File: system\security\accesscontrol\acl.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\bcl\mscorlib.csproj (mscorlib)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** Classes:  Access Control List (ACL) family of classes
namespace System.Security.AccessControl
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
    public sealed class AceEnumerator : IEnumerator
        #region Private Members
        // Current enumeration index
        private int _current;
        // Parent collection
        private readonly GenericAcl _acl;
        #region Constructors
        internal AceEnumerator( GenericAcl collection )
            if ( collection == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "collection" );
            _acl = collection;
        #region IEnumerator Interface
        object IEnumerator.Current
                if ( _current == -1 ||
                    _current >= _acl.Count )
                    throw new InvalidOperationException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Arg_InvalidOperationException" ));
                return _acl[_current];
        public GenericAce Current
            get { return (( IEnumerator )this ).Current as GenericAce; }
        public bool MoveNext()
            return ( _current < _acl.Count );
        public void Reset()
            _current = -1;
    public abstract class GenericAcl : ICollection
        #region Constructors
        protected GenericAcl()
        { }
        #region Public Constants
        // ACL revisions
        public static readonly byte AclRevision = 2;
        public static readonly byte AclRevisionDS = 4;
        // Maximum length of a binary representation of the ACL
        public static readonly int MaxBinaryLength = ushort.MaxValue;
        #region Protected Members
        //  Define an ACL and the ACE format.  The structure of an ACL header
        //  followed by one or more ACEs.  Pictorally the structure of an ACL header
        //  is as follows:
        //       3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        //       1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
        //      +-------------------------------+---------------+---------------+
        //      |            AclSize            |      Sbz1     |  AclRevision  |
        //      +-------------------------------+---------------+---------------+
        //      |              Sbz2             |           AceCount            |
        //      +-------------------------------+-------------------------------+
        internal const int HeaderLength = 8;
        #region Public Properties
        // Returns the revision of the ACL
        public abstract byte Revision { get; }
        // Returns the length of the binary representation of the ACL
        public abstract int BinaryLength { get; }
        // Retrieves the ACE at a specified index
        public abstract GenericAce this[int index] { get; set; }
        #region Public Methods
        // Returns the binary representation of the ACL
        public abstract void GetBinaryForm( byte[] binaryForm, int offset );
        #region ICollection Implementation
        void ICollection.CopyTo( Array array, int index )
            if ( array == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "array" );
            if ( array.Rank != 1 )
                throw new RankException( Environment.GetResourceString( "Rank_MultiDimNotSupported" ));
            if ( index < 0 )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum" ));
            else if ( array.Length - index < Count )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_ArrayTooSmall" ));
            for ( int i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                array.SetValue( this[i], index + i );
        public void CopyTo( GenericAce[] array, int index ) 
            (( ICollection )this ).CopyTo( array, index );
        public abstract int Count { get; }
        public bool IsSynchronized
            get { return false; }
        public virtual object SyncRoot
            get { return this; }
        #region IEnumerable Implementation
        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return new AceEnumerator( this );
        public AceEnumerator GetEnumerator()
            return (( IEnumerable )this ).GetEnumerator() as AceEnumerator;
    public sealed class RawAcl : GenericAcl
        #region Private Members
        private byte _revision;
        private ArrayList _aces;
        #region Private Methods
        private static void VerifyHeader( byte[] binaryForm, int offset, out byte revision, out int count, out int length )
            if ( binaryForm == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "binaryForm" );
            if ( offset < 0 )
                // Offset must not be negative
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum" ));
            if ( binaryForm.Length - offset < HeaderLength )
                // We expect at least the ACL header
                goto InvalidParameter;
            revision = binaryForm[offset + 0];
            length = ( binaryForm[offset + 2] << 0 ) + ( binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8 );
            count = ( binaryForm[offset + 4] << 0 ) + ( binaryForm[offset + 5] << 8 );
            if ( length > binaryForm.Length - offset )
                // Reported length of ACL ought to be no longer than the
                // length of the buffer passed in
                goto InvalidParameter;
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_ArrayTooSmall" ));
        private void MarshalHeader( byte[] binaryForm, int offset )
            if ( binaryForm == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "binaryForm" );
            else if ( offset < 0 )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum" ));
            else if ( BinaryLength > MaxBinaryLength )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( Environment.GetResourceString( "AccessControl_AclTooLong" ));
            else if ( binaryForm.Length - offset < BinaryLength )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_ArrayTooSmall" ));
            binaryForm[offset + 0] = Revision;
            binaryForm[offset + 1] = 0;
            binaryForm[offset + 2] = ( byte )( BinaryLength >> 0 );
            binaryForm[offset + 3] = ( byte )( BinaryLength >> 8 );
            binaryForm[offset + 4] = ( byte )( Count >> 0 );
            binaryForm[offset + 5] = ( byte )( Count >> 8 );
            binaryForm[offset + 6] = 0;
            binaryForm[offset + 7] = 0;
        internal void SetBinaryForm( byte[] binaryForm, int offset )
            int count, length;
            // Verify the header and extract interesting header info
            VerifyHeader( binaryForm, offset, out _revision, out count, out length );
            // Remember how far ahead the binary form should end (for later verification)
            length += offset;
            offset += HeaderLength;
            _aces = new ArrayList( count );
            int binaryLength = HeaderLength;
            for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
                GenericAce ace = GenericAce.CreateFromBinaryForm( binaryForm, offset );
                int aceLength = ace.BinaryLength;
                if ( binaryLength + aceLength > MaxBinaryLength )
                    // The ACE was too long - it would overflow the ACL maximum length
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentException_InvalidAclBinaryForm" ),
                        "binaryForm" );
                _aces.Add( ace );
                if ( aceLength % 4 != 0 )
                    // This indicates a bug in one of the ACE classes.
                    // Binary length of an ace must ALWAYS be divisible by 4.
                    Contract.Assert( false, "aceLength % 4 != 0" );
                    throw new SystemException();
                binaryLength += aceLength;
                if ( _revision == AclRevisionDS )
                    // Increment the offset by the advertised length rather than the 
                    // actual binary length. (Ideally these two should match, but for
                    // object aces created through ADSI, the actual length is 32 bytes 
                    // less than the allocated size of the ACE. This is a bug in ADSI.)
                    offset += (binaryForm[offset + 2] << 0) + (binaryForm[offset + 3] << 8);
                    offset += aceLength;
                // Verify that no more than the advertised length of the ACL was consumed
                if ( offset > length )
                    goto InvalidParameter;
            throw new ArgumentException(
                Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentException_InvalidAclBinaryForm" ),
                "binaryForm" );
        #region Constructors
        // Creates an empty ACL
        public RawAcl( byte revision, int capacity )
            : base()
            _revision = revision;
            _aces = new ArrayList( capacity );
        // Creates an ACL from its binary representation
        public RawAcl( byte[] binaryForm, int offset )
            : base()
            SetBinaryForm( binaryForm, offset );
        #region Public Properties
        // Returns the revision of the ACL
        public override byte Revision
            get { return _revision; }
        // Returns the number of ACEs in the ACL
        public override int Count
            get { return _aces.Count; }
        // Returns the length of the binary representation of the ACL
        public override int BinaryLength
                int binaryLength = HeaderLength;
                for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                    GenericAce ace = _aces[i] as GenericAce;
                    binaryLength += ace.BinaryLength;
                return binaryLength;
        #region Public Methods
        // Returns the binary representation of the ACL
        public override void GetBinaryForm( byte[] binaryForm, int offset )
            // Populate the header
            MarshalHeader( binaryForm, offset );
            offset += HeaderLength;
            for ( int i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                GenericAce ace = _aces[i] as GenericAce;
                ace.GetBinaryForm( binaryForm, offset );
                int aceLength = ace.BinaryLength;
                if ( aceLength % 4 != 0 )
                    // This indicates a bug in one of the ACE classes.
                    // Binary length of an ace must ALWAYS be divisible by 4.
                    Contract.Assert( false, "aceLength % 4 != 0" );
                    throw new SystemException();
                offset += aceLength;
        // Return an ACE at a particular index
        // The ACE is not cloned prior to returning, enabling the caller
        // to modify the ACE in place (a potentially dangerous operation)
        public override GenericAce this[int index]
                return _aces[index] as GenericAce;
                if ( value == null )
                    throw new ArgumentNullException( "value" );
                if ( value.BinaryLength % 4 != 0 )
                    // This indicates a bug in one of the ACE classes.
                    // Binary length of an ace must ALWAYS be divisible by 4.
                    Contract.Assert( false, "aceLength % 4 != 0" );
                    throw new SystemException();
                int newBinaryLength = BinaryLength - ( index < _aces.Count ? ( _aces[index] as GenericAce ).BinaryLength : 0 ) + value.BinaryLength;
                if ( newBinaryLength > MaxBinaryLength )
                    throw new OverflowException( Environment.GetResourceString( "AccessControl_AclTooLong" ));
                _aces[index] = value;
        // Adds an ACE at the specified index
        public void InsertAce( int index, GenericAce ace )
            if ( ace == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "ace" );
            if ( BinaryLength + ace.BinaryLength > MaxBinaryLength )
                throw new OverflowException( Environment.GetResourceString( "AccessControl_AclTooLong" ));
            _aces.Insert( index, ace );
        // Removes an ACE at the specified index
        public void RemoveAce( int index )
            GenericAce ace = _aces[index] as GenericAce;
            _aces.RemoveAt( index );
    public abstract class CommonAcl : GenericAcl
        #region Add/Remove Logic Support
        private enum AF    // ACE flags
            CI        = 0x8,    // container inherit
            OI        = 0x4,    // object inherit
            IO        = 0x2,    // inherit only
            NP        = 0x1,    // no propagate inherit
            Invalid   = NP,     // not a valid combination of flags
        private enum PM    // Propagation matrix
            F         = 0x10,    // folder
            CF        = 0x08,    // child folder
            CO        = 0x04,    // child object
            GF        = 0x02,    // grandchild folder
            GO        = 0x01,    // grandchild object
            Invalid   = GO,      // not a valid combination of flags
        private static PM[] AFtoPM;    // AceFlags-to-Propagation conversion matrix
        private static AF[] PMtoAF;    // Propagation-to-AceFlags conversion matrix
        static CommonAcl()
            AFtoPM = new PM[16];
            for ( int i = 0; i < AFtoPM.Length; i++ )
                AFtoPM[i] = PM.Invalid;
            // This table specifies what effect various combinations of inheritance bits
            // have on how ACEs are inherited onto child objects
            // Important: Not all combinations of inheritance bits are valid
            AFtoPM[( int )(   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   )] = PM.F |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )(   0   | AF.OI |   0   |   0   )] = PM.F |   0   | PM.CO |   0   | PM.GO ;
            AFtoPM[( int )(   0   | AF.OI |   0   | AF.NP )] = PM.F |   0   | PM.CO |   0   |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )(   0   | AF.OI | AF.IO |   0   )] =   0  |   0   | PM.CO |   0   | PM.GO ;
            AFtoPM[( int )(   0   | AF.OI | AF.IO | AF.NP )] =   0  |   0   | PM.CO |   0   |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI |   0   |   0   |   0   )] = PM.F | PM.CF |   0   | PM.GF |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI |   0   |   0   | AF.NP )] = PM.F | PM.CF |   0   |   0   |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI |   0   | AF.IO |   0   )] =   0  | PM.CF |   0   | PM.GF |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI |   0   | AF.IO | AF.NP )] =   0  | PM.CF |   0   |   0   |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI | AF.OI |   0   |   0   )] = PM.F | PM.CF | PM.CO | PM.GF | PM.GO ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI | AF.OI |   0   | AF.NP )] = PM.F | PM.CF | PM.CO |   0   |   0   ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI | AF.OI | AF.IO |   0   )] =   0  | PM.CF | PM.CO | PM.GF | PM.GO ;
            AFtoPM[( int )( AF.CI | AF.OI | AF.IO | AF.NP )] =   0  | PM.CF | PM.CO |   0   |   0   ;
            PMtoAF = new AF[32];
            for ( int i = 0; i < PMtoAF.Length; i++ )
                PMtoAF[i] = AF.Invalid;
            // This table is a reverse lookup table of the AFtoPM table
            // Given how inheritance is applied to child objects and containers,
            // it helps figure out whether that pattern is expressible using
            // the four ACE inheritance bits
            PMtoAF[( int )( PM.F |   0   |   0   |   0   |   0   )] =    0   |   0   |   0   |   0   ;
            PMtoAF[( int )( PM.F |   0   | PM.CO |   0   | PM.GO )] =    0   | AF.OI |   0   |   0   ;
            PMtoAF[( int )( PM.F |   0   | PM.CO |   0   |   0   )] =    0   | AF.OI |   0   | AF.NP ;
            PMtoAF[( int )(   0  |   0   | PM.CO |   0   | PM.GO )] =    0   | AF.OI | AF.IO |   0   ;
            PMtoAF[( int )(   0  |   0   | PM.CO |   0   |   0   )] =    0   | AF.OI | AF.IO | AF.NP ;
            PMtoAF[( int )( PM.F | PM.CF |   0   | PM.GF |   0   )] =  AF.CI |   0   |   0   |   0   ;
            PMtoAF[( int )( PM.F | PM.CF |   0   |   0   |   0   )] =  AF.CI |   0   |   0   | AF.NP ;
            PMtoAF[( int )(   0  | PM.CF |   0   | PM.GF |   0   )] =  AF.CI |   0   | AF.IO |   0   ;
            PMtoAF[( int )(   0  | PM.CF |   0   |   0   |   0   )] =  AF.CI |   0   | AF.IO | AF.NP ;
            PMtoAF[( int )( PM.F | PM.CF | PM.CO | PM.GF | PM.GO )] =  AF.CI | AF.OI |   0   |   0   ;
            PMtoAF[( int )( PM.F | PM.CF | PM.CO |   0   |   0   )] =  AF.CI | AF.OI |   0   | AF.NP ;
            PMtoAF[( int )(   0  | PM.CF | PM.CO | PM.GF | PM.GO )] =  AF.CI | AF.OI | AF.IO |   0   ;
            PMtoAF[( int )(   0  | PM.CF | PM.CO |   0   |   0   )] =  AF.CI | AF.OI | AF.IO | AF.NP ;
        // Canonicalizes AceFlags into a form that the mapping tables understand
        private static AF AFFromAceFlags( AceFlags aceFlags, bool isDS )
            AF af = 0;
            if (( aceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) != 0)
                af |= AF.CI;
            // ObjectInherit applies only to regular aces not object aces
            // so it can be ignored in the object aces case
            if (( !isDS ) && (( aceFlags & AceFlags.ObjectInherit ) != 0 ))
                af |= AF.OI;
            if (( aceFlags & AceFlags.InheritOnly ) != 0 )
                af |= AF.IO;
            if (( aceFlags & AceFlags.NoPropagateInherit ) != 0 )
                af |= AF.NP;
            return af;
        // Converts lookup table representation of AceFlags into the "public" form
        private static AceFlags AceFlagsFromAF( AF af, bool isDS )
            AceFlags aceFlags = 0;
            if (( af & AF.CI ) != 0 )
                aceFlags |= AceFlags.ContainerInherit;
            // ObjectInherit applies only to regular aces not object aces
            // so it can be ignored in the object aces case
            if (( !isDS ) && (( af & AF.OI ) != 0 ))
                aceFlags |= AceFlags.ObjectInherit;
            if (( af & AF.IO ) != 0 )
                aceFlags |= AceFlags.InheritOnly;
            if (( af & AF.NP ) != 0 )
                aceFlags |= AceFlags.NoPropagateInherit;
            return aceFlags;
        // Implements the merge of inheritance bits during the 'ADD' operation
        private static bool MergeInheritanceBits( AceFlags left, AceFlags right, bool isDS, out AceFlags result )
            result = 0;
            AF leftAF = AFFromAceFlags( left, isDS );
            AF rightAF = AFFromAceFlags( right, isDS );
            PM leftPM = AFtoPM[(int)leftAF];
            PM rightPM = AFtoPM[(int)rightAF];
            if ( leftPM == PM.Invalid || rightPM == PM.Invalid )
                return false; // incorrect ACE flags?
            PM resultPM = leftPM | rightPM;
            AF resultAF = PMtoAF[( int )resultPM];
            if ( resultAF == AF.Invalid )
                return false;
                result = AceFlagsFromAF( resultAF, isDS );
                return true;
        private static bool RemoveInheritanceBits( AceFlags existing, AceFlags remove, bool isDS, out AceFlags result, out bool total )
            result = 0;
            total = false;
            AF leftAF = AFFromAceFlags( existing, isDS );
            AF rightAF = AFFromAceFlags( remove, isDS );
            PM leftPM = AFtoPM[( int )leftAF];
            PM rightPM = AFtoPM[( int )rightAF];
            if ( leftPM == PM.Invalid || rightPM == PM.Invalid )
                return false; // incorrect ACE flags?
            PM resultPM;
            unchecked { resultPM = leftPM & ~rightPM; }
            // If the resulting propagation matrix is zero,
            // communicate back the fact that removal is "total"
            if ( resultPM == 0 )
                total = true;
                return true;
            AF resultAF = PMtoAF[( int )resultPM];
            if ( resultAF == AF.Invalid )
                return false;
                result = AceFlagsFromAF( resultAF, isDS );
                return true;
        #region Private Members
        private RawAcl _acl;
        private bool _isDirty = false;
        private readonly bool _isCanonical;
        private readonly bool _isContainer;
        // To distinguish between a directory object acl and other common acls.
        private readonly bool _isDS;
        #region Private Methods
        private void CanonicalizeIfNecessary()
            if ( _isDirty )
                Canonicalize( false, this is DiscretionaryAcl );
                _isDirty = false;
        private enum ComparisonResult
        // Compares two discretionary ACEs and returns
        //    LessThan if ace1 < ace2
        //    EqualTo if ace1 == ace2
        //    GreaterThan if ace1 > ace2
        // The order is:
        //        - explicit Access Denied ACEs
        //          [regular aces first, then object aces]
        //        - explicit Access Allowed ACEs
        //          [regular aces first, then object aces]
        //        - inherited ACEs (in the original order )
        //        - user-defined ACEs (in the original order )
        private static int DaclAcePriority( GenericAce ace)
            int result;
            AceType type = ace.AceType;
            if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                // inherited aces are at the end as a group
                result = 2 * ushort.MaxValue + ace._indexInAcl;
            else if ( type == AceType.AccessDenied ||
                type == AceType.AccessDeniedCallback )
                result = 0;
            else if ( type == AceType.AccessDeniedObject ||
                type == AceType.AccessDeniedCallbackObject )
                result = 1;
            else if ( type == AceType.AccessAllowed ||
                type == AceType.AccessAllowedCallback )
                result = 2;
            else if ( type == AceType.AccessAllowedObject ||
                type == AceType.AccessAllowedCallbackObject )
                result = 3;
                // custom aces are at the second group
                result = ushort.MaxValue + ace._indexInAcl;
            return result;
        // Compares two system ACEs and returns
        //    LessThan if ace1 < ace2
        //    EqualTo if ace1 == ace2
        //    GreaterThan if ace1 > ace2
        // The order is:
        //        - explicit audit or alarm ACEs
        //        - explicit audit or alarm object ACEs
        //        - inherited ACEs (in the original order )
        //        - user-defined ACEs (in the original order )
        private static int SaclAcePriority( GenericAce ace )
            int result;
            AceType type = ace.AceType;
            if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                result = 2 * ushort.MaxValue + ace._indexInAcl;
            else if ( type == AceType.SystemAudit ||
                type == AceType.SystemAlarm ||
                type == AceType.SystemAuditCallback ||
                type == AceType.SystemAlarmCallback )
                result = 0;
            else if ( type == AceType.SystemAuditObject ||
                type == AceType.SystemAlarmObject ||
                type == AceType.SystemAuditCallbackObject ||
                type == AceType.SystemAlarmCallbackObject )
                result = 1;
                result = ushort.MaxValue + ace._indexInAcl;
            return result;
        private static ComparisonResult CompareAces( GenericAce ace1, GenericAce ace2, bool isDacl )
            int ace1Priority = isDacl ? DaclAcePriority( ace1 ) : SaclAcePriority( ace1 );
            int ace2Priority = isDacl ? DaclAcePriority( ace2 ) : SaclAcePriority( ace2 );
            if ( ace1Priority < ace2Priority )
                return ComparisonResult.LessThan;
            else if ( ace1Priority > ace2Priority )
                return ComparisonResult.GreaterThan;
                KnownAce k_ace1 = ace1 as KnownAce;
                KnownAce k_ace2 = ace2 as KnownAce;
                if ( k_ace1 != null && k_ace2 != null )
                    int result = k_ace1.SecurityIdentifier.CompareTo( k_ace2.SecurityIdentifier );
                    if ( result < 0 )
                        return ComparisonResult.LessThan;
                    else if ( result > 0 )
                        return ComparisonResult.GreaterThan;
                return ComparisonResult.EqualTo;
        private void QuickSort( int left, int right, bool isDacl )
            GenericAce pivot;
            int leftHold, rightHold;
            int pivotIndex;
            if ( left >= right )
            leftHold = left;
            rightHold = right;
            pivot = _acl[left];
            pivotIndex = left;
            while ( left < right )
//              while (( _acl[right] >= pivot ) && ( left < right ))
                while (( ComparisonResult.LessThan != CompareAces( _acl[right], pivot, isDacl ) ) && ( left < right ))
                if ( left != right )
                    _acl[left] = _acl[right];
//              while (( _acl[left] <= pivot ) && ( left < right ))
                while (( ComparisonResult.GreaterThan != CompareAces( _acl[left], pivot, isDacl ) ) && ( left < right ))
                if ( left != right )
                    _acl[right] = _acl[left];
            _acl[left] = pivot;
            pivotIndex = left;
            left = leftHold;
            right = rightHold;
            if ( left < pivotIndex )
                QuickSort( left, pivotIndex - 1, isDacl );
            if ( right > pivotIndex )
                QuickSort( pivotIndex + 1, right, isDacl );
        // Inspects the ACE, modifies it by stripping away unnecessary or
        // meaningless flags.
        // Returns 'true' if the ACE should remain in the ACL, 'false' otherwise
        private bool InspectAce( ref GenericAce ace, bool isDacl )
            const AceFlags AuditFlags =
                AceFlags.SuccessfulAccess |
            const AceFlags InheritFlags =
                AceFlags.ObjectInherit |
                AceFlags.ContainerInherit |
                AceFlags.NoPropagateInherit |
            // Any ACE without at least one bit set in the access mask can be removed
            KnownAce knownAce = ace as KnownAce;
            if ( knownAce != null )
                if ( knownAce.AccessMask == 0 )
                    return false;
            if ( !IsContainer )
                // On a leaf object ACL, inheritance bits are meaningless.
                // Specifically, an ACE marked "inherit-only" will never participate
                // in access control and can be removed.
                // Similarly, an ACE marked "container-inherit", "no-propagate-inherit"
                // or "object-inherit" can have those bits cleared since they carry
                // no meaning.
                if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.InheritOnly ) != 0 )
                    return false;
                if (( ace.AceFlags & InheritFlags ) != 0 )
                    unchecked { ace.AceFlags &= ~InheritFlags; }
                // Without either "container inherit" or "object inherit" to go with it,
                // the InheritOnly bit is meaningless and the entire ACE can be removed.
                if ((( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.InheritOnly ) != 0 ) &&
                    (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) == 0 ) &&
                    (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.ObjectInherit ) == 0 ))
                    return false;
                // Without either "container inherit" or "object inherit" to go with it,
                // the NoPropagateInherit bit is meaningless and can be turned off.
                if ((( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.NoPropagateInherit ) != 0 ) &&
                    (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) == 0 ) &&
                    (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.ObjectInherit ) == 0 ))
                    unchecked { ace.AceFlags &= ~AceFlags.NoPropagateInherit; }
            QualifiedAce qualifiedAce = knownAce as QualifiedAce;
            if ( isDacl )
                // There is no place for audit flags on a DACL
                unchecked { ace.AceFlags &= ~AuditFlags; }
                if ( qualifiedAce != null )
                    // Qualified ACEs in a DACL must be allow or deny ACEs
                    if ( qualifiedAce.AceQualifier != AceQualifier.AccessAllowed &&
                        qualifiedAce.AceQualifier != AceQualifier.AccessDenied )
                        return false;
                // On a SACL, any ACE that does not specify Success or Failure
                // flags can be removed
                if (( ace.AceFlags & AuditFlags ) == 0 )
                    return false;
                // Qualified ACEs in a SACL must be audit ACEs
                if ( qualifiedAce != null )
                    if ( qualifiedAce.AceQualifier != AceQualifier.SystemAudit )
                        return false;
            return true;
        // Strips meaningless flags from ACEs, removes meaningless ACEs
        private void RemoveMeaninglessAcesAndFlags( bool isDacl )
            // Be warned: do NOT use the Count property because it has
            // side-effect of calling canonicalization.
            for ( int i = _acl.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                GenericAce ace = _acl[i];
                if ( false == InspectAce( ref ace, isDacl ))
                    _acl.RemoveAce( i );
        // Converts the ACL to its canonical form
        private void Canonicalize( bool compact, bool isDacl )
            // for quick sort to work, we must not allow the ace's indexes - which are constantly
            // changing during sorting - to influence our element's sorting order value. For
            // that purpose, we fix the ace's _indexInAcl here and use it for creating the
            // ace's sorting order value.
            for (ushort aclIndex = 0; aclIndex < _acl.Count; aclIndex++)
                _acl[aclIndex]._indexInAcl = aclIndex;
            QuickSort( 0, _acl.Count - 1, isDacl );
            if ( compact )
                for ( int i = 0; i < Count - 1; i++ )
                    QualifiedAce thisAce = _acl[i] as QualifiedAce;
                    if ( thisAce == null )
                    QualifiedAce nextAce = _acl[i + 1] as QualifiedAce;
                    if ( nextAce == null )
                    if ( true == MergeAces( ref thisAce, nextAce ))
                        _acl.RemoveAce(i + 1);
        // This method determines whether the object type and inherited object type from the original ace
        // should be retained or not based on access mask and aceflags for a given split 
        private void GetObjectTypesForSplit( ObjectAce originalAce, int accessMask, AceFlags aceFlags, out ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, out Guid objectType, out Guid inheritedObjectType ) 
            objectFlags = 0;
            objectType = Guid.Empty;
            inheritedObjectType = Guid.Empty;
            // We should retain the object type if the access mask for this split contains any bits that refer to object type
            if (( accessMask & ObjectAce.AccessMaskWithObjectType ) != 0 ) 
                // keep the original ace's object flags and object type
                objectType = originalAce.ObjectAceType;
                objectFlags |= originalAce.ObjectAceFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent;
            // We should retain the inherited object type if the aceflags for this contains inheritance (ContainerInherit)
            if (( aceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) != 0 ) 
                // keep the original ace's object flags and object type
                inheritedObjectType = originalAce.InheritedObjectAceType;
                objectFlags |= originalAce.ObjectAceFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent;
        private bool ObjectTypesMatch( QualifiedAce ace, QualifiedAce newAce )
            Guid objectType = ( ace is ObjectAce ) ? (( ObjectAce ) ace ).ObjectAceType : Guid.Empty;
            Guid newObjectType = ( newAce is ObjectAce ) ? (( ObjectAce ) newAce ).ObjectAceType : Guid.Empty;
            return objectType.Equals( newObjectType );
        private bool InheritedObjectTypesMatch( QualifiedAce ace, QualifiedAce newAce )
            Guid inheritedObjectType = ( ace is ObjectAce ) ? (( ObjectAce ) ace ).InheritedObjectAceType : Guid.Empty;
            Guid newInheritedObjectType = ( newAce is ObjectAce ) ? (( ObjectAce ) newAce ).InheritedObjectAceType : Guid.Empty;
            return inheritedObjectType.Equals( newInheritedObjectType );
        private bool AccessMasksAreMergeable( QualifiedAce ace, QualifiedAce newAce )
            // The access masks are mergeable in any of the following conditions
            // 1. Object types match
            // 2. (Object types do not match) The existing ace does not have an object type and 
            //     already contains all the bits of the new ace which refer to the object type
            if ( ObjectTypesMatch( ace, newAce ))
                // case 1
                return true;
            ObjectAceFlags objectFlags = ( ace is ObjectAce ) ? (( ObjectAce ) ace ).ObjectAceFlags : ObjectAceFlags.None;
            if ((( ace.AccessMask & newAce.AccessMask & ObjectAce.AccessMaskWithObjectType ) ==  ( newAce.AccessMask & ObjectAce.AccessMaskWithObjectType )) &&
                 (( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent ) == 0 ))
                // case 2
                return true;
            return false;
        private bool AceFlagsAreMergeable( QualifiedAce ace, QualifiedAce newAce )
            // The ace flags can be considered for merge in any of the following conditions
            // 1. Inherited object types match 
            // 2. (Inherited object types do not match) The existing ace does not have an inherited object type and 
            //     already contains all the bits of the new ace
            if ( InheritedObjectTypesMatch( ace, newAce ))
                // case 1
                return true;
            ObjectAceFlags objectFlags = ( ace is ObjectAce ) ? (( ObjectAce ) ace ).ObjectAceFlags : ObjectAceFlags.None;
            if (( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent ) == 0 )
                // case 2
                // This method is called only when the access masks of the two aces are already confirmed to be exact matches
                // therefore the second condition of case 2 is already verified
                Contract.Assert(( ace.AccessMask & newAce.AccessMask) ==  newAce.AccessMask, "AceFlagsAreMergeable:: AccessMask of existing ace does not contain all access bits of new ace.");
                return true;
            return false;
        private bool GetAccessMaskForRemoval( QualifiedAce ace, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, ref int accessMask )
            if (( ace.AccessMask & accessMask & ObjectAce.AccessMaskWithObjectType ) != 0 ) 
                // If the aces have access bits in common which refer to object types
                // then we follow these rules:
                //       Remove    No OT    OT = A        OT = B
                // Existing
                //   No OT          Remove   Invalid        Invalid
                //   OT = A        Remove   Remove      Nothing Common
                if ( ace is ObjectAce )
                    bool commonAccessBitsWithObjectTypeExist = true;
                    ObjectAce objectAce = ace as ObjectAce;
                    // if what we are trying to remove has an object type 
                    // but the existing ace does not then this is an invalid case
                    if ((( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent ) != 0 ) && 
                        (( objectAce.ObjectAceFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent ) == 0 ))
                        return false;
                    // if what we are trying to remove has no object type or
                    // if object types match (since at this point we have ensured that both have object types present) 
                    // then we have common access bits with object type
                    commonAccessBitsWithObjectTypeExist = (( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent ) == 0 ) ||
                                                                                    objectAce.ObjectTypesMatch( objectFlags, objectType );
                    if ( !commonAccessBitsWithObjectTypeExist ) 
                        accessMask &= ~ObjectAce.AccessMaskWithObjectType;
                else if (( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent ) != 0 ) 
                    // the existing ace is a common ace and the one we're removing 
                    // refers to a specific object type so this is invalid
                    return false;
            return true;
        private bool GetInheritanceFlagsForRemoval( QualifiedAce ace, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid inheritedObjectType, ref AceFlags aceFlags )
            if ((( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) != 0 )  && (( aceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) != 0 ))
                // If the aces have inheritance bits in common 
                // then we follow these rules:
                //       Remove    No IOT    IOT = A        IOT = B
                // Existing
                //   No IOT          Remove   Invalid        Invalid
                //   IOT = A        Remove   Remove      Nothing Common
                if ( ace is ObjectAce )
                    bool commonInheritanceFlagsExist = true;
                    ObjectAce objectAce = ace as ObjectAce;
                    // if what we are trying to remove has an inherited object type 
                    // but the existing ace does not then this is an invalid case
                    if ((( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent ) != 0 ) && 
                        (( objectAce.ObjectAceFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent ) == 0 ))
                        return false;
                    // if what we are trying to remove has no inherited object type or
                    // if inherited object types match then we have common inheritance flags                     
                    commonInheritanceFlagsExist = (( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent ) == 0 ) ||
                                                                       objectAce.InheritedObjectTypesMatch( objectFlags, inheritedObjectType );
                    if ( !commonInheritanceFlagsExist ) 
                        aceFlags &= ~AceFlags.InheritanceFlags;
                else if (( objectFlags & ObjectAceFlags.InheritedObjectAceTypePresent ) != 0 ) 
                    // the existing ace is a common ace and the one we're removing 
                    // refers to a specific child type so this is invalid
                    return false;
            return true;
        static private bool AceOpaquesMatch( QualifiedAce ace, QualifiedAce newAce )
            byte[] aceOpaque = ace.GetOpaque();
            byte[] newAceOpaque = newAce.GetOpaque();
            if ( aceOpaque == null || newAceOpaque == null )
                return aceOpaque == newAceOpaque;
            if ( aceOpaque.Length != newAceOpaque.Length )
                return false;
            for ( int i = 0; i < aceOpaque.Length; ++i )
                if ( aceOpaque[i] != newAceOpaque[i] )
                    return false;
            return true;
        static private bool AcesAreMergeable( QualifiedAce ace, QualifiedAce newAce )
            // Only interested in ACEs with the specified type
            if ( ace.AceType != newAce.AceType )
                return false;
            // Only interested in explicit (non-inherited) ACEs
            if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                return false;
            if (( newAce.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                return false;
            // Only interested in ACEs with the specified qualifier
            if ( ace.AceQualifier != newAce.AceQualifier )
                return false;
            // Only interested in ACEs with the specified SID
            if ( ace.SecurityIdentifier != newAce.SecurityIdentifier )
                return false;
            // Only interested in ACEs with the specified callback data
            if ( !AceOpaquesMatch( ace, newAce ))
                return false;
            return true;
        // Merge routine for qualified ACEs
        private bool MergeAces( ref QualifiedAce ace, QualifiedAce newAce )
            // Check whether the ACEs are potentially mergeable
            if ( !AcesAreMergeable( ace, newAce ))
                return false;
            // The modification algorithm proceeds in stages
            // Stage 1: if flags match, add to the access mask
            if ( ace.AceFlags == newAce.AceFlags )
                if ( ace is ObjectAce  || newAce is ObjectAce ) 
                    // for object aces we need to match the inherited object types (for ace flags equality)
                    if ( InheritedObjectTypesMatch( ace, newAce ))
                        // also since access mask bits are further qualified by object type, they cannot always be added on
                        if ( AccessMasksAreMergeable( ace, newAce ))
                            ace.AccessMask |= newAce.AccessMask;
                            return true;
                    ace.AccessMask |= newAce.AccessMask;
                    return true;
            // Stage 2: Audit flags can be combined if the rest of the
            //          flags (both access mask and inheritance) match
            if ((( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.InheritanceFlags ) == ( newAce.AceFlags & AceFlags.InheritanceFlags )) &&
                ( ace.AccessMask == newAce.AccessMask ))
                if (( ace is ObjectAce ) || ( newAce is ObjectAce ))
                    // for object aces we need to match the inherited object types (for inheritance flags equality) and object type (for access mask equality) as well
                    if ( InheritedObjectTypesMatch( ace, newAce ) && 
                        ( ObjectTypesMatch( ace, newAce )))
                        ace.AceFlags |= ( newAce.AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags );
                        return true;
                    ace.AceFlags |= ( newAce.AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags );
                    return true;
            // Stage 3: Inheritance flags can be combined in some cases
            //          provided access mask and audit bits are the same
            if ((( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) == ( newAce.AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags )) &&
                ( ace.AccessMask == newAce.AccessMask ))
                AceFlags merged;
                // See whether the inheritance bits can be merged
                if (( ace is ObjectAce ) || ( newAce is ObjectAce ))
                    // object types need to match (for access mask equality) and inheritance flags need additional DS specific logic 
                    // to check whether they can be merged                  
                    if (( ObjectTypesMatch( ace, newAce )) &&
                         ( AceFlagsAreMergeable( ace, newAce )))
                        if ( true == MergeInheritanceBits( ace.AceFlags, newAce.AceFlags, IsDS, out merged ))
                            ace.AceFlags = ( merged | ( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ));
                            return true;
                    if ( true == MergeInheritanceBits( ace.AceFlags, newAce.AceFlags, IsDS, out merged ))
                        ace.AceFlags = ( merged | ( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ));
                        return true;
            return false;
        // Returns 'true' if the ACL is in canonical order; 'false' otherwise
        private bool CanonicalCheck( bool isDacl )
            if ( isDacl )
                // DACL canonical order:
                //   Explicit Deny - Explicit Allow - Inherited
                const int AccessDenied = 0;
                const int AccessAllowed = 1;
                const int Inherited = 2;
                const int Unknown = 3;
                int currentStage = AccessDenied;
                // In this loop, do NOT use 'Count' as upper bound of the loop,
                // since doing so will canonicalize the ACL invalidating the result
                // of this check!
                for ( int i = 0; i < _acl.Count; i++ )
                    int aceStage = Unknown;
                    GenericAce ace = _acl[i];
                    if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                        aceStage = Inherited;
                        QualifiedAce qualifiedAce = ace as QualifiedAce;
                        if ( qualifiedAce == null )
                            // Explicit ACE is not recognized - this is not a canonical ACL
                            return false;
                        if ( qualifiedAce.AceQualifier == AceQualifier.AccessAllowed )
                            aceStage = AccessAllowed;
                        else if ( qualifiedAce.AceQualifier == AceQualifier.AccessDenied )
                            aceStage = AccessDenied;
                            // Only allow and deny ACEs are allowed here
                            Contract.Assert( false, "Audit and alarm ACEs must have been stripped by remove-meaningless logic" );
                            return false;
                    if ( aceStage == Unknown )
                    if ( aceStage > currentStage )
                        currentStage = aceStage;
                    else if ( aceStage < currentStage )
                        return false;
                // SACL canonical order:
                //   Explicit - Inherited                
                const int Explicit = 0;
                const int Inherited = 1;
                const int Unknown = 2;
                int currentStage = Explicit;
                // In this loop, do NOT use 'Count' as upper bound of the loop,
                // since doing so will canonicalize the ACL invalidating the result
                // of this check!
                for ( int i = 0; i < _acl.Count; i++ )
                    int aceStage = Unknown;
                    GenericAce ace = _acl[i];
                    if ( ace == null )
                        // <Microsoft-9/19/2004> Afraid to yank this statement now
                        // for fear of destabilization, so adding an assert instead
                        Contract.Assert( ace != null, "How did a null ACE end up in a SACL?" );
                    if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                        aceStage = Inherited;
                        QualifiedAce qualifiedAce = ace as QualifiedAce;
                        if ( qualifiedAce == null )
                            // Explicit ACE is not recognized - this is not a canonical ACL
                            return false;
                        if ( qualifiedAce.AceQualifier == AceQualifier.SystemAudit ||
                            qualifiedAce.AceQualifier == AceQualifier.SystemAlarm )
                            aceStage = Explicit;
                            // Only audit and alarm ACEs are allowed here
                            Contract.Assert( false, "Allow and deny ACEs must have been stripped by remove-meaningless logic" );
                            return false;
                    if ( aceStage > currentStage )
                        currentStage = aceStage;
                    else if ( aceStage < currentStage )
                        return false;
            return true;
        private void ThrowIfNotCanonical()
            if ( !_isCanonical )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_ModificationOfNonCanonicalAcl" ));
        #region Constructors
        // Creates an empty ACL
        internal CommonAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, byte revision, int capacity )
            : base()
            _isContainer = isContainer;
            _isDS = isDS;
            _acl = new RawAcl( revision, capacity );
            _isCanonical = true; // since it is empty
        // Creates an ACL from a raw ACL
        // - 'trusted' (internal) callers get to pass the raw ACL
        //   that this object will take ownership of
        // - 'untrusted' callers are handled by creating a local
        //   copy of the ACL passed in
        internal CommonAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, RawAcl rawAcl, bool trusted, bool isDacl )
            : base()
            if ( rawAcl == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "rawAcl" );
            _isContainer = isContainer;
            _isDS = isDS;
            if (trusted)
                // In the trusted case, we take over ownership of the ACL passed in
                _acl = rawAcl;
                RemoveMeaninglessAcesAndFlags( isDacl );
                // In the untrusted case, we create our own raw ACL to keep the ACEs in
                _acl = new RawAcl( rawAcl.Revision, rawAcl.Count );
                for ( int i = 0; i < rawAcl.Count; i++ )
                    // Clone each ACE prior to putting it in
                    GenericAce ace = rawAcl[i].Copy();
                    // Avoid inserting meaningless ACEs
                    if ( true == InspectAce( ref ace, isDacl ))
                        _acl.InsertAce( _acl.Count, ace );
            // See whether the ACL is canonical to begin with
            if ( true == CanonicalCheck( isDacl ))
                // Sort and compact the array
                Canonicalize( true, isDacl );
                _isCanonical = true;
                _isCanonical = false;
        #region Internal Properties
        internal RawAcl RawAcl
            get { return _acl; }
        #region Protected Methods
        internal void CheckAccessType( AccessControlType accessType )
            if ( accessType != AccessControlType.Allow &&
                accessType != AccessControlType.Deny )
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "ArgumentOutOfRange_Enum" ));
        internal void CheckFlags( InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            if ( IsContainer )
                // Supplying propagation flags without inheritance flags is illegal
                if ( inheritanceFlags == InheritanceFlags.None &&
                    propagationFlags != PropagationFlags.None )
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                        Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidAnyFlag" ),
                        "propagationFlags" );
            else if ( inheritanceFlags != InheritanceFlags.None )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    "inheritanceFlags" );
            else if ( propagationFlags != PropagationFlags.None )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_InvalidAnyFlag" ),
                    "propagationFlags" );
        // Helper function behind all the AddXXX methods for qualified aces
        internal void AddQualifiedAce( SecurityIdentifier sid, AceQualifier qualifier, int accessMask, AceFlags flags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            if ( sid == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "sid" );
            bool aceMerged = false; // if still false after all attempts to merge, create new entry
            if ( qualifier == AceQualifier.SystemAudit &&
                (( flags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) == 0 ))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Arg_EnumAtLeastOneFlag" ),
                    "flags" );
            if ( accessMask == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_ArgumentZero" ),
                    "accessMask" );
            GenericAce newAce;
            if (( !IsDS ) || ( objectFlags == ObjectAceFlags.None ))
                newAce = new CommonAce( flags, qualifier, accessMask, sid, false, null );
                newAce = new ObjectAce( flags, qualifier, accessMask, sid, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType, false, null );
            // Make sure the new ACE wouldn't be meaningless before proceeding
            if ( false == InspectAce( ref newAce, ( this is DiscretionaryAcl )))
            // See if the new ACE can be merged with any of the existing ones
            for ( int i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                QualifiedAce ace = _acl[i] as QualifiedAce;
                if ( ace == null )
                if ( true == MergeAces( ref ace, newAce as QualifiedAce ))
                    aceMerged = true;
            // Couldn't modify any existing entry, so add a new one
            if ( !aceMerged )
                _acl.InsertAce( _acl.Count, newAce );
                _isDirty = true;
        // Helper function behind all the SetXXX methods
        internal void SetQualifiedAce( SecurityIdentifier sid, AceQualifier qualifier, int accessMask, AceFlags flags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            if ( sid == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "sid" );
            if ( qualifier == AceQualifier.SystemAudit &&
                (( flags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) == 0 ))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Arg_EnumAtLeastOneFlag" ),
                    "flags" );
            if ( accessMask == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_ArgumentZero" ),
                    "accessMask" );
            GenericAce newAce;
            if (( !IsDS ) || ( objectFlags == ObjectAceFlags.None ))
                newAce = new CommonAce( flags, qualifier, accessMask, sid, false, null );
                newAce = new ObjectAce( flags, qualifier, accessMask, sid, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType, false, null );
            // Make sure the new ACE wouldn't be meaningless before proceeding
            if ( false == InspectAce( ref newAce, ( this is DiscretionaryAcl )))
            for ( int i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                QualifiedAce ace = _acl[i] as QualifiedAce;
                // Not a qualified ACE - keep going
                if ( ace == null )
                // Only interested in explicit (non-inherited) ACEs
                if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                // Only interested in ACEs with the specified qualifier
                if ( ace.AceQualifier != qualifier )
                // Only interested in ACEs with the specified SID
                if ( ace.SecurityIdentifier != sid )
                // This ACE corresponds to the SID and qualifier in question - remove it
                _acl.RemoveAce( i );
            // As a final step, add the ACE we want.
            // Add it at the end - we'll re-canonicalize later.
            _acl.InsertAce( _acl.Count, newAce );
            // To aid the efficiency of batch operations, recanonicalize this later
            _isDirty = true;
        // Helper function behind all the RemoveXXX methods
        internal bool RemoveQualifiedAces( SecurityIdentifier sid, AceQualifier qualifier, int accessMask, AceFlags flags, bool saclSemantics, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            if ( accessMask == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_ArgumentZero" ),
                    "accessMask" );
            if ( qualifier == AceQualifier.SystemAudit &&
                (( flags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) == 0 ))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Arg_EnumAtLeastOneFlag" ),
                    "flags" );
            if ( sid == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "sid" );
            // Two passes are made.
            // During the first pass, no changes are made to the ACL,
            // the ACEs are simply evaluated to ascertain that the operation
            // can succeed.
            // If everything is kosher, the second pass is the one that makes changes.
            bool evaluationPass = true;
            bool removePossible = true; // unless proven otherwise
            // Needed for DS acls to keep track of the original access mask specified for removal
            int originalAccessMask = accessMask;
            AceFlags originalFlags = flags;
            // It is possible that the removal will result in an overflow exception
            // because more ACEs get inserted.
            // Save the current state of the object and revert to it later if
            // and exception is thrown.
            byte[] recovery = new byte[BinaryLength];
            GetBinaryForm( recovery, 0 );
                for ( int i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                    QualifiedAce ace = _acl[i] as QualifiedAce;
                    // Not a qualified ACE - keep going
                    if ( ace == null )
                    // Only interested in explicit (non-inherited) ACEs
                    if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                    // Only interested in ACEs with the specified qualifier
                    if ( ace.AceQualifier != qualifier )
                    // Only interested in ACEs with the specified SID
                    if ( ace.SecurityIdentifier != sid )
                    // If access masks have nothing in common, skip the whole exercise
                    if ( IsDS ) 
                        // incase of directory aces, if the access mask of the 
                        // existing and new ace have any bits in common that need 
                        // an object type, then we need to perform some checks on the
                        // object types in the two aces. Since certain bits are further qualified
                        // by the object type they cannot be determined to be common without 
                        // inspecting the object type. It is possible that the same bits may be set but
                        // the object types are different in which case they are really not common bits.
                        accessMask = originalAccessMask;
                        bool objectTypesConflict = !GetAccessMaskForRemoval( ace, objectFlags, objectType, ref accessMask );
                        // if the access masks have nothing in common, skip
                        if (( ace.AccessMask & accessMask ) == 0 )
                        // incase of directory aces, if the existing and new ace are being inherited, 
                        // then we need to perform some checks on the
                        // inherited object types in the two aces. Since inheritance is further qualified
                        // by the inherited object type the inheritance flags cannot be determined to be common without 
                        // inspecting the inherited object type. It is possible that both aces may be further inherited but if
                        // the inherited object types are different the inheritance may not be common.
                        flags = originalFlags;
                        bool inheritedObjectTypesConflict = !GetInheritanceFlagsForRemoval( ace, objectFlags, inheritedObjectType, ref flags );  
                        if (((( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) == 0 ) && (( flags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) != 0 )  && (( flags & AceFlags.InheritOnly ) != 0 )) ||
                             ((( flags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) == 0 ) && (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) != 0 )  && (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.InheritOnly ) != 0)))
                            // if one ace applies only to self and the other only to children/descendents we have nothing in common
                        // if the ace being removed referred only to child types and child types among existing ace and
                        // ace being removed are not common then there is nothing in common between these aces (skip)
                        if ((( originalFlags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) != 0 ) && (( originalFlags & AceFlags.InheritOnly ) != 0 ) && (( flags & AceFlags.ContainerInherit ) == 0 )) 
                        if ( objectTypesConflict || inheritedObjectTypesConflict )
                            // if we reached this stage, then we've found something common between the two aces.
                            // But since there is a conflict between the object types (or inherited object types), the remove is not possible
                            removePossible = false;
                        if (( ace.AccessMask & accessMask ) == 0 )
                    // If audit flags on a SACL have nothing in common,
                    // skip the whole exercise
                    if ( saclSemantics &&
                        (( ace.AceFlags & flags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) == 0 ))
                    // See if the ACE needs to be split into several
                    // To illustrate with an example, consider this equation:
                    //            From: CI OI    NP SA FA R W
                    //          Remove:    OI IO NP SA    R
                    // PermissionSplit: CI OI    NP SA FA   W   // remove R
                    //   AuditingSplit: CI OI    NP    FA R     // remove SA
                    //      MergeSplit: CI OI    NP SA    R     // ready for merge
                    //          Remove:    OI IO NP SA    R     // same audit and perm flags as merge split
                    //          Result: CI OI    NP SA FA   W   // PermissionSplit
                    //                  CI OI    NP    FA R     // AuditingSplit
                    //                  CI       NP SA    R     // Result of perm removal
                    // Example for DS acls (when removal is possible)
                    // From: CI(Guid) LC CC(Guid)
                    // Remove: CI IO LC
                    // PermissionSplit: CI(Guid) CC(Guid) // Remove GR
                    //        MergeSplit: CI(Guid) LC // Ready for merge
                    //           Remove: CI IO LC // Removal is possible since we are trying to remove inheritance for
                    //                                            all child types when it exists for one specific child type
                    //              Result: CI(Guid) CC(Guid) // PermissionSplit
                    //                         LC // Result of perm removal
                    // Example for DS acls (when removal is NOT possible)
                    // From: CI GR CC(Guid)
                    // Remove: CI(Guid) IO LC
                    // PermissionSplit: CI CC(Guid) // Remove GR
                    //        MergeSplit: CI LC // Ready for merge
                    //           Remove: CI(Guid) IO CC // Removal is not possible since we are trying to remove 
                    //                                                     inheritance for a specific child type when it exists for all child types
                    // Permission split settings
                    AceFlags ps_AceFlags = 0;
                    int ps_AccessMask = 0;
                    ObjectAceFlags ps_ObjectAceFlags = 0;
                    Guid ps_ObjectAceType = Guid.Empty;
                    Guid ps_InheritedObjectAceType = Guid.Empty;
                    // Auditing split makes sense if this is a SACL
                    AceFlags as_AceFlags = 0;
                    int as_AccessMask = 0;
                    ObjectAceFlags as_ObjectAceFlags = 0;
                    Guid as_ObjectAceType = Guid.Empty;
                    Guid as_InheritedObjectAceType = Guid.Empty;
                    // Merge split settings
                    AceFlags ms_AceFlags = 0;
                    int ms_AccessMask = 0;
                    ObjectAceFlags ms_ObjectAceFlags = 0;
                    Guid ms_ObjectAceType = Guid.Empty;
                    Guid ms_InheritedObjectAceType = Guid.Empty;
                    // Merge result settings
                    AceFlags mergeResultFlags = 0;
                    bool mergeRemoveTotal = false;
                    // First compute the permission split
                    ps_AceFlags = ace.AceFlags;
                    unchecked { ps_AccessMask = ace.AccessMask & ~accessMask; }
                    if ( ace is ObjectAce ) 
                        // determine what should be the object/inherited object types on the permission split
                        GetObjectTypesForSplit( ace as ObjectAce, ps_AccessMask /* access mask for this split */, ps_AceFlags /* flags remain the same */, out ps_ObjectAceFlags, out ps_ObjectAceType, out ps_InheritedObjectAceType );
                    // Next, for SACLs only, compute the auditing split
                    if ( saclSemantics )
                        // This operation can set the audit bits region
                        // of ACE flags to zero;
                        // This case will be handled later
                        unchecked { as_AceFlags = ace.AceFlags & ~( flags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ); }
                        // The result of this evaluation is guaranteed
                        // not to be zero by now
                        as_AccessMask = ( ace.AccessMask & accessMask );
                        if ( ace is ObjectAce ) 
                            // determine what should be the object/inherited object types on the audit split
                            GetObjectTypesForSplit( ace as ObjectAce, as_AccessMask /* access mask for this split */, as_AceFlags /* flags remain the same for inheritance */, out as_ObjectAceFlags, out as_ObjectAceType, out as_InheritedObjectAceType );
                    // Finally, compute the merge split
                    ms_AceFlags = ( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.InheritanceFlags ) | ( flags & ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags );
                    ms_AccessMask = ( ace.AccessMask & accessMask );
                    // Now is the time to obtain the result of applying the remove
                    // operation to the merge split
                    // Skipping this step for SACLs where the merge split step
                    // produced no auditing flags
                    if ( !saclSemantics ||
                        (( ms_AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) != 0 ))
                        if ( false == RemoveInheritanceBits( ms_AceFlags, flags, IsDS, out mergeResultFlags, out mergeRemoveTotal ))
                            removePossible = false;
                        if ( !mergeRemoveTotal )
                            mergeResultFlags |= ( ms_AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags );
                            if ( ace is ObjectAce ) 
                                // determine what should be the object/inherited object types on the merge split
                                GetObjectTypesForSplit( ace as ObjectAce, ms_AccessMask /* access mask for this split */, mergeResultFlags /* flags for this split */, out ms_ObjectAceFlags, out ms_ObjectAceType, out ms_InheritedObjectAceType );
                    // If this is no longer an evaluation, go ahead and make the changes
                    if ( !evaluationPass )
                        QualifiedAce newAce;
                        // Modify the existing ACE in-place if it has any access
                        // mask bits left, otherwise simply remove it
                        // However, if for an object ace we are removing the object type 
                        // then we should really remove this ace and add a new one since
                        // we would be changing the size of this ace
                        if ( ps_AccessMask != 0 )
                            if (( ace is ObjectAce ) &&
                                (((( ObjectAce) ace ).ObjectAceFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent ) != 0 ) &&
                                     (( ps_ObjectAceFlags & ObjectAceFlags.ObjectAceTypePresent ) == 0 ))
                                ObjectAce newObjectAce;
                                newObjectAce = new ObjectAce( ps_AceFlags, qualifier, ps_AccessMask, ace.SecurityIdentifier, ps_ObjectAceFlags, ps_ObjectAceType, ps_InheritedObjectAceType, false, null );
                                _acl.InsertAce( i, newObjectAce );
                                ace.AceFlags = ps_AceFlags;
                                ace.AccessMask = ps_AccessMask;
                                if ( ace is ObjectAce ) 
                                    ObjectAce objectAce = ace as ObjectAce;
                                    objectAce.ObjectAceFlags = ps_ObjectAceFlags;
                                    objectAce.ObjectAceType = ps_ObjectAceType;
                                    objectAce.InheritedObjectAceType = ps_InheritedObjectAceType;
                            i--; // keep the array index honest
                        // On a SACL, the result of the auditing split must be recorded
                        if ( saclSemantics && (( as_AceFlags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) != 0 ))
                            if ( ace is CommonAce )
                                newAce = new CommonAce( as_AceFlags, qualifier, as_AccessMask, ace.SecurityIdentifier, false, null );
                                // object ace
                                newAce = new ObjectAce( as_AceFlags, qualifier, as_AccessMask, ace.SecurityIdentifier, as_ObjectAceFlags, as_ObjectAceType, as_InheritedObjectAceType, false, null );
                            i++; // so it's not considered again
                            _acl.InsertAce( i, newAce );
                        // If there are interesting bits left over from a remove, store them
                        // as a separate ACE
                        if ( !mergeRemoveTotal )
                            if ( ace is CommonAce )
                                newAce = new CommonAce( mergeResultFlags, qualifier, ms_AccessMask, ace.SecurityIdentifier, false, null );
                                // object ace
                                newAce = new ObjectAce( mergeResultFlags, qualifier, ms_AccessMask, ace.SecurityIdentifier, ms_ObjectAceFlags, ms_ObjectAceType, ms_InheritedObjectAceType, false, null );
                            i++; // so it's not considered again
                            _acl.InsertAce( i, newAce );
            catch( OverflowException )
                // Oops, overflow means that the ACL became too big.
                // Inform the caller that the remove was not possible.
                _acl.SetBinaryForm( recovery, 0 );
                return false;
            // Finished evaluating the possibility of a remove.
            // If it looks like it's doable, go ahead and do it.
            if ( evaluationPass && removePossible )
                evaluationPass = false;
                goto MakeAnotherPass;
            return removePossible;
        internal void RemoveQualifiedAcesSpecific( SecurityIdentifier sid, AceQualifier qualifier, int accessMask, AceFlags flags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            if ( accessMask == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Argument_ArgumentZero" ),
                    "accessMask" );
            if ( qualifier == AceQualifier.SystemAudit &&
                (( flags & AceFlags.AuditFlags ) == 0 ))
                throw new ArgumentException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "Arg_EnumAtLeastOneFlag" ),
                    "flags" );
            if ( sid == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "sid" );
            for ( int i = 0; i < Count; i++ )
                QualifiedAce ace = _acl[i] as QualifiedAce;
                // Not a qualified ACE - keep going
                if ( ace == null )
                // Only interested in explicit (non-inherited) ACEs
                if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                // Only interested in ACEs with the specified qualifier
                if ( ace.AceQualifier != qualifier )
                // Only interested in ACEs with the specified SID
                if ( ace.SecurityIdentifier != sid )
                // Only interested in exact ACE flag matches
                if ( ace.AceFlags != flags )
                // Only interested in exact access mask matches
                if ( ace.AccessMask != accessMask )
                if ( IsDS ) 
                    // Incase of object aces, only interested in ACEs which match in their 
                    // objectType and inheritedObjectType
                    if (( ace is ObjectAce ) && ( objectFlags != ObjectAceFlags.None ))
                        // both are object aces, so must match in object type and inherited object type
                        ObjectAce objectAce = ace as ObjectAce;
                        if (( !objectAce.ObjectTypesMatch( objectFlags, objectType ))
                            || ( !objectAce.InheritedObjectTypesMatch( objectFlags, inheritedObjectType ))) 
                    else if (( ace is ObjectAce ) || ( objectFlags != ObjectAceFlags.None ))
                        // one is object ace and the other is not, so no match
                // Got our exact match; now remove it
                i--; // keep the array index honest
        internal virtual void OnAclModificationTried()
        #region Public Properties
        // Returns the revision of the ACL
        public sealed override byte Revision
            get { return _acl.Revision; }
        // Returns the number of ACEs in the ACL
        public sealed override int Count
                return _acl.Count;
        // Returns the length of the binary representation of the ACL
        public sealed override int BinaryLength
                return _acl.BinaryLength;
        // Returns 'true' if the ACL was canonical at creation time
        public bool IsCanonical
            get { return _isCanonical; }
        public bool IsContainer
            get { return _isContainer; }
        public bool IsDS
            get { return _isDS; }
        #region Public Methods
        // Returns the binary representation of the ACL
        public sealed override void GetBinaryForm( byte[] binaryForm, int offset )
            _acl.GetBinaryForm( binaryForm, offset );
        // Retrieves the ACE at a given index inside the ACL
        // Since the caller can modify the ACE it receives,
        // clone the ACE prior to returning it to the caller
        public sealed override GenericAce this[int index]
                return _acl[index].Copy();
                throw new NotSupportedException( Environment.GetResourceString( "NotSupported_SetMethod" ));
        public void RemoveInheritedAces()
            // Iterating backwards as an optimization - all inherited ACEs
            // are usually in the back of the ACL
            for ( int i = _acl.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                GenericAce ace = _acl[i];
                if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                    _acl.RemoveAce( i );
        public void Purge( SecurityIdentifier sid )
            if ( sid == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "sid" );
            for ( int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                KnownAce ace = _acl[i] as KnownAce;
                // Skip over unknown ACEs
                if ( ace == null )
                // Skip over inherited ACEs
                if (( ace.AceFlags & AceFlags.Inherited ) != 0 )
                // SID matches - ACE is out
                if ( ace.SecurityIdentifier == sid )
                    _acl.RemoveAce( i );
    public sealed class SystemAcl : CommonAcl
        #region Constructors
        // Creates an emtpy ACL
        public SystemAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, int capacity )
            : this( isContainer, isDS, isDS ? AclRevisionDS : AclRevision, capacity )
        public SystemAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, byte revision, int capacity )
            : base( isContainer, isDS, revision, capacity )
        // Creates an ACL from a given raw ACL
        // after canonicalizing it
        public SystemAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, RawAcl rawAcl )
            : this( isContainer, isDS, rawAcl, false )
        // Internal version - if 'trusted' is true,
        // takes ownership of the given raw ACL
        internal SystemAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, RawAcl rawAcl, bool trusted )
            : base( isContainer, isDS, rawAcl, trusted, false )
        #region Public Methods
        public void AddAudit( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            AddQualifiedAce( sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags( auditFlags ) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public void SetAudit( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            SetQualifiedAce( sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags( auditFlags ) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public bool RemoveAudit( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            return RemoveQualifiedAces(sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags( auditFlags ) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), true, ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public void RemoveAuditSpecific( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            RemoveQualifiedAcesSpecific( sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags( auditFlags ) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public void AddAudit(SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAuditRule rule)
            AddAudit(rule.AuditFlags, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public void AddAudit( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType ) 
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS ) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            AddQualifiedAce(sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags(auditFlags) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags(inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags), objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType);
        public void SetAudit(SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAuditRule rule)
            SetAudit(rule.AuditFlags, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public void SetAudit( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            SetQualifiedAce(sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags(auditFlags) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags(inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags), objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType);
        public bool RemoveAudit(SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAuditRule rule)
            return RemoveAudit(rule.AuditFlags, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public bool RemoveAudit( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType ) 
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            return RemoveQualifiedAces(sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags(auditFlags) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags(inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags), true, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType);
        public void RemoveAuditSpecific(SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAuditRule rule)
            RemoveAuditSpecific(rule.AuditFlags, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public void RemoveAuditSpecific( AuditFlags auditFlags, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            RemoveQualifiedAcesSpecific(sid, AceQualifier.SystemAudit, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromAuditFlags(auditFlags) | GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags(inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags), objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType);
    public sealed class DiscretionaryAcl : CommonAcl
        static private SecurityIdentifier _sidEveryone = new SecurityIdentifier( WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null );
        private bool everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
        #region Constructors
        // Creates an emtpy ACL
        public DiscretionaryAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, int capacity )
            : this( isContainer, isDS, isDS ? AclRevisionDS : AclRevision, capacity )
        public DiscretionaryAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, byte revision, int capacity )
            : base( isContainer, isDS, revision, capacity )
        // Creates an ACL from a given raw ACL
        // after canonicalizing it
        public DiscretionaryAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, RawAcl rawAcl )
            : this( isContainer, isDS, rawAcl, false )
        // Internal version - if 'trusted' is true,
        // takes ownership of the given raw ACL
        internal DiscretionaryAcl( bool isContainer, bool isDS, RawAcl rawAcl, bool trusted )
            : base( isContainer, isDS, rawAcl == null ? new RawAcl( isDS ? AclRevisionDS : AclRevision, 0 ) : rawAcl, trusted, true )
        #region Public Methods
        public void AddAccess( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            AddQualifiedAce( sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public void SetAccess( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            SetQualifiedAce( sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public bool RemoveAccess( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            return RemoveQualifiedAces( sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), false, ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public void RemoveAccessSpecific( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags )
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            RemoveQualifiedAcesSpecific(sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), ObjectAceFlags.None, Guid.Empty, Guid.Empty );
        public void AddAccess(AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAccessRule rule)
            AddAccess(accessType, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public void AddAccess( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            AddQualifiedAce( sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType );
        public void SetAccess(AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAccessRule rule)
            SetAccess(accessType, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public void SetAccess( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            CheckFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            SetQualifiedAce( sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType);
        public bool RemoveAccess(AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAccessRule rule)
            return RemoveAccess(accessType, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public bool RemoveAccess( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            return RemoveQualifiedAces(sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), false, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType );
        public void RemoveAccessSpecific(AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, ObjectAccessRule rule)
            RemoveAccessSpecific(accessType, sid, rule.AccessMask, rule.InheritanceFlags, rule.PropagationFlags, rule.ObjectFlags, rule.ObjectType, rule.InheritedObjectType);
        public void RemoveAccessSpecific( AccessControlType accessType, SecurityIdentifier sid, int accessMask, InheritanceFlags inheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags propagationFlags, ObjectAceFlags objectFlags, Guid objectType, Guid inheritedObjectType )
            // This is valid only for DS Acls 
            if ( !IsDS )
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    Environment.GetResourceString( "InvalidOperation_OnlyValidForDS" ));
            CheckAccessType( accessType );
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
            RemoveQualifiedAcesSpecific( sid, accessType == AccessControlType.Allow ? AceQualifier.AccessAllowed : AceQualifier.AccessDenied, accessMask, GenericAce.AceFlagsFromInheritanceFlags( inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags ), objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType );
        #region internals and privates
        // DACL's "allow everyone full access may be created to replace a null DACL because managed 
        // access control does not want to leave null DACLs around. But we need to remember this MACL
        // created ACE when the DACL is modified, we can remove it to match the same native semantics of
        // a null DACL.
        internal bool EveryOneFullAccessForNullDacl
            get { return everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl; }
            set { everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = value; }
        // As soon as you tried successfully to modified the ACL, the internally created allow every one full access ACL is materialized
        // because in native world, a NULL dacl can't be operated on.
        internal override void OnAclModificationTried()
            everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// This static method will create an "allow everyone full control" single ACE DACL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isDS">whether it is a DS DACL</param>
        /// <param name="isContainer">whether it is a container</param>
        /// <returns>The single ACE DACL</returns>
        /// Note: This method is created to get the best behavior for using "allow everyone full access"
        /// single ACE DACL to replace null DACL from CommonSecurityObject. 
        static internal DiscretionaryAcl CreateAllowEveryoneFullAccess(bool isDS, bool isContainer)
            DiscretionaryAcl dcl = new DiscretionaryAcl( isContainer, isDS, 1 );
                isContainer ? ( InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit | InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit ) : InheritanceFlags.None,
                PropagationFlags.None );
            dcl.everyOneFullAccessForNullDacl = true;
            return dcl;