16 references to TotalSlots
System.Data.Entity (16)
System\Data\Mapping\ViewGeneration\CqlGenerator.cs (16)
131Debug.Assert(requiredSlots.Length == TotalSlots, "Wrong number of requiredSlots"); 152bool[] requiredSlots = new bool[TotalSlots]; 164for (int i = TotalSlots - m_numBools; i < TotalSlots; i++) 193bool[] topSlots = new bool[TotalSlots]; 223bool[] thisRequiredSlots = new bool[TotalSlots]; 226thisRequiredSlots.Length == TotalSlots, 230for (int i = 0; i < TotalSlots; i++) 276int numSlotsAddedByChildBlock = childBlock.Slots.Count - TotalSlots; 277SlotInfo[] slotInfos = new SlotInfo[TotalSlots + numSlotsAddedByChildBlock]; 278for (int slotNum = 0; slotNum < TotalSlots; slotNum++) 315for (int i = TotalSlots; i < TotalSlots + numSlotsAddedByChildBlock; i++) 343/// Returns an array of size <see cref="TotalSlots"/> which indicates the slots that are needed to constuct value at <paramref name="caseMemberPath"/>, 350Debug.Assert(requiredSlots.Length == TotalSlots, "Invalid array size for populating required slots"); 432return m_projectedSlotMap.GetMemberPath(slotNum, TotalSlots - m_projectedSlotMap.Count);