6 writes to ChildCount
PresentationFramework (6)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (6)
6635dnClose.ChildCount = nChildCount; 7183dnParent.ChildCount += 1; 7216dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount - nExcise; 7379dn.ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable; // Update old table child count 7380EntryAt(nAt + 1).ChildCount = nChildrenOldTable - 1; // Update old TableBody child count 7391dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount + 2;
49 references to ChildCount
PresentationFramework (49)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (34)
5531int parentLastChild = Index + ChildCount; 5550int nLast = dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount; 5577int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; 5601int nLast = this.Index + this.ChildCount; 5629int nLast = dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount; 5894return ChildCount > 0 || Xaml != null; 6020return Index + ChildCount; 6405int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; 6501int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; 6514if (dn.ChildCount == 0) 6520Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); 6525int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount; 6530Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated); 6562int nChild = dnCoalesce.ChildCount; 6575if (dn.ChildCount == 0 && nAt != nStart) 6579else if (dn.ChildCount > 0) 6581Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount <= nEnd); 6589int nChildrenHere = dn.ChildCount; 6594Debug.Assert(dnChild.ChildCount == 0 && dnChild.IsTerminated); 6638int nEnd = index + dnClose.ChildCount; 6643nAt += dn.ChildCount + 1; 6694Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount < Count); 6698Debug.Assert(dnPa.IsPending || (nAt > dnPa.Index && nAt <= dnPa.Index + dnPa.ChildCount)); 7091if (dnPrev.ChildCount == 0) 7216dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount - nExcise; 7276int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount; 7317int nEndItem = nAt + dn.ChildCount; 7378int nChildrenNewTable = dn.ChildCount - nChildrenOldTable; 7391dnPa.ChildCount = dnPa.ChildCount + 2; 8293Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); 8324Debug.Assert(dn.ChildCount == 0); 8362nChildCount -= dn.ChildCount; 8897int nEnd = ndnListText + dnListText.ChildCount; 9908&& nInsertAt + dn.ChildCount == dna.Count)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\XamlToRtfWriter.cs (15)
240nEndList = dn1.Index + dn1.ChildCount + 1; 270nEndList = dn.Index + dn.ChildCount + 1; 414nEndList = dn1.Index + dn1.ChildCount + 1; 435nEndList = dn.Index + dn.ChildCount + 1; 873for (; nStart <= nIndex + documentNode.ChildCount; nStart++) 907for (; nStart <= nIndex + documentNode.ChildCount; nStart++) 1010for (nAt = nStart; nAt <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nAt++) 1067for (nAt = nStart; nAt <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nAt++) 1197for (nAt = nStart; nAt <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nAt++) 1686for (int childIndex = dnCell.Index + 1; childIndex <= dnCell.Index + dnCell.ChildCount; childIndex++) 1707for (int tableChildIndex = dnTable.Index+1; tableChildIndex <= dnTable.Index+dnTable.ChildCount; tableChildIndex++) 1731tableChildIndex += dnChild.ChildCount; 1829dna.InsertChildAt(dnRow, dnNew, dnRow.Index + dnRow.ChildCount + 1, 0); 1938for (; nStart <= nIndex + dnThis.ChildCount; nStart++) 1990i += dn.ChildCount + 1;