3 writes to dictionary
System.Activities (3)
System\Activities\HybridDictionary.cs (3)
115this.dictionary = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue>(); 167this.dictionary = null; 201this.dictionary = null;
26 references to dictionary
System.Activities (26)
System\Activities\HybridDictionary.cs (26)
28else if (this.dictionary != null) 30return this.dictionary.Count; 53else if (this.dictionary != null) 55return new ReadOnlyCollection<TValue>(new List<TValue>(this.dictionary.Values)); 70else if (this.dictionary != null) 72return new ReadOnlyCollection<TKey>(new List<TKey>(this.dictionary.Keys)); 87else if (this.dictionary != null) 89return this.dictionary[key]; 108if (this.singleItemKey == null && this.singleItemValue == null && this.dictionary == null) 117this.dictionary.Add(this.singleItemKey, this.singleItemValue); 122this.dictionary.Add(key, value); 127Fx.Assert(this.dictionary != null, "We should always have a dictionary at this point"); 129this.dictionary.Add(key, value); 144else if (this.dictionary != null) 146return this.dictionary.ContainsKey(key); 161else if (this.dictionary != null) 163bool ret = this.dictionary.Remove(key); 165if (this.dictionary.Count == 0) 183else if (this.dictionary != null) 185return this.dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value); 210else if (this.dictionary != null) 212return this.dictionary.Contains(item); 224else if (this.dictionary != null) 226this.dictionary.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex); 241else if (this.dictionary != null) 243foreach (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> kvp in this.dictionary)