { Unicode = true, FixedLength = true, MaxLength = (int?)null }); 31internal static readonly TypeUsage Xml = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.String, new FacetValues { Unicode = true, FixedLength = false, MaxLength = (int?)null }); 32internal static readonly TypeUsage Binary = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.Binary , new FacetValues { MaxLength = (int?)null }); 37internal static readonly TypeUsage DateTime2 = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.DateTime, new FacetValues { Precision = (byte?)null }); 38internal static readonly TypeUsage Time = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.Time, new FacetValues { Precision = (byte?)null }); 39internal static readonly TypeUsage DateTimeOffset = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.DateTimeOffset, new FacetValues { Precision = (byte?)null }); 42internal static readonly TypeUsage Decimal = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal, new FacetValues { Precision = (byte?)null, Scale = (byte?)null }); 44internal static readonly TypeUsage Currency = CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal, new FacetValues { Precision = (byte?)null, Scale = (byte?)null }); 159return CreateType(type, new FacetValues());
System\Data\Metadata\Converter.cs (2)
817new FacetValues { Nullable = false }); 1381new FacetValues
System\Data\Metadata\Edm\FacetValues.cs (1)
114FacetValues values = new FacetValues();
System\Data\Metadata\Edm\RelationshipEndMember.cs (1)
34TypeUsage.Create(endRefType, new FacetValues{ Nullable = false }))
System\Data\Metadata\Edm\TypeUsage.cs (10)
134new FacetValues{ MaxLength = maxLength, Unicode = isUnicode, FixedLength = isFixedLength}); 159new FacetValues{ MaxLength = TypeUsage.DefaultMaxLengthFacetValue, 187new FacetValues{MaxLength = maxLength, FixedLength = isFixedLength}); 208new FacetValues{MaxLength = TypeUsage.DefaultMaxLengthFacetValue, 230new FacetValues{Precision = precision}); 252new FacetValues{ Precision = precision }); 273new FacetValues{ Precision = precision }); 299new FacetValues{Precision = precision, Scale = scale }); 318new FacetValues{ Precision = TypeUsage.DefaultPrecisionFacetValue, Scale = TypeUsage.DefaultScaleFacetValue }); 448new FacetValues{ Nullable = false }));
System\Data\Metadata\ObjectLayer\ObjectItemAttributeAssemblyLoader.cs (3)
642TypeUsage.Create(primitiveType, new FacetValues { Nullable = isNullable }), 679TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues() { Nullable = edmScalarPropertyAttribute.IsNullable }), 708TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues { Nullable = false }),
System\Data\Metadata\ObjectLayer\ObjectItemConventionAssemblyLoader.cs (2)
492EdmProperty property = new EdmProperty(cspaceProperty.Name, TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues { Nullable = false }), clrProperty, type.TypeHandle); 759TypeUsage.Create(propertyType, new FacetValues { Nullable = nullableFacetValue }),
System\Data\Metadata\TypeHelpers.cs (2)
825new FacetValues{ Unicode = isUnicode, MaxLength = TypeUsage.DefaultMaxLengthFacetValue, FixedLength = false, Nullable = false}); 830new FacetValues{ Nullable = false });
System\Data\Objects\ELinq\MethodCallTranslator.cs (1)
893TypeUsage updatedType = argument.ResultType.ShallowCopy(new FacetValues { Unicode = _isUnicode });
System\Data\SqlClient\SqlProviderServices.cs (1)
125parameterType = queryParameter.Value.ShallowCopy(new FacetValues { Unicode = false });
11 references to FacetValues
System.Data.Entity (11)
System\Data\Common\Internal\DbTypeMap.cs (1)
162private static TypeUsage CreateType(PrimitiveTypeKind type, FacetValues facets)
System\Data\Common\Utils\MetadataHelper.cs (1)
876TypeUsage edmTypeUsage = storeTypeUsage.GetModelTypeUsage().ShallowCopy(FacetValues.NullFacetValues);
System\Data\Metadata\Converter.cs (2)
1429result = TypeUsage.Create(edmType, FacetValues.NullFacetValues); 1452result = TypeUsage.Create(new CollectionType(elementTypeUsage), FacetValues.NullFacetValues);
System\Data\Metadata\Edm\FacetValues.cs (2)
109internal static FacetValues NullFacetValues 114FacetValues values = new FacetValues();
System\Data\Metadata\Edm\TypeUsage.cs (5)
74internal static TypeUsage Create(EdmType edmType, FacetValues values) 91internal TypeUsage ShallowCopy(FacetValues facetValues) 517private static IEnumerable<Facet> GetDefaultFacetDescriptionsAndOverrideFacetValues(EdmType type, FacetValues values) 526private static IEnumerable<Facet> OverrideFacetValues(IEnumerable<Facet> facets, FacetValues values) 538FacetValues values)