1 write to _rtfBytes
PresentationFramework (1)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlLexer.cs (1)
37_rtfBytes = rtfBytes;
33 references to _rtfBytes
PresentationFramework (33)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlLexer.cs (33)
67if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) 74byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex++]; 100if (_rtfIndex >= _rtfBytes.Length) 115token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex - 1, _rtfIndex - rtfStartIndex); 133token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, _rtfIndex, 1); 227if (_rtfIndex + skip < _rtfBytes.Length) 233_rtfIndex = _rtfBytes.Length - 1; 240byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; 245tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex++]; 256byte tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; 269tokenNextChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex + 1]; 284tokenChar = _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; 322return _rtfBytes[_rtfIndex]; 354while (e < _rtfBytes.Length) 356if (IsControl(_rtfBytes[e])) 358if (_rtfBytes[e] == (byte)'\\' 359&& e + 3 < _rtfBytes.Length 360&& _rtfBytes[e + 1] == '\'' 361&& IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 2]) 362&& IsHex(_rtfBytes[e + 3])) 372else if (_rtfBytes[e] == '\r' || _rtfBytes[e] == '\n' || _rtfBytes[e] == 0) 397if (_rtfBytes[s] == '\\') 399bytes[i++] = (byte)((byte)(HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 2]) << 4) + HexToByte(_rtfBytes[s + 3])); 404bytes[i++] = _rtfBytes[s++]; 412token.Text = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, s, e - s); 436while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsControlCharValid(CurByte)) 442string controlName = CurrentEncoding.GetString(_rtfBytes, controlStartIndex, controlLength); 454if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length) 474while (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && IsParameterFollow(CurByte)) 483if (_rtfIndex < _rtfBytes.Length && CurByte == ' ')