File: System\Configuration\Internal\IConfigurationManagerInternal.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\Configuration\System.Configuration.csproj (System.Configuration)
// <copyright file="IConfigurationManagerInternal.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;
using ClassConfiguration=System.Configuration.Configuration;
// This file contains most of the interfaces that allow System.Web, Venus, and 
// Whitehorse to customize configuration in some way.
// The goal of the design of customization is to only require other MS assemblies
// to create an instance of an internal object via Activator.CreateInstance(), and then
// use these objects through *public* System.Configuration.Internal interfaces. 
// We do not want extenders to have to use reflection to call a method - it is slow,
// not typesafe, and more difficult to promote correct use of the internal object.
namespace System.Configuration.Internal {
    // Exposes support in System.Configuration for functions that were
    // once available in System.dll
    public interface IConfigurationManagerInternal {
        bool    SupportsUserConfig          {get;} 
        bool    SetConfigurationSystemInProgress {get;}
        string  MachineConfigPath           {get;}
        string  ApplicationConfigUri        {get;}
        string  ExeProductName              {get;}
        string  ExeProductVersion           {get;} 
        string  ExeRoamingConfigDirectory   {get;}
        string  ExeRoamingConfigPath        {get;}
        string  ExeLocalConfigDirectory     {get;} 
        string  ExeLocalConfigPath          {get;}
        string  UserConfigFilename          {get;} 