5 writes to itemCount
System.Activities.DurableInstancing (5)
System\Activities\DurableInstancing\BinaryHeap.cs (5)
42this.itemCount = 0; 53this.items[this.itemCount++] = new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>(key, item); 72this.itemCount = 0; 77--this.itemCount; 123this.itemCount = lastItem;
18 references to itemCount
System.Activities.DurableInstancing (18)
System\Activities\DurableInstancing\BinaryHeap.cs (18)
32get { return this.itemCount; } 37get { return this.itemCount == 0; } 48if (this.itemCount == this.items.Length) 54int position = this.BubbleUp(this.itemCount - 1); 66Fx.Assert(this.itemCount > 0, "Cannot dequeue empty queue."); 70if (this.itemCount == 1) 78this.items[0] = this.items[itemCount]; 79this.items[itemCount] = this.EmptyItem; 95Fx.Assert(this.itemCount > 0, "Cannot peek at empty queue."); 106for (int position = 0; position < this.itemCount; position++) 108while (func(this.items[position]) && position < this.itemCount) 112int lastItem = this.itemCount - 1; 140if (this.items.Length > defaultCapacity && this.itemCount < (this.items.Length >> 1)) 143defaultCapacity, (((this.itemCount / defaultCapacity) + 1) * defaultCapacity)); 168Fx.Assert(itemCount < newSize, "Shrinking now will lose data."); 173Array.Copy(this.items, 0, temp, 0, this.itemCount); 188if (leftChildPosition < itemCount) 200if (rightChildPosition < itemCount)