1 instantiation of ElementNode
SMDiagnostics (1)
System\ServiceModel\Diagnostics\TraceXPathNavigator.cs (1)
315ElementNode node = new ElementNode(name, prefix, this.CurrentElement, xmlns);
23 references to ElementNode
SMDiagnostics (23)
System\ServiceModel\Diagnostics\TraceXPathNavigator.cs (23)
22ElementNode root = null; 42protected TraceNode(XPathNodeType nodeType, ElementNode parent) 54internal ElementNode parent; 59internal CommentNode(string text, ElementNode parent) 89internal ElementNode(string name, string prefix, ElementNode parent, string xmlns) 104internal IEnumerable<ElementNode> FindSubnodes(string[] headersPath) 115ElementNode node = this; 126ElementNode subNode = null; 133ElementNode childNode = child as ElementNode; 193ElementNode child = node as ElementNode; 267internal ProcessingInstructionNode(string name, string text, ElementNode parent) 315ElementNode node = new ElementNode(name, prefix, this.CurrentElement, xmlns); 474string LookupPrefix(string ns, ElementNode node) 572ElementNode parent = this.current.parent; 775ElementNode CurrentElement 777get { return this.current as ElementNode; } 914foreach (ElementNode node in this.root.FindSubnodes(headersPath)) 922static void MaskElement(ElementNode element) 933static void MaskSubnodes(ElementNode element, string[] elementNames) 938static void MaskSubnodes(ElementNode element, string[] elementNames, bool processNodeItself) 970foreach (ElementNode subNode in element.childNodes)