1 write to _flags
PresentationFramework (1)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlRecords.cs (1)
943record._flags = _flags;
53 references to _flags
PresentationFramework (53)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlRecords.cs (53)
912return _flags[_pinnedFlagSection]; 918_flags[_pinnedFlagSection] = value; 943record._flags = _flags; 1346short value = (short) _flags[_assemblyIdLowSection]; 1347value |= (short) (_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] << 8); 1354_flags[_assemblyIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff); 1355_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8); 1609return _flags[_sharedSection] == 1 ? true : false; 1614_flags[_sharedSection] = value ? 1 : 0; 1623return _flags[_sharedSetSection] == 1 ? true : false; 1628_flags[_sharedSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0; 1780return _flags[_sharedSection] == 1 ? true : false; 1785_flags[_sharedSection] = value ? 1 : 0; 1795return _flags[_sharedSetSection] == 1 ? true : false; 1800_flags[_sharedSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0; 2504get { return _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; } 2505set { _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; } 2511get { return _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; } 2512set { _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; } 2953get { return _flags[_isValueSetSection] == 1 ? true : false; } 2954set { _flags[_isValueSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0; } 2959get { return _flags[_isValueTypeIdSection] == 1 ? true : false; } 2960set { _flags[_isValueTypeIdSection] = value ? 1 : 0; } 2967get { return _flags[_isRawEnumValueSetSection] == 1 ? true : false; } 2968set { _flags[_isRawEnumValueSetSection] = value ? 1 : 0; } 3425short value = (short) _flags[_typeIdLowSection]; 3426value |= (short) (_flags[_typeIdHighSection] << 8); 3433_flags[_typeIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff); 3434_flags[_typeIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8); 3445return _flags[_useTypeConverter] == 1 ? true : false; 3450_flags[_useTypeConverter] = value ? 1 : 0; 3459return _flags[_isInjected] == 1 ? true : false; 3464_flags[_isInjected] = value ? 1 : 0; 3843get { return _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; } 3844set { _flags[_isValueTypeExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; } 3850get { return _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] == 1 ? true : false; } 3851set { _flags[_isValueStaticExtensionSection] = value ? 1 : 0; } 4438short value = (short) _flags[_assemblyIdLowSection]; 4439value |= (short) (_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] << 8); 4446_flags[_assemblyIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff); 4447_flags[_assemblyIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8); 4572short value = (short) _flags[_typeIdLowSection]; 4573value |= (short) (_flags[_typeIdHighSection] << 8); 4580_flags[_typeIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff); 4581_flags[_typeIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8); 5138return _flags[_isInternalSection] == 1 ? true : false; 5143_flags[_isInternalSection] = value ? 1 : 0; 5154return (BamlAttributeUsage) _flags[_attributeUsageSection]; 5159_flags[_attributeUsageSection] = (int) value; 5262short value = (short) _flags[_stringIdLowSection]; 5263value |= (short) (_flags[_stringIdHighSection] << 8); 5270_flags[_stringIdLowSection] = (short) (value & 0xff); 5271_flags[_stringIdHighSection] = (short) ((value & 0xff00) >> 8);