// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
// PartitionedDataSource.cs
// <OWNER>Microsoft</OWNER>
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
namespace System.Linq.Parallel
/// <summary>
/// Contiguous range chunk partitioning attempts to improve data locality by keeping
/// data close together in the incoming data stream together in the outgoing partitions.
/// There are really three types of partitions that are used internally:
/// 1. If the data source is indexable--like an array or List_T--we can actually
/// just compute the range indexes and avoid doing any copying whatsoever. Each
/// "partition" is just an enumerator that will walk some subset of the data.
/// 2. If the data source has an index (different than being indexable!), we can
/// turn this into a range scan of the index. We can roughly estimate distribution
/// and ensure an evenly balanced set of partitions.
/// 3. If we can't use 1 or 2, we instead partition "on demand" by chunking the contents
/// of the source enumerator as they are requested. The unfortunate thing is that
/// this requires synchronization, since consumers may be running in parallel. We
/// amortize the cost of this by giving chunks of items when requested instead of
/// one element at a time. Note that this approach also works for infinite streams.
/// In all cases, the caller can request that enumerators walk elements in striped
/// contiguous chunks. If striping is requested, then each partition j will yield elements
/// in the data source for which ((i / s)%p) == j, where i is the element's index, s is
/// a chunk size calculated by the system with the intent of aligning on cache lines, and
/// p is the number of partitions. If striping is not requested, we use the same algorith,
/// only, instead of aligning on cache lines, we use a chunk size of l / p, where l
/// is the length of the input and p is the number of partitions.
/// Notes:
/// This is used as the default partitioning strategy by much of the PLINQ infrastructure.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
internal class PartitionedDataSource<T> : PartitionedStream<T, int>
// Just constructs a new partition stream.
internal PartitionedDataSource(IEnumerable<T> source, int partitionCount, bool useStriping)
: base(
source is IList<T> ? OrdinalIndexState.Indexible : OrdinalIndexState.Correct)
InitializePartitions(source, partitionCount, useStriping);
// This method just creates the individual partitions given a data source.
// Notes:
// We check whether the data source is an IList<T> and, if so, we can partition
// "in place" by calculating a set of indexes. Otherwise, we return an enumerator that
// performs partitioning lazily. Depending on which case it is, the enumerator may
// contain synchronization (i.e. the latter case), meaning callers may occ----ionally
// block when enumerating it.
private void InitializePartitions(IEnumerable<T> source, int partitionCount, bool useStriping)
Contract.Assert(source != null);
Contract.Assert(partitionCount > 0);
// If this is a wrapper, grab the internal wrapped data source so we can uncover its real type.
ParallelEnumerableWrapper<T> wrapper = source as ParallelEnumerableWrapper<T>;
if (wrapper != null)
source = wrapper.WrappedEnumerable;
Contract.Assert(source != null);
// Check whether we have an indexable data source.
IList<T> sourceAsList = source as IList<T>;
if (sourceAsList != null)
QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>[] partitions = new QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>[partitionCount];
int listCount = sourceAsList.Count;
// We use this below to specialize enumerators when possible.
T[] sourceAsArray = source as T[];
// If range partitioning is used, chunk size will be unlimited, i.e. -1.
int maxChunkSize = -1;
if (useStriping)
maxChunkSize = Scheduling.GetDefaultChunkSize<T>();
// The minimum chunk size is 1.
if (maxChunkSize < 1)
maxChunkSize = 1;
// Calculate indexes and construct enumerators that walk a subset of the input.
for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++)
if (sourceAsArray != null)
// If the source is an array, we can use a fast path below to index using
// 'ldelem' instructions rather than making interface method calls.
if (useStriping)
partitions[i] = new ArrayIndexRangeEnumerator(sourceAsArray, partitionCount, i, maxChunkSize);
partitions[i] = new ArrayContiguousIndexRangeEnumerator(sourceAsArray, partitionCount, i);
TraceHelpers.TraceInfo("ContigousRangePartitionExchangeStream::MakePartitions - (array) #{0} {1}", i, maxChunkSize);
// Create a general purpose list enumerator object.
if (useStriping)
partitions[i] = new ListIndexRangeEnumerator(sourceAsList, partitionCount, i, maxChunkSize);
partitions[i] = new ListContiguousIndexRangeEnumerator(sourceAsList, partitionCount, i);
TraceHelpers.TraceInfo("ContigousRangePartitionExchangeStream::MakePartitions - (list) #{0} {1})", i, maxChunkSize);
Contract.Assert(partitions.Length == partitionCount);
m_partitions = partitions;
// We couldn't use an in-place partition. Shucks. Defer to the other overload which
// accepts an enumerator as input instead.
m_partitions = MakePartitions(source.GetEnumerator(), partitionCount);
// This method just creates the individual partitions given a data source. See the base
// class for more details on this method's contracts. This version takes an enumerator,
// and so it can't actually do an in-place partition. We'll instead create enumerators
// that coordinate with one another to lazily (on demand) grab chunks from the enumerator.
// This clearly is much less efficient than the fast path above since it requires
// synchronization. We try to amortize that cost by retrieving many elements at once
// instead of just one-at-a-time.
private static QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>[] MakePartitions(IEnumerator<T> source, int partitionCount)
Contract.Assert(source != null);
Contract.Assert(partitionCount > 0);
// At this point we were unable to efficiently partition the data source. Instead, we
// will return enumerators that lazily partition the data source.
QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>[] partitions = new QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>[partitionCount];
// The following is used for synchronization between threads.
object sharedSyncLock = new object();
Shared<int> sharedCurrentIndex = new Shared<int>(0);
Shared<int> sharedPartitionCount = new Shared<int>(partitionCount);
Shared<bool> sharedExeceptionTracker = new Shared<bool>(false);
// Create a new lazy chunking enumerator per partition, sharing the same lock.
for (int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++)
partitions[i] = new ContiguousChunkLazyEnumerator(
source, sharedExeceptionTracker, sharedSyncLock, sharedCurrentIndex, sharedPartitionCount);
return partitions;
// This enumerator walks a range within an indexable data type. It's abstract. We assume
// callers have validated that the ranges are legal given the data. IndexRangeEnumerator
// handles both striped and range partitioning.
// PLINQ creates one IndexRangeEnumerator per partition. Together, the enumerators will
// cover the entire list or array.
// In this context, the term "range" represents the entire array or list. The range is
// split up into one or more "sections". Each section is split up into as many "chunks" as
// we have partitions. i-th chunk in each section is assigned to partition i.
// All sections but the last one contain partitionCount * maxChunkSize elements, except
// for the last section which may contain fewer.
// For example, if the input is an array with 2,101 elements, maxChunkSize is 128
// and partitionCount is 4, all sections except the last one will contain 128*4 = 512
// elements. The last section will contain 2,101 - 4*512 = 53 elements.
// All sections but the last one will be evenly divided among partitions: the first 128
// elements will go into partition 0, the next 128 elements into partition 1, etc.
// The last section is divided as evenly as possible. In the above example, the split would
// be 14-13-13-13.
// A copy of the index enumerator specialized for array indexing. It uses 'ldelem'
// instructions for element retrieval, rather than using a method call.
internal sealed class ArrayIndexRangeEnumerator : QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>
private readonly T[] m_data; // The elements to iterate over.
private readonly int m_elementCount; // The number of elements to iterate over.
private readonly int m_partitionCount; // The number of partitions.
private readonly int m_partitionIndex; // The index of the current partition.
private readonly int m_maxChunkSize; // The maximum size of a chunk. -1 if unlimited.
private readonly int m_sectionCount; // Precomputed in ctor: the number of sections the range is split into.
private Mutables m_mutables; // Lazily allocated mutable variables.
class Mutables
internal Mutables()
// Place the enumerator just before the first element
m_currentSection = -1;
internal int m_currentSection; // 0-based index of the current section.
internal int m_currentChunkSize; // The number of elements in the current chunk.
internal int m_currentPositionInChunk; // 0-based position within the current chunk.
internal int m_currentChunkOffset; // The offset of the current chunk from the beginning of the range.
internal ArrayIndexRangeEnumerator(T[] data, int partitionCount, int partitionIndex, int maxChunkSize)
Contract.Assert(data != null, "data musn't be null");
Contract.Assert(partitionCount > 0, "partitionCount must be positive");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex >= 0, "partitionIndex can't be negative");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex < partitionCount, "partitionIndex must be less than partitionCount");
Contract.Assert(maxChunkSize > 0, "maxChunkSize must be positive or -1");
m_data = data;
m_elementCount = data.Length;
m_partitionCount = partitionCount;
m_partitionIndex = partitionIndex;
m_maxChunkSize = maxChunkSize;
int sectionSize = maxChunkSize * partitionCount;
Contract.Assert(sectionSize > 0);
// Section count is ceiling(elementCount / sectionSize)
m_sectionCount = m_elementCount / sectionSize +
((m_elementCount % sectionSize) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
internal override bool MoveNext(ref T currentElement, ref int currentKey)
// Lazily allocate the mutable holder.
Mutables mutables = m_mutables;
if (mutables == null)
mutables = m_mutables = new Mutables();
// If we are aren't within the chunk, we need to find another.
if (++mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk < mutables.m_currentChunkSize || MoveNextSlowPath())
currentKey = mutables.m_currentChunkOffset + mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk;
currentElement = m_data[currentKey];
return true;
return false;
private bool MoveNextSlowPath()
Mutables mutables = m_mutables;
Contract.Assert(mutables != null);
Contract.Assert(mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk >= mutables.m_currentChunkSize);
// Move on to the next section.
int currentSection = ++mutables.m_currentSection;
int sectionsRemaining = m_sectionCount - currentSection;
// If empty, return right away.
if (sectionsRemaining <= 0)
return false;
// Compute the offset of the current section from the beginning of the range
int currentSectionOffset = currentSection * m_partitionCount * m_maxChunkSize;
mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk = 0;
// Now do something different based on how many chunks remain.
if (sectionsRemaining > 1)
// We are not on the last section. The size of this chunk is simply m_maxChunkSize.
mutables.m_currentChunkSize = m_maxChunkSize;
mutables.m_currentChunkOffset = currentSectionOffset + m_partitionIndex * m_maxChunkSize;
// We are on the last section. Compute the size of the chunk to ensure even distribution
// of elements.
int lastSectionElementCount = m_elementCount - currentSectionOffset;
int smallerChunkSize = lastSectionElementCount / m_partitionCount;
int biggerChunkCount = lastSectionElementCount % m_partitionCount;
mutables.m_currentChunkSize = smallerChunkSize;
if (m_partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount)
if (mutables.m_currentChunkSize == 0)
return false;
mutables.m_currentChunkOffset =
currentSectionOffset // The beginning of this section
+ m_partitionIndex * smallerChunkSize // + the start of this chunk if all chunks were "smaller"
+ (m_partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount ? m_partitionIndex : biggerChunkCount); // + the number of "bigger" chunks before this chunk
return true;
// A contiguous index enumerator specialized for array indexing. It uses 'ldelem'
// instructions for element retrieval, rather than using a method call.
internal sealed class ArrayContiguousIndexRangeEnumerator : QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>
private readonly T[] m_data; // The elements to iterate over.
private readonly int m_startIndex; // Where to begin iterating.
private readonly int m_maximumIndex; // The maximum index to iterate over.
private Shared<int> m_currentIndex; // The current index (lazily allocated).
internal ArrayContiguousIndexRangeEnumerator(T[] data, int partitionCount, int partitionIndex)
Contract.Assert(data != null, "data musn't be null");
Contract.Assert(partitionCount > 0, "partitionCount must be positive");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex >= 0, "partitionIndex can't be negative");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex < partitionCount, "partitionIndex must be less than partitionCount");
m_data = data;
// Compute the size of the chunk to ensure even distribution of elements.
int smallerChunkSize = data.Length / partitionCount;
int biggerChunkCount = data.Length % partitionCount;
// Our start index is our index times the small chunk size, plus the number
// of "bigger" chunks before this one.
int startIndex = partitionIndex * smallerChunkSize +
(partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount ? partitionIndex : biggerChunkCount);
m_startIndex = startIndex - 1; // Subtract one for the first call.
m_maximumIndex = startIndex + smallerChunkSize + // And add one if we're responsible for part of the
(partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount ? 1 : 0); // leftover chunks.
Contract.Assert(m_currentIndex == null, "Expected deferred allocation to ensure it happens on correct thread");
internal override bool MoveNext(ref T currentElement, ref int currentKey)
// Lazily allocate the current index if needed.
if (m_currentIndex == null)
m_currentIndex = new Shared<int>(m_startIndex);
// Now increment the current index, check bounds, and so on.
int current = ++m_currentIndex.Value;
if (current < m_maximumIndex)
currentKey = current;
currentElement = m_data[current];
return true;
return false;
// A copy of the index enumerator specialized for IList<T> indexing. It calls through
// the IList<T> interface for element retrieval.
internal sealed class ListIndexRangeEnumerator : QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>
private readonly IList<T> m_data; // The elements to iterate over.
private readonly int m_elementCount; // The number of elements to iterate over.
private readonly int m_partitionCount; // The number of partitions.
private readonly int m_partitionIndex; // The index of the current partition.
private readonly int m_maxChunkSize; // The maximum size of a chunk. -1 if unlimited.
private readonly int m_sectionCount; // Precomputed in ctor: the number of sections the range is split into.
private Mutables m_mutables; // Lazily allocated mutable variables.
class Mutables
internal Mutables()
// Place the enumerator just before the first element
m_currentSection = -1;
internal int m_currentSection; // 0-based index of the current section.
internal int m_currentChunkSize; // The number of elements in the current chunk.
internal int m_currentPositionInChunk; // 0-based position within the current chunk.
internal int m_currentChunkOffset; // The offset of the current chunk from the beginning of the range.
internal ListIndexRangeEnumerator(IList<T> data, int partitionCount, int partitionIndex, int maxChunkSize)
Contract.Assert(data != null, "data musn't be null");
Contract.Assert(partitionCount > 0, "partitionCount must be positive");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex >= 0, "partitionIndex can't be negative");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex < partitionCount, "partitionIndex must be less than partitionCount");
Contract.Assert(maxChunkSize > 0, "maxChunkSize must be positive or -1");
m_data = data;
m_elementCount = data.Count;
m_partitionCount = partitionCount;
m_partitionIndex = partitionIndex;
m_maxChunkSize = maxChunkSize;
int sectionSize = maxChunkSize * partitionCount;
Contract.Assert(sectionSize > 0);
// Section count is ceiling(elementCount / sectionSize)
m_sectionCount = m_elementCount / sectionSize +
((m_elementCount % sectionSize) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
internal override bool MoveNext(ref T currentElement, ref int currentKey)
// Lazily allocate the mutable holder.
Mutables mutables = m_mutables;
if (mutables == null)
mutables = m_mutables = new Mutables();
// If we are aren't within the chunk, we need to find another.
if (++mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk < mutables.m_currentChunkSize || MoveNextSlowPath())
currentKey = mutables.m_currentChunkOffset + mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk;
currentElement = m_data[currentKey];
return true;
return false;
private bool MoveNextSlowPath()
Mutables mutables = m_mutables;
Contract.Assert(mutables != null);
Contract.Assert(mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk >= mutables.m_currentChunkSize);
// Move on to the next section.
int currentSection = ++mutables.m_currentSection;
int sectionsRemaining = m_sectionCount - currentSection;
// If empty, return right away.
if (sectionsRemaining <= 0)
return false;
// Compute the offset of the current section from the beginning of the range
int currentSectionOffset = currentSection * m_partitionCount * m_maxChunkSize;
mutables.m_currentPositionInChunk = 0;
// Now do something different based on how many chunks remain.
if (sectionsRemaining > 1)
// We are not on the last section. The size of this chunk is simply m_maxChunkSize.
mutables.m_currentChunkSize = m_maxChunkSize;
mutables.m_currentChunkOffset = currentSectionOffset + m_partitionIndex * m_maxChunkSize;
// We are on the last section. Compute the size of the chunk to ensure even distribution
// of elements.
int lastSectionElementCount = m_elementCount - currentSectionOffset;
int smallerChunkSize = lastSectionElementCount / m_partitionCount;
int biggerChunkCount = lastSectionElementCount % m_partitionCount;
mutables.m_currentChunkSize = smallerChunkSize;
if (m_partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount)
if (mutables.m_currentChunkSize == 0)
return false;
mutables.m_currentChunkOffset =
currentSectionOffset // The beginning of this section
+ m_partitionIndex * smallerChunkSize // + the start of this chunk if all chunks were "smaller"
+ (m_partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount ? m_partitionIndex : biggerChunkCount); // + the number of "bigger" chunks before this chunk
return true;
// A contiguous index enumerator specialized for IList<T> indexing. It calls through
// the IList<T> interface for element retrieval.
internal sealed class ListContiguousIndexRangeEnumerator : QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>
private readonly IList<T> m_data; // The elements to iterate over.
private readonly int m_startIndex; // Where to begin iterating.
private readonly int m_maximumIndex; // The maximum index to iterate over.
private Shared<int> m_currentIndex; // The current index (lazily allocated).
internal ListContiguousIndexRangeEnumerator(IList<T> data, int partitionCount, int partitionIndex)
Contract.Assert(data != null, "data musn't be null");
Contract.Assert(partitionCount > 0, "partitionCount must be positive");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex >= 0, "partitionIndex can't be negative");
Contract.Assert(partitionIndex < partitionCount, "partitionIndex must be less than partitionCount");
m_data = data;
// Compute the size of the chunk to ensure even distribution of elements.
int smallerChunkSize = data.Count / partitionCount;
int biggerChunkCount = data.Count % partitionCount;
// Our start index is our index times the small chunk size, plus the number
// of "bigger" chunks before this one.
int startIndex = partitionIndex * smallerChunkSize +
(partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount ? partitionIndex : biggerChunkCount);
m_startIndex = startIndex - 1; // Subtract one for the first call.
m_maximumIndex = startIndex + smallerChunkSize + // And add one if we're responsible for part of the
(partitionIndex < biggerChunkCount ? 1 : 0); // leftover chunks.
Contract.Assert(m_currentIndex == null, "Expected deferred allocation to ensure it happens on correct thread");
internal override bool MoveNext(ref T currentElement, ref int currentKey)
// Lazily allocate the current index if needed.
if (m_currentIndex == null)
m_currentIndex = new Shared<int>(m_startIndex);
// Now increment the current index, check bounds, and so on.
int current = ++m_currentIndex.Value;
if (current < m_maximumIndex)
currentKey = current;
currentElement = m_data[current];
return true;
return false;
// This enumerator lazily grabs chunks of data from the underlying data source. It is
// safe for this data source to be enumerated by multiple such enumerators, since it has
// been written to perform proper synchronization.
private class ContiguousChunkLazyEnumerator : QueryOperatorEnumerator<T, int>
private const int chunksPerChunkSize = 7; // the rate at which to double the chunksize (double chunksize every 'r' chunks). MUST BE == (2^n)-1 for some n.
private readonly IEnumerator<T> m_source; // Data source to enumerate.
private readonly object m_sourceSyncLock; // Lock to use for all synchronization.
private readonly Shared<int> m_currentIndex; // The index shared by all.
private readonly Shared<int> m_activeEnumeratorsCount; // How many enumerators over the same source have not been disposed yet?
private readonly Shared<bool> m_exceptionTracker;
private Mutables m_mutables; // Any mutable fields on this enumerator. These mutables are local and persistent
class Mutables
internal Mutables()
m_nextChunkMaxSize = 1; // We start the chunk size at 1 and grow it later.
m_chunkBuffer = new T[Scheduling.GetDefaultChunkSize<T>()]; // Pre-allocate the array at the maximum size.
m_currentChunkSize = 0; // The chunk begins life begins empty.
m_currentChunkIndex = -1;
m_chunkBaseIndex = 0;
m_chunkCounter = 0;
internal readonly T[] m_chunkBuffer; // Buffer array for the current chunk being enumerated.
internal int m_nextChunkMaxSize; // The max. chunk size to use for the next chunk.
internal int m_currentChunkSize; // The element count for our current chunk.
internal int m_currentChunkIndex; // Our current index within the temporary chunk.
internal int m_chunkBaseIndex; // The start index from which the current chunk was taken.
internal int m_chunkCounter;
// Constructs a new enumerator that lazily retrieves chunks from the provided source.
internal ContiguousChunkLazyEnumerator(
IEnumerator<T> source, Shared<bool> exceptionTracker, object sourceSyncLock, Shared<int> currentIndex, Shared<int> degreeOfParallelism)
Contract.Assert(source != null);
Contract.Assert(sourceSyncLock != null);
Contract.Assert(currentIndex != null);
m_source = source;
m_sourceSyncLock = sourceSyncLock;
m_currentIndex = currentIndex;
m_activeEnumeratorsCount = degreeOfParallelism;
m_exceptionTracker = exceptionTracker;
// Just retrieves the current element from our current chunk.
internal override bool MoveNext(ref T currentElement, ref int currentKey)
Mutables mutables = m_mutables;
if (mutables == null)
mutables = m_mutables = new Mutables();
Contract.Assert(mutables.m_chunkBuffer != null);
// Loop until we've exhausted our data source.
while (true)
// If we have elements remaining in the current chunk, return right away.
T[] chunkBuffer = mutables.m_chunkBuffer;
int currentChunkIndex = ++mutables.m_currentChunkIndex;
if (currentChunkIndex < mutables.m_currentChunkSize)
Contract.Assert(m_source != null);
Contract.Assert(chunkBuffer != null);
Contract.Assert(mutables.m_currentChunkSize > 0);
Contract.Assert(0 <= currentChunkIndex && currentChunkIndex < chunkBuffer.Length);
currentElement = chunkBuffer[currentChunkIndex];
currentKey = mutables.m_chunkBaseIndex + currentChunkIndex;
return true;
// Else, it could be the first time enumerating this object, or we may have
// just reached the end of the current chunk and need to grab another one? In either
// case, we will look for more data from the underlying enumerator. Because we
// share the same enumerator object, we have to do this under a lock.
lock (m_sourceSyncLock)
Contract.Assert(0 <= mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize && mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize <= chunkBuffer.Length);
// Accumulate a chunk of elements from the input.
int i = 0;
if (m_exceptionTracker.Value)
return false;
for (; i < mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize && m_source.MoveNext(); i++)
// Read the current entry into our buffer.
chunkBuffer[i] = m_source.Current;
m_exceptionTracker.Value = true;
// Store the number of elements we fetched from the data source.
mutables.m_currentChunkSize = i;
// If we've emptied the enumerator, return immediately.
if (i == 0)
return false;
// Increment the shared index for all to see. Throw an exception on overflow.
mutables.m_chunkBaseIndex = m_currentIndex.Value;
m_currentIndex.Value += i;
// Each time we access the data source, we grow the chunk size for the next go-round.
// We grow the chunksize once per 'chunksPerChunkSize'.
if (mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize < chunkBuffer.Length)
if ((mutables.m_chunkCounter++ & chunksPerChunkSize) == chunksPerChunkSize)
mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize = mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize * 2;
if (mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize > chunkBuffer.Length)
mutables.m_nextChunkMaxSize = chunkBuffer.Length;
// Finally, reset our index to the beginning; loop around and we'll return the right values.
mutables.m_currentChunkIndex = -1;
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref m_activeEnumeratorsCount.Value) == 0)