3 writes to _count
PresentationCore (3)
Shared\MS\Internal\PriorityQueue.cs (3)
74_count = 0; 132_count++; 148--_count;
13 references to _count
PresentationCore (13)
Shared\MS\Internal\PriorityQueue.cs (13)
87get { return _count; } 98Debug.Assert(_count > 0); 114if (_count == _heap.Length) 116Array.Resize<T>(ref _heap, _count * 2); 125SiftUp(_count, ref value, 0); 129_heap[_count] = value; 140Debug.Assert(_count != 0); 146if (_count > 0) 163T x = _heap[_count]; // lift item x out from the last position 166_heap[_count] = default(T); // don't leak x 188while (leftChild < _count) 192(rightChild < _count && _comparer.Compare(_heap[rightChild], _heap[leftChild]) < 0) ? 245for (int i = _count/2 - 1; i >= 0; --i)