File: System\Activities\Tracking\ActivityStateRecord.cs
Project: ndp\cdf\src\NetFx40\System.Activities\System.Activities.csproj (System.Activities)
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
namespace System.Activities.Tracking
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Runtime;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.Diagnostics;
    public sealed class ActivityStateRecord : TrackingRecord
        IDictionary<string, object> variables;
        IDictionary<string, object> arguments;
        ActivityInfo activity;
        string state;
        static ReadOnlyCollection<string> wildcardCollection = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(new List<string>(1) { "*" });
        internal ActivityStateRecord(Guid instanceId, ActivityInstance instance, ActivityInstanceState state)
            : this(instanceId, new ActivityInfo(instance), state)
        internal ActivityStateRecord(Guid instanceId, ActivityInfo activity, ActivityInstanceState state)
            : base(instanceId)
            this.Activity = activity;
            switch (state)
                case ActivityInstanceState.Executing:
                    this.State = ActivityStates.Executing;
                case ActivityInstanceState.Closed:
                    this.State = ActivityStates.Closed;
                case ActivityInstanceState.Canceled:
                    this.State = ActivityStates.Canceled;
                case ActivityInstanceState.Faulted:
                    this.State = ActivityStates.Faulted;
                    throw Fx.AssertAndThrow("Invalid state value");
        public ActivityStateRecord(
            Guid instanceId,
            long recordNumber,
            ActivityInfo activity,
            string state)
            : base(instanceId, recordNumber)
            if (activity == null)
                throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNull("activity");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(state))
                throw FxTrace.Exception.ArgumentNullOrEmpty("state");
            this.Activity = activity;
            this.State = state;
        ActivityStateRecord(ActivityStateRecord record)
            : base(record)
            this.Activity = record.Activity;
            this.State = record.State;
            if (record.variables != null)
                if (record.variables == ActivityUtilities.EmptyParameters)
                    this.variables = ActivityUtilities.EmptyParameters;
                    this.variables = new Dictionary<string, object>(record.variables);
            if (record.arguments != null)
                if (record.arguments == ActivityUtilities.EmptyParameters)
                    this.arguments = ActivityUtilities.EmptyParameters;
                    this.arguments = new Dictionary<string, object>(record.arguments);
        public ActivityInfo Activity
                return this.activity;
            private set
                this.activity = value;
        public string State
                return this.state;
            private set
                this.state = value;
        public IDictionary<string, object> Variables
                if (this.variables == null)
                    this.variables = GetVariables(wildcardCollection);
                    Fx.Assert(this.variables.IsReadOnly, "only readonly dictionary can be set for variables");
                return this.variables;
            internal set
                Fx.Assert(value.IsReadOnly, "only readonly dictionary can be set for variables");
                this.variables = value;
        public IDictionary<string, object> Arguments
                if (this.arguments == null)
                    this.arguments = GetArguments(wildcardCollection);
                    Fx.Assert(this.arguments.IsReadOnly, "only readonly dictionary can be set for arguments");
                return this.arguments;
            internal set
                Fx.Assert(value.IsReadOnly, "only readonly dictionary can be set for arguments");
                this.arguments = value;
        [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "variables")]
        internal IDictionary<string, object> SerializedVariables
            get { return this.variables; }
            set { this.variables = value; }
        [DataMember(EmitDefaultValue = false, Name = "arguments")]
        internal IDictionary<string, object> SerializedArguments
            get { return this.arguments; }
            set { this.arguments = value; }
        [DataMember(Name = "Activity")]
        internal ActivityInfo SerializedActivity
            get { return this.Activity; }
            set { this.Activity = value; }
        [DataMember(Name = "State")]
        internal string SerializedState
            get { return this.State; }
            set { this.State = value; }
        protected internal override TrackingRecord Clone()
            return new ActivityStateRecord(this);
        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,
               "ActivityStateRecord {{ {0}, Activity {{ {1} }}, State = {2} }}",
        internal IDictionary<string, object> GetVariables(ICollection<string> variables)
            Dictionary<string, object> trackedVariables = null; // delay allocated through TrackData
            ActivityInstance currentInstance = this.Activity.Instance;
            if (currentInstance != null)
                Activity currentElement = currentInstance.Activity;
                Activity startActivity = currentInstance.Activity;
                bool containsWildcard = variables.Contains("*");
                //count defines how many items we can get in this lookup. It represents the maximum number of items that can be extracted, 
                //if * is specified, any other names specified are expected to be variables defined in scope, not in the activity itself. 
                //if a variable name in the activity is specified, the lookup continues through the variables in scope. 
                int count = containsWildcard ? currentElement.RuntimeVariables.Count + variables.Count - 1 : variables.Count;
                IdSpace activityIdSpace = currentElement.MemberOf;
                while (currentInstance != null)
                    //* only extracts variables of the current Activity and not variables in scope. 
                    bool useWildCard = containsWildcard && startActivity == currentElement;
                    // we only track public Variables, not ImplementationVariables
                    for (int i = 0; i < currentElement.RuntimeVariables.Count; i++)
                        Variable variable = currentElement.RuntimeVariables[i];
                        if (TrackData(variable.Name, variable.Id, currentInstance, variables, useWildCard, ref trackedVariables))
                            if (trackedVariables.Count == count)
                                return new ReadOnlyDictionaryInternal<string, object>(trackedVariables);
                    bool foundNext = false;
                    while (!foundNext)
                        currentInstance = currentInstance.Parent;
                        if (currentInstance != null)
                            currentElement = currentInstance.Activity;
                            foundNext = currentElement.MemberOf.Equals(activityIdSpace);
                            // We set foundNext to true to get out of our loop.
                            foundNext = true;
            if (trackedVariables == null)
                return ActivityUtilities.EmptyParameters;
                Fx.Assert(trackedVariables.Count > 0, "we should only allocate the dictionary if we're putting data in it");
                return new ReadOnlyDictionaryInternal<string, object>(trackedVariables);
        internal IDictionary<string, object> GetArguments(ICollection<string> arguments)
            Dictionary<string, object> trackedArguments = null; // delay allocated through TrackData
            ActivityInstance currentInstance = this.Activity.Instance;
            if (currentInstance != null)
                Activity currentElement = currentInstance.Activity;
                bool containsWildcard = arguments.Contains("*");
                int count = containsWildcard ? currentElement.RuntimeArguments.Count : arguments.Count;
                bool isActivityStateExecuting = ActivityStates.Executing.Equals(this.State, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                //look at arguments for this element. 
                for (int i = 0; i < currentElement.RuntimeArguments.Count; i++)
                    RuntimeArgument argument = currentElement.RuntimeArguments[i];
                    // OutArguments will always start with default(T), so there is no need to track them when state == Executing
                    if (isActivityStateExecuting && argument.Direction == ArgumentDirection.Out)
                    if (TrackData(argument.Name, argument.Id, currentInstance, arguments, containsWildcard, ref trackedArguments))
                        if (trackedArguments.Count == count)
            if (trackedArguments == null)
                return ActivityUtilities.EmptyParameters;
                Fx.Assert(trackedArguments.Count > 0, "we should only allocate the dictionary if we're putting data in it");
                return new ReadOnlyDictionaryInternal<string, object>(trackedArguments);
        bool TrackData(string name, int id, ActivityInstance currentInstance, ICollection<string> data, bool wildcard, ref Dictionary<string, object> trackedData)
            if (wildcard || data.Contains(name))
                Location location = currentInstance.Environment.GetSpecificLocation(id);
                if (location != null)
                    if (trackedData == null)
                        trackedData = new Dictionary<string, object>(10);
                    string dataName = name ?? NameGenerator.Next();
                    trackedData[dataName] = location.Value;
                    if (TD.TrackingDataExtractedIsEnabled())
                        TD.TrackingDataExtracted(dataName, this.Activity.Name);
                    return true;
            return false;