1 instantiation of App
SMSvcHost (1)
System\ServiceModel\Activation\AppManager.cs (1)
59App app = new App(appKey, path, siteId, appPool, requestsBlocked);
50 references to App
SMSvcHost (50)
System\ServiceModel\Activation\ActivatedMessageQueue.cs (3)
19App app; 32internal ActivatedMessageQueue(ListenerAdapter listenerAdapter, App app) 51public App App { get { return app; } }
System\ServiceModel\Activation\ActivationService.cs (1)
35public IActivatedMessageQueue CreateQueue(ListenerAdapter la, App app)
System\ServiceModel\Activation\AppManager.cs (8)
17Dictionary<string, App> apps; 22this.apps = new Dictionary<string, App>(); 34public Dictionary<string, App> Apps 56public App CreateApp(string appKey, string path, int siteId, string appPoolId, bool requestsBlocked) 59App app = new App(appKey, path, siteId, appPool, requestsBlocked); 73foreach (App app in pool.SnapshotApps()) 84public void DeleteApp(App app, bool appPoolDeleted) 93foreach (App app in apps.Values)
System\ServiceModel\Activation\AppPool.cs (7)
14List<App> apps; 20this.apps = new List<App>(); 29internal void AddApp(App app) 37internal void RemoveApp(App app) 45internal IEnumerable<App> SnapshotApps() 49return new List<App>(this.apps); 66foreach (App app in apps)
System\ServiceModel\Activation\IActivatedMessageQueue.cs (1)
13App App { get; }
System\ServiceModel\Activation\IActivationService.cs (1)
13IActivatedMessageQueue CreateQueue(ListenerAdapter la, App app);
System\ServiceModel\Activation\ListenerAdapter.cs (25)
117List<App> existingApps = new List<App>(); 118List<App> removeApps = new List<App>(); 119List<App> delayRemoveApps = new List<App>(); 126foreach (App app in existingApps) 144foreach (App app in removeApps) 152foreach (App app in delayRemoveApps) 180void CloseAllListenerChannelInstances(App app) 218App app = null; 252internal void CompleteAppPoolChange(App app, string appPoolId) 278App app = null; 314internal void CompleteDeleteApp(App app) 319void CompleteAppSettingsChanged(App app) 342void RemoveApp(App app) 372App app = null; 407internal void RegisterNewBindings(App app, string[] bindings) 437App app = null; 464void CompleteAppCreation(App app, string[] bindings) 599App app = queue.App; 734App app = null; 872void ScheduleClosingListenerChannelInstances(App app) 884App app = state as App;
System\ServiceModel\Activation\MsmqActivation.cs (4)
262public IActivatedMessageQueue CreateQueue(ListenerAdapter la, App app) 302App app; 316public QueueMonitorGroup(ActivationService activationService, ListenerAdapter la, App app) 335public App App