File: src\Framework\MS\Internal\WindowsRuntime\Windows\Data\Text\WordSegment.cs
Project: wpf\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// File: WordSegment.cs
// Description: Provides an adapter class describing WinRT type
//                  Windows.Data.Text.WordSegment
//              WordSegment represents a word from your provided text. Words in this class
//                  do not include trailing whitespace or punctuation. This class can also expose
//                  alternate forms of words, and normalized numbers, currencies, dates and times. 
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace MS.Internal.WindowsRuntime
    namespace Windows.Data.Text
        internal class WordSegment
            static WordSegment()
                    s_WinRTType = Type.GetType(s_TypeName);
                    s_WinRTType = null;
            /// <summary>
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="wordSegment"></param>
            public WordSegment(object wordSegment)
                if (s_WinRTType == null) throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
                if (wordSegment.GetType() != s_WinRTType) throw new ArgumentException();
                _wordSegment = wordSegment;
            public IReadOnlyList<AlternateWordForm> AlternateForms
                    if (_alternateForms == null)
                        object alternates = _wordSegment.ReflectionGetProperty("AlternateForms");
                        List<AlternateWordForm> result = new List<AlternateWordForm>();
                        foreach (var item in (IEnumerable)alternates)
                            result.Add(new AlternateWordForm(item));
                        _alternateForms = result.AsReadOnly();
                    return _alternateForms;
            public TextSegment SourceTextSegment
                    if (_sourceTextSegment == null)
                        _sourceTextSegment = new TextSegment(_wordSegment.ReflectionGetProperty("SourceTextSegment"));
                    return _sourceTextSegment;
            public string Text
                    if (_text == null)
                        _text = _wordSegment.ReflectionGetProperty<string>("Text");
                    return _text;
            public static Type WinRTType
                    return s_WinRTType; ;
            private object _wordSegment;
            private IReadOnlyList<AlternateWordForm> _alternateForms = null;
            private TextSegment _sourceTextSegment = null;
            private string _text = null;
            private static string s_TypeName = "Windows.Data.Text.WordSegment, Windows, ContentType=WindowsRuntime";
            private static Type s_WinRTType = null;