File: src\Framework\System\AppContextDefaultValues.cs
Project: wpf\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// File: AppContextDefaultValues.cs
using MS.Internal;
namespace System
    // There are cases where we have multiple assemblies that are going to import this file and
    // if they are going to also have InternalsVisibleTo between them, there will be a compiler warning
    // that the type is found both in the source and in a referenced assembly. The compiler will prefer
    // the version of the type defined in the source
    // In order to disable the warning for this type we are disabling this warning for this entire file.
    #pragma warning disable 436
    internal static partial class AppContextDefaultValues
        static partial void PopulateDefaultValuesPartial(string platformIdentifier, string profile, int targetFrameworkVersion)
            switch (platformIdentifier)
                case ".NETFramework":
                        if (targetFrameworkVersion <= 40502)
                            LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.DoNotApplyLayoutRoundingToMarginsAndBorderThicknessSwitchName, true);
                        if (targetFrameworkVersion <= 40602)
                            LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.GridStarDefinitionsCanExceedAvailableSpaceSwitchName, true);
                        if (targetFrameworkVersion <= 40700)
                            LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.SelectionPropertiesCanLagBehindSelectionChangedEventSwitchName, true);
                        if (targetFrameworkVersion <= 40701)
                            LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.DoNotUseFollowParentWhenBindingToADODataRelationSwitchName, true);
                        if (40000 <= targetFrameworkVersion && targetFrameworkVersion <= 40702)
                            LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.IListIndexerHidesCustomIndexerSwitchName, true);
                        if (targetFrameworkVersion <= 40800)
                            LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.SelectorUpdatesSelectionPropertiesWhenDisconnectedSwitchName, true);
#if Preserve48Regression_SelectorInDataGridUpdatesSelectionPropertiesWhenDisconnected
                                                // 4.8 shipped with a regression.  Uncommenting this clause would preserve
                                                // the bad behavior for apps targeting 4.8.  However, .NET Servicing
                                                // shiproom decided it's better to fix the behavior.  An app that
                                                // targets 4.8 and depends on the bad behavior can still get it
                                                // by setting the switch to true.
                                                if (targetFrameworkVersion == 40800)
                                                    LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.SelectorInDataGridUpdatesSelectionPropertiesWhenDisconnectedSwitchName, true);
// The AppContext  analyzer expects an if statement here, we should have named the switch 'DoNotUseAdorner' and not included this line at all - by default, switches get set to 'false'
// Because this was realized after we shipped, we are going to disable the warning for this switch.
#pragma warning disable BCL0012
                        // DDVSO:405199
                        // The standard behavior is to draw Text/PasswordBox selections via the adorner.
                        // We want this to always be the case unless it is explicity changed, regardless of .NET target version.
                        LocalAppContext.DefineSwitchDefault(FrameworkAppContextSwitches.UseAdornerForTextboxSelectionRenderingSwitchName, true);
#pragma warning restore BCL0012
    #pragma warning restore 436