55 references to BitsPerByte
PresentationCore (55)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\InkSerializedFormat\CustomAttributeSerializer.cs (4)
639int count = (int)(memStream.Length - 2) / Native.BitsPerByte; // size of one element 647int count = (int)(memStream.Length - 2) / Native.BitsPerByte; // size of one element 663int count = (int)(memStream.Length - 2) / Native.BitsPerByte; // size of one element 671int count = (int)(memStream.Length - 2) / Native.BitsPerByte; // size of one element
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\InkSerializedFormat\DrawingAttributeSerializer.cs (4)
287Color color = Color.FromRgb((byte)(dw & 0xff), (byte)((dw & 0xff00) >> Native.BitsPerByte), (byte)((dw & 0xff0000) >> (Native.BitsPerByte * 2))); 534uint colorVal = r + (g << Native.BitsPerByte) + (b << (Native.BitsPerByte * 2));
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\InkSerializedFormat\GorillaCodec.cs (5)
264while ((0 != (ulAbsMax >> bitCount)) && (bitCount < (uint)Native.BitsPerByte)) 459bitCount = Native.BitsPerByte; 500return (int)reader.ReadByte(Native.BitsPerByte); 664bitCount = Native.BitsPerByte; 666bitsToWrite = Native.BitsPerByte;
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\InkSerializedFormat\LZCodec.cs (5)
67byte1 = reader.ReadByte(Native.BitsPerByte); 76byte1 = reader.ReadByte(Native.BitsPerByte); 82writer.Write(byte1, Native.BitsPerByte); 90byte2 = reader.ReadByte(Native.BitsPerByte); 99writer.Write(byte1, Native.BitsPerByte);
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\InkSerializedFormat\StrokeSerializer.cs (10)
513int fullBytesForButtonsPerPacket = buttonCount / Native.BitsPerByte; 516int partialBitsForButtonsPerPacket = buttonCount % Native.BitsPerByte; 519localBytesRead = (uint)((buttonCount * pointCount + 7) / Native.BitsPerByte); 526int buttonSizeInBytes = (buttonCount + 7)/Native.BitsPerByte; 542buttonData[byteCounter++] = bitReader.ReadByte(Native.BitsPerByte); 607int nBtnDim = (buttonCount + 7) / Native.BitsPerByte; 628packets[iPacket] = ((int)((uint)((buttonData[iBtnByte] << (Native.BitsPerByte * 3)) | (buttonData[iBtnByte + 1] << (Native.BitsPerByte * 2)) | (buttonData[iBtnByte + 2] << Native.BitsPerByte) | (buttonData[iBtnByte + 3])))); 649btn = (btn << Native.BitsPerByte) | (buttonData[iBtnByte + iPart]);
Shared\MS\Internal\Ink\BitStream.cs (27)
33_bufferLengthInBits = (uint)buffer.Length * (uint)Native.BitsPerByte; 51_bufferLengthInBits = (uint)(buffer.Length - startIndex) * (uint)Native.BitsPerByte; 63if (bufferLengthInBits > (buffer.Length * Native.BitsPerByte)) 84int countToRead = (int)Native.BitsPerByte; 114int countToRead = (int)Native.BitsPerByte; 143int countToRead = (int)Native.BitsPerByte; 150b <<= (fullBytesRead * Native.BitsPerByte); 172int countToRead = (int)Native.BitsPerByte; 201int countToRead = (int)Native.BitsPerByte; 208b <<= (fullBytesRead * Native.BitsPerByte); 243if (countOfBits > Native.BitsPerByte || countOfBits <= 0) 264int rightShiftPartialByteBy = Native.BitsPerByte - countOfBits; 284int rightShiftPartialByteBy = Native.BitsPerByte - countOfBits; 288int rightShiftNextByteBy = Math.Abs((countOfBits - _cbitsInPartialByte) - Native.BitsPerByte); 298_cbitsInPartialByte = Native.BitsPerByte - (countOfBits - _cbitsInPartialByte); 387int fullBytes = countOfBits / Native.BitsPerByte; 391int bitsToWrite = countOfBits % Native.BitsPerByte; 395byte byteOfData = (byte)(bits >> (fullBytes * Native.BitsPerByte)); 407bitsToWrite = Native.BitsPerByte; 425int fullBytes = countOfBits / Native.BitsPerByte; 429int bitsToWrite = countOfBits % Native.BitsPerByte; 436byte byteOfData = (byte)(bits >> (x * Native.BitsPerByte)); 437Write(byteOfData, Native.BitsPerByte); 449if (countOfBits <= 0 || countOfBits > Native.BitsPerByte) 463buffer |= (byte)((bits & (0xFF >> (Native.BitsPerByte - countOfBits))) >> (countOfBits - _remaining)); 468buffer |= (byte)((bits & (0xFF >> (Native.BitsPerByte - countOfBits))) << (_remaining - countOfBits)); 477_remaining = Native.BitsPerByte - (countOfBits - _remaining);