1 instantiation of GotoExpression
System.Core (1)
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\GotoExpression.cs (1)
351return new GotoExpression(kind, target, value, type);
83 references to GotoExpression
System.Core (83)
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\DebugViewWriter.cs (1)
978protected internal override Expression VisitGoto(GotoExpression node) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\Expression.DebuggerProxy.cs (2)
160private readonly GotoExpression _node; 162public GotoExpressionProxy(GotoExpression node) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\ExpressionStringBuilder.cs (1)
716protected internal override Expression VisitGoto(GotoExpression node) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\ExpressionVisitor.cs (2)
315/// Visits the children of the <see cref="GotoExpression" />. 320protected internal virtual Expression VisitGoto(GotoExpression node) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\GotoExpression.cs (67)
30/// Specifies what kind of jump this <see cref="GotoExpression"/> represents. 34/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a jump to some location. 38/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a return statement. 42/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a break statement. 46/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> that represents a continue statement. 123public GotoExpression Update(LabelTarget target, Expression value) { 133/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement. 135/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 137/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Break, 140public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target) { 145/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement. The value passed to the label upon jumping can be specified. 147/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 150/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Break, 154public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target, Expression value) { 159/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement with the specified type. 161/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 164/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Break, 168public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target, Type type) { 173/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a break statement with the specified type. 176/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 180/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Break, 185public static GotoExpression Break(LabelTarget target, Expression value, Type type) { 190/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a continue statement. 192/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 194/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Continue, 198public static GotoExpression Continue(LabelTarget target) { 203/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a continue statement with the specified type. 205/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 208/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Continue, 213public static GotoExpression Continue(LabelTarget target, Type type) { 218/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement. 220/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 222/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Return, 226public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target) { 231/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement with the specified type. 233/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 236/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Return, 241public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target, Type type) { 246/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement. The value passed to the label upon jumping can be specified. 248/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 251/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Continue, 255public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target, Expression value) { 260/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a return statement with the specified type. 263/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 267/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Continue, 272public static GotoExpression Return(LabelTarget target, Expression value, Type type) { 277/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto. 279/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 281/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Goto, 285public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target) { 290/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto with the specified type. 292/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 295/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Goto, 300public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target, Type type) { 305/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto. The value passed to the label upon jumping can be specified. 307/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 310/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Goto, 314public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target, Expression value) { 319/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a goto with the specified type. 322/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 326/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to Goto, 331public static GotoExpression Goto(LabelTarget target, Expression value, Type type) { 336/// Creates a <see cref="GotoExpression"/> representing a jump of the specified <see cref="GotoExpressionKind"/>. 339/// <param name="kind">The <see cref="GotoExpressionKind"/> of the <see cref="GotoExpression"/>.</param> 340/// <param name="target">The <see cref="LabelTarget"/> that the <see cref="GotoExpression"/> will jump to.</param> 344/// A <see cref="GotoExpression"/> with <see cref="P:GotoExpression.Kind"/> equal to <paramref name="kind"/>, 349public static GotoExpression MakeGoto(GotoExpressionKind kind, LabelTarget target, Expression value, Type type) {
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\LabelExpression.cs (1)
27/// <see cref="GotoExpression"/>. Otherwise, it gets the value in <see cref="LabelExpression.DefaultValue"/>. If the
Microsoft\Scripting\Ast\LabelTarget.cs (1)
26/// Used to denote the target of a <see cref="GotoExpression"/>.
Microsoft\Scripting\Compiler\LambdaCompiler.ControlFlow.cs (2)
100var node = (GotoExpression)expr;
Microsoft\Scripting\Compiler\LambdaCompiler.Statements.cs (4)
61var g = next as GotoExpression; 409var jump = @case.Body as GotoExpression;
Microsoft\Scripting\Compiler\StackSpiller.cs (2)
758GotoExpression node = (GotoExpression)expr;