File: System\IO\LogRetentionOption.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\Core\System.Core.csproj (System.Core)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** Class:  LogStream
using System;
namespace System.IO {
internal enum LogRetentionOption {
    // One file with no maxFileSize
    SingleFileUnboundedSize = 2,
    // One file with a maxFileSize 
    SingleFileBoundedSize = 4,
    // Infinite number of sequential files, each with maxFileSize 
    // When MaxFileSize is reached, writing starts in a new file with an incremented integer suffix.  
    UnlimitedSequentialFiles = 0,
    // Finite number of sequential files, each with maxFileSize 
    LimitedSequentialFiles = 3,
    // Finite number of circular sequential files, each with maxFileSize.  
    // When MaxFileSize is reached, writing starts in a new file with an incremented integer suffix.  
    // When MaxNumberOfFiles is reached first file is overwritten.  Files are then incrementally overwritten in a circular manner.
    LimitedCircularFiles = 1