File: src\Framework\MS\Internal\AppModel\DeploymentExceptionMapper.cs
Project: wpf\PresentationFramework.csproj (PresentationFramework)
// <copyright file="DeploymentExceptionMapper.cs" company="Microsoft">
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// Description: DeploymentExceptionMapper class definition.
// History:
//  2005/02/08 : MingChan - Created
//  2005/08/22 : MingChan - Added boot WinFX functionality
//  2007/08/01 : Microsoft  - Added detection of System.Core.dll to infer required platform version.
//                          Because WPF v3.5 still has WindowsBase v3.0.0.0, the original heuristic failed.
//  2008/04/08 : Microsoft  - Update for v3.5 SP1. ClickOnce has bestowed upon us two more sentinel assemblies!
//                            > Sentinel.v3.5Client: for applications explicitly targeting the "client"
//                              ("Arrowhead") subset of the framework;
//                            > System.Data.Entity: for applications targeting the full v3.5 SP1.
//                          (It would have been much better if they agreed to just add System.Core v3.5.1
//                          and v3.5.2 instead, which would allow v3.0 SP1/v3.5 to properly bootstrap 
//                          applications targeting this new release...)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Deployment.Application;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace MS.Internal
    internal enum MissingDependencyType
        Others = 0,
        WinFX = 1,
        CLR = 2
    internal static class DeploymentExceptionMapper
        // This is the hardcoded fwlink query parameters, the only dynamic data we pass to fwlink server
        // is the WinFX or CLR version we parse from the ClickOnce error message.
        // Product ID is always 11953 which is the WinFX Runtime Components and subproduct is always bootwinfx
        // The winfxsetup.exe is language neutral so we always specify 0x409 for languages.
        const string fwlinkPrefix = "";
        const string fwlinkSuffix = "&plcid=0x409&clcid=0x409&";
        //  Internal Methods
        #region Internal Methods
        // Check if the platform exception is due to missing WinFX or CLR dependency
        // Parse the exception message and find out the dependent WinFX version and create the 
        // corresponding fwlink Uri.
        static internal MissingDependencyType GetWinFXRequirement(Exception e,
                                                            InPlaceHostingManager hostingManager, 
                                                            out string version, 
                                                            out Uri fwlinkUri)
            version = String.Empty;
            fwlinkUri = null;
            // ClickOnce detects whether it's running as part of the v3.5 "client" subset ("Arrowhead") and
            // if so blocks older applications that don't explicitly opt into the subset framework.
            // (Unfortunately, it does not block an application targeting the full 3.5 SP1 framework this way.)
            // The exception message has ".NET Framework 3.5 SP1" hard-coded in it (referring to the version
            // of the framework needed to run the application, which is not strictly right, but older versions
            // can't/shouldn't be installed on top of the "client" subset). 
            // To make this exception message parsing at least potentially somewhat future-proof, a regex is 
            // used that allows for some variability of syntax and version number. 
            // We don't include the "SP1" part in the fwlink query. This is for consistency with the detection 
            // via sentinel assemblies. The server can be updated to offer the latest release/SP compatible 
            // with the requested major.minor version.
            if (e is DependentPlatformMissingException)
                Regex regex = new Regex(@".NET Framework (v\.?)?(?<version>\d{1,2}(\.\d{1,2})?)", 
                string msg = e.Message;
                Match match = regex.Match(msg);
                    version = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    ConstructFwlinkUrl(version, out fwlinkUri);
                    return MissingDependencyType.WinFX;
            // Load the clickonce resource and use it to parse the exception message
            Assembly deploymentDll = Assembly.GetAssembly(hostingManager.GetType());
            if (deploymentDll == null)
                return MissingDependencyType.Others;
            ResourceManager resourceManager = new ResourceManager("System.Deployment", deploymentDll);
            if (resourceManager == null)
                return MissingDependencyType.Others;
            String clrProductName = resourceManager.GetString("PlatformMicrosoftCommonLanguageRuntime", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
            String versionString = resourceManager.GetString("PlatformDependentAssemblyVersion", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
            if ((clrProductName == null) || (versionString == null))
                return MissingDependencyType.Others;
            // Need to trim off the parameters in the ClickOnce strings:
            // "{0} Version {1}" -> "Version"
            // "Microsoft Common Language Runtime Version {0}" -> "Microsoft Common Language Runtime Version"
            clrProductName = clrProductName.Replace("{0}", "");
            versionString = versionString.Replace("{0}", "");
            versionString = versionString.Replace("{1}", "");
            string[] sentinelAssemblies = { 
                // The Original & "Only" 
                // A reference to System.Core is what makes an application target .NET v3.5. 
                // Because WindowsBase still has v3.0.0.0, it's not the one that fails the platform requirements 
                // test when a v3.5 app is run on the v3 runtime. (This additional check added for v3 SP1.)
                // New sentinel assemblies for v3.5 SP1 (see the revision history)
                "Sentinel.v3.5Client", "System.Data.Entity" };
            // Parse the required version and trim it to major and minor only
            string excpMsg = e.Message;
            int index = excpMsg.IndexOf(versionString, StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (index != -1)
                // ClickOnce exception message is ErrorMessage_Platform* 
                // from clickonce/system.deployment.txt
                version = String.Copy(excpMsg.Substring(index + versionString.Length));
                int indexToFirstDot = version.IndexOf(".", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                int indexToSecondDot = version.IndexOf(".", indexToFirstDot+1, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (excpMsg.IndexOf(clrProductName, StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1)
	                if (OperatingSystemVersionCheck.IsVersionOrLater(OperatingSystemVersion.Windows8))
		                // CLR version are Major.Minor.Revision
		                // Defense in depth here in case CLR changes the version scheme to major + minor only
		                // and we might never see the third dot
		                int indexToThirdDot = version.IndexOf(".", indexToSecondDot+1, StringComparison.Ordinal);
		                if (indexToThirdDot != -1)
		                    version = version.Substring(0, indexToThirdDot);
		            else if (indexToSecondDot != -1)
		                // Defense in depth here in case Avalon change the version scheme to major + minor only
		                // and we might never see the second dot
		                version = version.Substring(0, indexToSecondDot);
                    // prepend CLR to distinguish CLR version fwlink query 
                    // vs. WinFX version query. 
                    string clrVersion = String.Concat("CLR", version);
                    return (ConstructFwlinkUrl(clrVersion, out fwlinkUri) ? MissingDependencyType.CLR : MissingDependencyType.Others);
		            if (indexToSecondDot != -1)
		                // Defense in depth here in case Avalon change the version scheme to major + minor only
		                // and we might never see the second dot
		                version = version.Substring(0, indexToSecondDot);
                    bool sentinelMissing = false;
                    foreach (string sentinelAssembly in sentinelAssemblies)
                        if (excpMsg.IndexOf(sentinelAssembly, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0)
                            sentinelMissing = true;
                    if (!sentinelMissing)
                        version = String.Empty;
            return (ConstructFwlinkUrl(version, out fwlinkUri) ? MissingDependencyType.WinFX : MissingDependencyType.Others);
        static internal void GetErrorTextFromException(Exception e, out string errorTitle, out string errorMessage)
            errorTitle = String.Empty;
            errorMessage = String.Empty; 
            if (e == null)
                errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.CancelledTitle);
                errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.CancelledText);
            else if (e is DependentPlatformMissingException)
                errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.PlatformRequirementTitle);
                errorMessage = e.Message;
            else if (e is InvalidDeploymentException)
                errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.InvalidDeployTitle);
                errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.InvalidDeployText);
            else if (e is TrustNotGrantedException)
                errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.TrustNotGrantedTitle);
                errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.TrustNotGrantedText);
            else if (e is DeploymentDownloadException)
                errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.DownloadTitle);
                errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.DownloadText);
            else if (e is DeploymentException)
                errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.DeployTitle);
                errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.DeployText);
                errorTitle = SR.Get(SRID.UnknownErrorTitle);
                errorMessage = SR.Get(SRID.UnknownErrorText) + "\n\n" + e.Message;
        static internal bool ConstructFwlinkUrl(string version, out Uri fwlinkUri)
            string fwlink = String.Empty;
            fwlinkUri = null; 
            if (version != String.Empty)
                fwlink = String.Copy(fwlinkPrefix);
                fwlink = String.Concat(fwlink, version);
                fwlink = String.Concat(fwlink, fwlinkSuffix);
                // Mitigate against proxy server caching, append today's day to the fwlink 
                // query. This matches the fwlink query from unmanaged bootwap functionality
                // in IE7.
                DateTime today = System.DateTime.Today;
                fwlink = String.Concat(fwlink, today.Year.ToString());
                fwlink = String.Concat(fwlink, today.Month.ToString());
                fwlink = String.Concat(fwlink, today.Day.ToString());
                fwlinkUri = new Uri(fwlink);
                return true;
            return false;