5 instantiations of RowInfo
PresentationFramework (5)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Documents\RowCache.cs (5)
767RowInfo newRow = new RowInfo(); 884RowInfo newRow = new RowInfo(); 978RowInfo newRow = new RowInfo(); 1063RowInfo updatedRow = new RowInfo(); 1174RowInfo updatedRow = new RowInfo();
46 references to RowInfo
PresentationFramework (46)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Documents\DocumentGrid.cs (16)
364RowInfo scrolledRow = _rowCache.GetRowForPageNumber(pageNumber); 390RowInfo row = _rowCache.GetRow(nextRow); 408RowInfo row = _rowCache.GetRow(previousRow); 1222RowInfo currentRow = _rowCache.GetRow(row); 1433RowInfo firstRow = _rowCache.GetRow(newFirstVisibleRow); 1435RowInfo lastRow = _rowCache.GetRow(newFirstVisibleRow + newVisibleRowCount - 1); 1459RowInfo currentRow = _rowCache.GetRow(i); 1631RowInfo currentRow = _rowCache.GetRow(row); 2340private bool RowIsClean(RowInfo row) 2360private void EnsureFit(RowInfo pivotRow) 2394private void ApplyViewParameters(RowInfo pivotRow) 2419private double CalculateScaleFactor(RowInfo pivotRow) 2733private double GetHorizontalOffsetForPage( RowInfo row, int pageNumber ) 2952RowInfo newRow = _rowCache.GetRowForPageNumber(_savedPivotRow.FirstPage); 3033RowInfo pivotRow = _rowCache.GetRow(args.PivotRowIndex); 3234private RowInfo _savedPivotRow;
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Documents\RowCache.cs (30)
44_rowCache = new List<RowInfo>(_defaultRowCacheSize); 252public RowInfo GetRow(int index) 268public RowInfo GetRowForPageNumber(int pageNumber) 297RowInfo rowInfo = _rowCache[i]; 479RowInfo currentRow = _rowCache[i]; 634RowInfo lastRow = _rowCache[_rowCache.Count-1]; 695RowInfo pivotRow = CreateFixedRow(pivotPage, columns); 708List<RowInfo> tempRows = new List<RowInfo>(pivotPage / columns); 713RowInfo newRow = CreateDynamicRow(currentPage - 1, pivotRowWidth, false /* backwards */); 737RowInfo newRow = CreateDynamicRow(currentPage, pivotRowWidth, true /*forwards */); 755private RowInfo CreateDynamicRow(int startPage, double rowWidth, bool createForward) 767RowInfo newRow = new RowInfo(); 854RowInfo newRow = CreateFixedRow(i, columns); 868private RowInfo CreateFixedRow(int startPage, int columns) 884RowInfo newRow = new RowInfo(); 934RowInfo lastRow = _rowCache[_rowCache.Count - 1]; 943RowInfo pivotRow = GetRow(_pivotRowIndex); 978RowInfo newRow = new RowInfo(); 1007private void AddRow(RowInfo newRow) 1020RowInfo lastRow = _rowCache[_rowCache.Count - 1]; 1060RowInfo currentRow = _rowCache[rowIndex]; 1063RowInfo updatedRow = new RowInfo(); 1097private void UpdateRow(int index, RowInfo newRow) 1112 RowInfo oldRowInfo = _rowCache[index]; 1125RowInfo row = _rowCache[i]; 1152RowInfo row = _rowCache[i]; 1170RowInfo oldRow = GetRow(rowIndex); 1174RowInfo updatedRow = new RowInfo(); 1359private List<RowInfo> _rowCache;