5 writes to Index
PresentationFramework (5)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (5)
7082EntryAt(i).Index = i; 7147dn.Index = nAt; 7151EntryAt(nAt).Index = nAt; 7200dn1.Index = -1; 7223EntryAt(nAt).Index = nAt;
64 references to Index
PresentationFramework (64)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (48)
5530int parentIndex = Index; 5531int parentLastChild = Index + ChildCount; 5533return documentNode.Index > parentIndex && documentNode.Index <= parentLastChild; 5549int nFirst = dnCell.Index + 1; 5550int nLast = dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount; 5576int nStart = this.Index + 1; 5577int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; 5600int nStart = this.Index + 1; 5601int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; 5628int nStart = dnRow.Index + 1; 5629int nLast = dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount; 5815return Index >= 0 && _bPending; 5858if (Index < 0) 6020return Index + ChildCount; 6304if (!cs.IsFilled && (nUnfilledRowIndex < 0 || nUnfilledRowIndex > cs.Row.Index)) 6309nUnfilledRowIndex = cs.Row.Index; 6698Debug.Assert(dnPa.IsPending || (nAt > dnPa.Index && nAt <= dnPa.Index + dnPa.ChildCount)); 6788if (dnPa.IsPending && dnPa.Index < dn.Index) 7020if (dn.Index > nStart) 7024if (dn.Index <= nLow) 7033return dn.Index; 7068return dn.Index; 7113if (dn.Index >= 0 && dn.IsTrackedAsOpen) 7132if (dn.Index > EntryAt(i - 1).Index) 7274int nAt = dn.Index; 7314int nAt = dn.Index; 7361int nAt = dn.Index; 7377int nChildrenOldTable = nUnfilledRowIndex - dn.Index - 1; 8175if (dnFieldInstEnd.Index > dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1) 8181for (int fieldInstruction = dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1; 8182fieldInstruction < dnFieldInstEnd.Index; 8216int nInst = dnFieldInstEnd.Index - dnFieldInstBegin.Index + 1; 8217dna.Excise(dnFieldInstBegin.Index, nInst); 8220dna.Excise(dnFieldResultBegin.Index, 1); 8222dna.Excise(dnFieldResultEnd.Index, 1); 8225int nInsertAt = dnFieldBegin.Index; 8226int nChildCount = dnFieldEnd.Index - dnFieldBegin.Index - 1; 8230dna.Excise(dnFieldBegin.Index, 1); 8231dna.Excise(dnFieldEnd.Index, 1); 9973&& dnChild.ClosedParent.Index < nInsertAt 9974&& dnChild.ClosedParent.Index > (nInsertAt + nChildren - 1))
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\XamlToRtfWriter.cs (16)
240nEndList = dn1.Index + dn1.ChildCount + 1; 270nEndList = dn.Index + dn.ChildCount + 1; 414nEndList = dn1.Index + dn1.ChildCount + 1; 435nEndList = dn.Index + dn.ChildCount + 1; 870int nIndex = documentNode.Index; 904int nIndex = documentNode.Index; 931int nIndex = dnThis.Index; 1028int nIndex = dnThis.Index; 1187int nIndex = dnThis.Index; 1686for (int childIndex = dnCell.Index + 1; childIndex <= dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount; childIndex++) 1707for (int tableChildIndex = dnTable.Index+1; tableChildIndex <= dnTable.Index+dnTable.ChildCount; tableChildIndex++) 1771dna.InsertChildAt(dnRow, dnNew, dnCell.Index, 0); 1829dna.InsertChildAt(dnRow, dnNew, dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount + 1, 0); 1935int nIndex = dnThis.Index;