File: src\Framework\MS\Internal\PtsHost\BaseParaClient.cs
Project: wpf\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// Description: BaseParagraph provides identity for displayable part of 
//              paragraph in PTS world.
// History:  
//  05/05/2003 : Microsoft - moving from Avalon branch.
//  10/30/2004 : Microsoft - ElementReference cleanup.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; // ReadOnlyCollection
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Documents; // TextPointer
using System.Windows.Media;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Documents; // ParagraphResult
using MS.Internal.Text;
using MS.Internal.PtsHost.UnsafeNativeMethods;
namespace MS.Internal.PtsHost
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // BaseParagraph provides identity for displayable part of paragraph in 
    // PTS world.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    internal abstract class BaseParaClient : UnmanagedHandle
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Constructor.
        //      paragraph - Paragraph owner of the ParaClient.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// Critical - as this invokes the constructor for SecurityCriticalDataForSet.
        /// Safe - as this just initializes to zero.
        /// </SecurityNote>
        [SecurityCritical, SecurityTreatAsSafe]
        protected BaseParaClient(BaseParagraph paragraph) : base(paragraph.PtsContext)
            _paraHandle = new SecurityCriticalDataForSet<IntPtr>(IntPtr.Zero);
            _paragraph = paragraph;
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Update internal cache of ParaClient and arrange its content.
        //      paraDesc - paragraph handle
        //      rcPara - rectangle of the paragraph
        //      dvrTopSpace - top space calculated as a result of margin 
        //                    collapsing
        //      fswdirParent - Flow direction of track
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// Critical, because:
        ///     a) calls the setter _paraHandle.Value and passes the parameter it 
        ///        gets directly.
        /// </SecurityNote>
        internal void Arrange(IntPtr pfspara, PTS.FSRECT rcPara, int dvrTopSpace, uint fswdirParent)
            // Make sure that paragraph handle (PFSPARA) is set. It is required to query paragraph content.
            Debug.Assert(_paraHandle.Value == IntPtr.Zero || _paraHandle.Value == pfspara);
            _paraHandle.Value = pfspara;
            // Set paragraph rectangle (relative to the page)
            _rect = rcPara;
            // Cache dvrTopSpace
            // Note: currently used only by tight geometry bound calculation code
            _dvrTopSpace = dvrTopSpace;
            // Current page context (used for mirroring and offsets)
            _pageContext = Paragraph.StructuralCache.CurrentArrangeContext.PageContext;
            // Cache flow directions
            _flowDirectionParent = PTS.FswdirToFlowDirection(fswdirParent);
            _flowDirection = (FlowDirection)Paragraph.Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty);
            // Do paragraph specifc arrange
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Returns baseline for first text line
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual int GetFirstTextLineBaseline()
            return _rect.v + _rect.dv;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Transfer display related information from another ParaClient.
        //      oldParaClient - another ParaClient
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void TransferDisplayInfo(BaseParaClient oldParaClient)
            Debug.Assert(oldParaClient._visual != null);
            // Transfer visual node ownership
            _visual = oldParaClient._visual;
            oldParaClient._visual = null;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Hit tests to the correct IInputElement within the paragraph
        // that the mouse is over.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual IInputElement InputHitTest(PTS.FSPOINT pt)
            return null;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Returns ArrayList of rectangles for the ContentElement e. 
        // Returns empty list if the paraClient does not contain e.
        // start: int representing start offset of e
        // length: int representing number of characters occupied by e.
        // parentOffset: indicates offset of parent element. Used only by
        //               subpage para clients when calculating rectangles
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual List<Rect> GetRectangles(ContentElement e, int start, int length)
            // Return empty collection as default
            return new List<Rect>();
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Returns rectangles for a the Paragraph element if we have found
        // that it matches the element for which rectangles are needed.
        // Converts the _rect member to the layout DPI and returns it
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual void GetRectanglesForParagraphElement(out List<Rect> rectangles)
            rectangles = new List<Rect>();
            // Convert rect from Text DPI values
            Rect rect = TextDpi.FromTextRect(_rect);
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Validate visual node associated with paragraph.
        //      fskupdInherited - inherited update info
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual void ValidateVisual(PTS.FSKUPDATE fskupdInherited) { }
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Updates the para content with current viewport
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual void UpdateViewport(ref PTS.FSRECT viewport) { }
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Create paragraph result representing this paragraph.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal abstract ParagraphResult CreateParagraphResult();
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Return TextContentRange for the content of the paragraph.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal abstract TextContentRange GetTextContentRange();
        #endregion Internal Methods
        //  Internal Properties
        #region Internal Properties
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Visual associated with paragraph
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual ParagraphVisual Visual
                if (_visual == null)
                    _visual = new ParagraphVisual();
                return _visual;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Is this the first chunk of paginated content.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual bool IsFirstChunk { get { return true; } }
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Is this the last chunk of paginated content.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal virtual bool IsLastChunk { get { return true; } }
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Paragraph owner of the ParaClient.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal BaseParagraph Paragraph { get { return _paragraph; } }
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Rect of para client
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal PTS.FSRECT Rect { get { return _rect; } } 
        internal FlowDirection ThisFlowDirection { get { return _flowDirection; } }
        internal FlowDirection ParentFlowDirection { get { return _flowDirectionParent; } }
        internal FlowDirection PageFlowDirection { get { return Paragraph.StructuralCache.PageFlowDirection; } }
        #endregion Internal Properties
        //  Protected Methods
        #region Protected Methods
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Arrange paragraph.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected virtual void OnArrange() 
        #endregion Protected Methods
        //  Protected Fields
        #region Protected Fields
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Paragraph owner of the ParaClient.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected readonly BaseParagraph _paragraph;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // PTS paragraph handle.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <SecurityNote>
        /// _paraHandle is passed to some Critical PTS functions and will be written
        /// to directly in managed code.  Hence encapsulating this so all code that
        /// sets this variable will become critical.
        /// </SecurityNote>
        protected SecurityCriticalDataForSet<IntPtr> _paraHandle;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Rectangle occupied by this portion of the paragraph (relative
        // to the page).
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected PTS.FSRECT _rect;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // TopSpace value for the paragraph (margin accumulated 
        // during margin collapsing process).
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected int _dvrTopSpace;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Associated visual.
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected ParagraphVisual _visual;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Page context
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected PageContext _pageContext;
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Cached flow directions
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected FlowDirection _flowDirectionParent;
        protected FlowDirection _flowDirection;
        #endregion Protected Fields