1 write to stringIndex
System.AddIn (1)
System\Addin\MiniReflection\MetadataReader\Metadata.cs (1)
239stringIndex = ((HeapSizes & 0x01) == 0) ? 2U : 4U;
18 references to stringIndex
System.AddIn (18)
System\Addin\MiniReflection\MetadataReader\Metadata.cs (18)
303lengths[(Int32)Tables.XAssembly] = 4 + 4 * 2 + 4 + blobIndex + 2 * stringIndex; 306lengths[(Int32)Tables.AssemblyRef] = 4 * 2 + 4 + 2 * blobIndex + 2 * stringIndex; 315lengths[(Int32)Tables.XEvent] = 2 + stringIndex + MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.TypeDefOrRef); 316lengths[(Int32)Tables.ExportedType] = 4 + 4 + stringIndex*2 + MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.Implementation); 317lengths[(Int32)Tables.FieldDef] = 2 + stringIndex + blobIndex; 321lengths[(Int32)Tables.File] = 4 + stringIndex + blobIndex; 322lengths[(Int32)Tables.GenericParam] = 2 + 2 + MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.TypeOrMethodDef) + stringIndex; 325lengths[(Int32)Tables.ImplMap] = 2 + MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.MemberForwarded) + stringIndex + 328lengths[(Int32)Tables.ManifestResource] = 4 + 4 + stringIndex + MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.Implementation); 329lengths[(Int32)Tables.MemberRef] = MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.MemberRefParent) + stringIndex + 331lengths[(Int32)Tables.MethodDef] = 4 + 2 + 2 + stringIndex + 335lengths[(Int32)Tables.XModule] = 2 + stringIndex + GUIDIndex * 3; 336lengths[(Int32)Tables.ModuleRef] = stringIndex; 338lengths[(Int32)Tables.ParamDef] = 2 + 2 + stringIndex; 339lengths[(Int32)Tables.XProperty] = 2 + stringIndex + blobIndex; 342lengths[(Int32)Tables.TypeDef] = 4 + stringIndex*2 + MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.TypeDefOrRef) + 344lengths[(Int32)Tables.TypeRef] = MetadataTokenSize(Encodings.ResolutionScope) + stringIndex*2; 376if (stringIndex == 2) return (UInt32)B.ReadUInt16();