266 writes to Length
mscorlib (19)
microsoft\win32\registrykey.cs (2)
1725sb.Length = temp; 1774path.Length += j - i;
system\environment.cs (5)
491blob.Length = 0; 501blob.Length = 0; 522blob.Length = 0; 530blob.Length = 0; 643blob.Length = 0;
system\globalization\datetimeformatinfoscanner.cs (1)
326dateWord.Length = 0;
system\globalization\timespanformat.cs (1)
379sb.Length = 0;
system\io\pathhelper.cs (4)
106m_sb.Length = value; 202finalBuffer.Length = result; 282sb.Length = 0; 298sb.Length = 0;
system\runtime\remoting\soapinteroptypes.cs (2)
260sb.Length = 0; 933sb.Length = 0;
system\text\stringbuilder.cs (2)
448this.Length = 0; 882Length = 0;
system\timezoneinfo.cs (2)
2612fileMuiPath.Length = Win32Native.MAX_PATH; 2652localizedResource.Length = Win32Native.LOAD_STRING_MAX_LENGTH;
PresentationBuildTasks (2)
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\MarkupExtensionParser.cs (2)
1211sb.Length = i+1; 1214sb.Length = 0;
PresentationCore (5)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\DataFormats.cs (1)
414sb.Length = 0;
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Input\TextCompositionManager.cs (1)
530sbuilder.Length = nret;
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\GlyphsSerializer.cs (2)
169sb.Length = trailingCharIndex + 1; 225_glyphStringBuider.Length = 0;
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\MediaEventsHelper.cs (1)
410stringBuilder.Length = stringLength;
PresentationFramework (5)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\PathParser.cs (2)
350parenStringBuilder.Length = 0; 351valueStringBuilder.Length = 0;
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Globalization\BamlTreeUpdater.cs (1)
418textContent.Length = 0;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\MarkupExtensionParser.cs (2)
1211sb.Length = i+1; 1214sb.Length = 0;
System (4)
compmod\system\diagnostics\XmlWriterTraceListener.cs (1)
136strBldr.Length = 0;
regex\system\text\regularexpressions\RegexReplacement.cs (1)
55sb.Length = 0;
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\AsyncStreamReader.cs (2)
179sb.Length = 0; 260sb.Length = 0;
System.Configuration (2)
System\Configuration\ClientConfigPaths.cs (1)
125sb.Length = length;
System\Configuration\XmlUtil.cs (1)
964_cachedStringWriter.GetStringBuilder().Length = 0;
System.Data (14)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\DbConnectionOptions.cs (2)
603buffer.Length = 0; 641buffer.Length = 0;
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\MultipartIdentifier.cs (3)
96sb.Length = 0; 107sb.Length = 0; 134whitespaceSB.Length = 0;
fx\src\data\System\Data\Odbc\odbcmetadatafactory.cs (1)
699scratchStringBuilder.Length = 0;
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\OLEDB_Util.cs (1)
639builder.Length = 0;
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\OleDbMetaDataFactory.cs (2)
212patternEscaped.Length = 0; 315scratchStringBuilder.Length = 0;
fx\src\data\System\Data\xmlsaver.cs (5)
280builder.Length = 0; 1004builder.Length = 0; 1754encodedName.Length = 0; 1813encodedName.Length = 0; 1887encodedName.Length = 0;
System.Data.Entity (8)
System\Data\Common\Internal\MultipartIdentifier.cs (3)
96sb.Length = 0; 106sb.Length = 0; 139whitespaceSB.Length = 0;
System\Data\EntityClient\DbConnectionOptions.cs (2)
205buffer.Length = 0; 248buffer.Length = 0;
System\Data\Query\InternalTrees\Dump.cs (3)
303sb.Length = 0; 347sb.Length = 0; 359sb.Length = 0;
System.Data.Linq (1)
SqlClient\Query\SqlFormatter.cs (1)
538this.sb.Length = 0;
System.Data.SqlXml (8)
System\Xml\Xsl\Runtime\DecimalFormatter.cs (1)
111temp.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilGenerator.cs (1)
841unescapedText.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilStrConcatenator.cs (2)
30builder.Length = 0; 40builder.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Compiler.cs (1)
934lex.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Processor.cs (1)
254sharedStringBuilder.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ReaderOutput.cs (2)
597buffer .Length = 0; // clean buffer 606buffer .Length = 0; // clean buffer
System.Runtime.Remoting (129)
metadata\wsdlparser.cs (55)
2369vsb.Length= 0; 3740sb.Length = 0; 3810sb.Length = 0; 3823sb.Length = 0; 3833sb.Length = 0; 3847sb.Length = 0; 3892sb.Length = 0; 3898sb.Length = 0; 3902sb.Length = 0; 3907sb.Length = 0; 3922sb.Length = 0; 3927sb.Length = 0; 3937sb.Length = 0; 4227sb.Length = 0; 4351sb.Length = 0; 4494sb.Length = 0; 4519sb.Length = 0; 4562sb.Length = 0; 4572sb.Length = 0; 4587sb.Length = 0; 4783sb.Length = 0; 4821sb.Length = 0; 4880sb.Length = 0; 4889sb.Length = 0; 4899sb.Length = 0; 4997sb.Length = 0; 5046sb.Length = 0; 5402sb.Length = 0; 5429sb.Length = 0; 5903sb.Length = 0; 5939sb.Length = 0; 5988sb.Length = 0; 6082sb.Length = 0; 6141sb.Length = 0; 6154sb.Length = 0; 6159sb.Length = 0; 6166sb.Length = 0; 6175sb.Length = 0; 6203sb.Length = 0; 6222sb.Length = 0; 6235sb.Length = 0; 6245sb.Length = 0; 6250sb.Length = 0; 6255sb.Length = 0; 6260sb.Length = 0; 6277sb.Length = 0; 6282sb.Length = 0; 6288sb.Length = 0; 6307sb.Length = 0; 6315sb.Length = 0; 6320sb.Length = 0; 6327sb.Length = 0; 6334sb.Length = 0; 6339sb.Length = 0; 6344sb.Length = 0;
metadata\wsdlwriter.cs (74)
576sb.Length = 0; 635sb.Length = 0; 640sb.Length = 0; 647sb.Length = 0; 654sb.Length = 0; 661sb.Length = 0; 666sb.Length = 0; 671sb.Length = 0; 682sb.Length = 0; 693sb.Length = 0; 702sb.Length = 0; 714sb.Length = 0; 729sb.Length = 0; 745sb.Length = 0; 756sb.Length = 0; 764sb.Length = 0; 770sb.Length = 0; 843sb.Length = 0; 922sb.Length = 0; 944sb.Length = 0; 972sb.Length = 0; 1013sb.Length = 0; 1023sb.Length = 0; 1081sb.Length = 0; 1261sb.Length = 0; 1272sb.Length = 0; 1349sb.Length = 0; 1356sb.Length = 0; 1464sb.Length = 0; 1522sb.Length = 0; 1539sb.Length = 0; 1692sb.Length = 0; 1704sb.Length = 0; 1762sb.Length = 0; 1788sb.Length = 0; 1793sb.Length = 0; 1808sb.Length = 0; 1818sb.Length = 0; 1825sb.Length = 0; 1836sb.Length = 0; 1850sb.Length = 0; 1862sb.Length = 0; 1871sb.Length = 0; 1887sb.Length = 0; 1892sb.Length = 0; 1915sb.Length = 0; 1928sb.Length = 0; 1941sb.Length = 0; 1947sb.Length = 0; 1954sb.Length = 0; 1967sb.Length = 0; 2001sb.Length = 0; 2027sb.Length = 0; 2034sb.Length = 0; 2057sb.Length = 0; 2065sb.Length = 0; 2072sb.Length = 0; 2083sb.Length = 0; 2090sb.Length = 0; 2097sb.Length = 0; 2108sb.Length = 0; 2114sb.Length = 0; 2120sb.Length=0; 2135sb.Length = 0; 2200sb.Length = 0; 2214sb.Length = 0; 2229sb.Length = 0; 2386sb.Length = 0; 2867sb.Length = 0; 2908sb.Length = 0; 2916sb.Length = 0; 2923sb.Length = 0; 2931sb.Length = 0; 2968sb.Length = 0;
System.ServiceModel (4)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QueryFunctions.cs (3)
498builder.Length = 0; 1217builder.Length = 0; 1256builder.Length = 0;
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\SeekableMessageNavigator.cs (1)
1593this.stringBuilder.Length = 0;
System.Web (11)
Configuration\MetabaseServerConfig.cs (1)
423sb.Length = 0;
Routing\ParsedRoute.cs (5)
174pendingParts.Length = 0; 189pendingParts.Length = 0; 226pendingParts.Length = 0; 257pendingParts.Length = 0; 279pendingParts.Length = 0;
UI\Html32TextWriter.cs (4)
529_beforeTag.Length = 0; 530_beforeContent.Length = 0; 531_afterContent.Length = 0; 532_afterTag.Length = 0;
Util\UrlPath.cs (1)
291sb.Length = (int)list[list.Count - 1];
System.Web.Mobile (5)
Mobile\UrlPath.cs (1)
195sb.Length = (int)list[list.Count - 1];
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\ChtmlCalendarAdapter.cs (1)
545dayDisplay.Length = 0;
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\WmlCalendarAdapter.cs (1)
527dayDisplay.Length = 0;
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\XhtmlAdapters\XhtmlBasicCalendarAdapter.cs (1)
485dayDisplay.Length = 0;
UI\MobileControls\TextView.cs (1)
340_translateBuilder.Length = 0;
System.Windows.Forms (6)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataFormats.cs (1)
266s.Length = 0;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewMethods.cs (3)
7269sbContent.Length = 0; 7533sbContent.Length = 0; 7998sbContent.Length = 0;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\UnsafeNativeMethods.cs (2)
391lpszFile.Length = resultValue; 540buffer.Length = length;
System.Workflow.Activities (1)
Rules\Design\Dialogs\IntellisenseTextBox.cs (1)
173projectedValue.Length = projectedValue.Length - 1;
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (4)
AuthoringOM\Compiler\TypeSystem\DesignTimeType.cs (1)
939typeName.Length = typeName.Length - 1; //remove the last comma
AuthoringOM\Serializer\WorkflowMarkupSerializer.cs (3)
2731stringBuilder.Length = 0; 2778stringBuilder.Length = 0; 2802stringBuilder.Length = 0;
System.Xml (38)
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextEncoder.cs (2)
66attrValue.Length = 0; 73attrValue.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (14)
2055stringBuilder.Length = 0; 3308sb.Length = originalSbLen; 3318sb.Length = 0; 3877stringBuilder.Length = 0; 4906stringBuilder.Length = 0; 4972stringBuilder.Length = 0; 4977stringBuilder.Length = 0; 5008stringBuilder.Length = 0; 5016stringBuilder.Length = 0; 5278stringBuilder.Length = 0; 5390stringBuilder.Length = 0; 5716stringBuilder.Length = 0; 5890stringBuilder.Length = 0; 7817stringBuilder.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplAsync.cs (11)
1140sb.Length = originalSbLen; 1150sb.Length = 0; 2693stringBuilder.Length = 0; 2821stringBuilder.Length = 0; 2826stringBuilder.Length = 0; 2864stringBuilder.Length = 0; 2881stringBuilder.Length = 0; 3316stringBuilder.Length = 0; 3440stringBuilder.Length = 0; 3729stringBuilder.Length = 0; 3926stringBuilder.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Core\XmlWellFormedWriterHelpers.cs (1)
427stringValue.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParser.cs (1)
2317stringBuilder.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParserAsync.cs (1)
1774stringBuilder.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Schema\DtdValidator.cs (2)
197textValue.Length = 0; 238textValue.Length = 0; // cleanup
System\Xml\Schema\XdrValidator.cs (2)
153textValue.Length = 0; // cleanup 267textValue.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaValidator.cs (1)
1755textValue.Length = 0;
System\Xml\Schema\XsdDuration.cs (2)
410sb.Length += 9; 423sb.Length = zeroIdx + 1;
System\Xml\Schema\XsdValidator.cs (1)
469textValue.Length = 0;
535 references to Length
ComSvcConfig (1)
ComAdminWrapper.cs (1)
639int strLen = versionStr.Length - 1;
Microsoft.Activities.Build (3)
Microsoft\Activities\Build\BeforeInitializeComponentExtension.cs (3)
115if (builder.Length > 0) 122if (builder.Length > 0) 134if (builder.Length > 0)
mscorlib (90)
microsoft\win32\registrykey.cs (2)
1723int temp = sb.Length - 1; 1733int length = path.Length;
system\AppDomainSetup.cs (1)
466int aLen = result.Length - 1;
system\diagnostics\eventing\eventsource.cs (1)
6480if (templates.Length > 0)
system\globalization\datetimeformat.cs (4)
504if (result.Length > 0 && result[result.Length - 1] == '.') { 505result.Remove(result.Length - 1, 1); 1059builder[builder.Length - index] = (char)('0' + (val % 10));
system\globalization\hebrewnumber.cs (2)
194if (szHebrew.Length > 1) { 195szHebrew.Insert(szHebrew.Length - 1, '"');
system\globalization\idnmapping.cs (14)
761if (output.Length - iOutputAfterLastDot > M_labelLimit) 770iOutputAfterLastDot = output.Length; 774if (output.Length > M_defaultNameLimit - (IsDot(unicode[unicode.Length-1]) ? 0 : 1)) 964(output.Length - iOutputAfterLastDot - numSurrogatePairs) + 1, oldi == 0); 968Contract.Assert((output.Length - iOutputAfterLastDot - numSurrogatePairs) + 1 > 0, 970if (i / ((output.Length - iOutputAfterLastDot - numSurrogatePairs) + 1) > maxint - n) 973n += (int)(i / (output.Length - iOutputAfterLastDot - numSurrogatePairs + 1)); 974i %= (output.Length - iOutputAfterLastDot - numSurrogatePairs + 1); 1004if (iUseInsertLocation >= output.Length) 1040for (int iTest = iOutputAfterLastDot; iTest < output.Length; iTest++) 1077iOutputAfterLastDot = output.Length; 1081if (output.Length > M_defaultNameLimit - (IsDot(output[output.Length-1]) ? 0 : 1)) 1084M_defaultNameLimit -(IsDot(output[output.Length-1]) ? 0 : 1)), "ascii");
system\globalization\timespanformat.cs (5)
406Contract.Assert((field == 0 && sb.Length == 0) || field == 1, 414Contract.Assert((field == 1 && sb.Length == 0) || field == 2, 422Contract.Assert((field == 2 && sb.Length == 0) || field == 3, 430Contract.Assert((field == 3 && sb.Length == 0) || field == 4, 439Contract.Assert((field == 4 && sb.Length == 0) || field == 5,
system\globalization\timespanparse.cs (1)
1345for (int i = 0; i < enquotedString.Length; i++) {
system\io\path.cs (2)
1272if (finalPath.Length == 0) { 1275char ch = finalPath[finalPath.Length - 1];
system\io\pathhelper.cs (2)
98return m_sb.Length; 314Length = sb.Length;
system\io\pathinternal.cs (3)
74if (value == null || builder.Length < value.Length) 271return path.Length >= DevicePrefixLength 312return path.Length >= UncExtendedPathPrefix.Length
system\io\textreader.cs (1)
190if (sb.Length > 0) return sb.ToString();
system\reflection\assembly.cs (1)
3119assemblyFile.Remove(assemblyFile.Length - 4, 4);
system\runtime\remoting\soapinteroptypes.cs (12)
58stringBuffer.Replace("&", "&#38;", index, stringBuffer.Length - index); 64if (stringBuffer.Length == 0) 66stringBuffer.Replace("\"", "&#34;", index, stringBuffer.Length - index); 72if (stringBuffer.Length == 0) 74stringBuffer.Replace("\'", "&#39;", index, stringBuffer.Length - index); 80if (stringBuffer.Length == 0) 82stringBuffer.Replace("<", "&#60;", index, stringBuffer.Length - index); 88if (stringBuffer.Length == 0) 90stringBuffer.Replace(">", "&#62;", index, stringBuffer.Length - index); 96if (stringBuffer.Length == 0) 98stringBuffer.Replace(Char.MinValue.ToString(), "&#0;", index, stringBuffer.Length - index); 103if (stringBuffer.Length > 0)
system\runtime\serialization\formatterservices.cs (1)
536return builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1).Append("]").ToString();
system\security\util\urlstring.cs (3)
428while (slashCount < modifiedUrl.Length && (modifiedUrl[slashCount] == '/' || modifiedUrl[slashCount] == '\\')) 436if (slashCount + 1 < modifiedUrl.Length && modifiedUrl[slashCount + 1] == '\\') 461if (path.Length >= (AppContextSwitches.BlockLongPaths ? PathInternal.MaxShortPath : PathInternal.MaxLongPath))
system\stubhelpers.cs (1)
1195int length = pManagedHome.Length * 2;
system\text\decoderfallback.cs (1)
270if (strBytes.Length > 0)
system\text\stringbuilder.cs (31)
295if (value < Length) { 335if (Length == 0) 338string ret = string.FastAllocateString(Length); 376int currentLength = this.Length; 482int delta = value - Length; 774if ((uint)sourceIndex > (uint)Length) { 778if (sourceIndex > Length - count) { 828int currentLength = Length; 841if (insertingChars > MaxCapacity - this.Length) { 844Contract.Assert(insertingChars + this.Length < Int32.MaxValue); 874if (length > Length - startIndex) { 880if (Length == length && startIndex == 0) { 1038if ((uint)index > (uint)Length) { 1115if ((uint)index > (uint)Length) { 1134int currentLength = Length; 1487return Replace(oldValue, newValue, 0, Length); 1494if (Capacity != sb.Capacity || MaxCapacity != sb.MaxCapacity || Length != sb.Length) 1539int currentLength = Length; 1621return Replace(oldChar, newChar, 0, Length); 1626int currentLength = Length; 1708if ((uint)index > (uint)Length) 1917Contract.Assert(0 <= index && index <= Length, "index not in string"); 1934Contract.Assert(0 <= byteIndex && byteIndex <= Length*sizeof(char), "Byte Index not in string"); 1964Contract.Requires(Capacity == Length, "Expand expect to be called only when there is no space left"); // We are currently full 1969if (minBlockCharCount + Length < minBlockCharCount || (minBlockCharCount + Length) > m_MaxCapacity) 1977int newBlockLength = Math.Max(minBlockCharCount, Math.Min(Length, MaxChunkSize)); 2030if (count + Length < count || count + Length > m_MaxCapacity) 2112Contract.Assert(startIndex >= 0 && startIndex < Length, "startIndex not in string");
system\timezoneinfo.cs (1)
2655localizedResource, localizedResource.Length);
system\version.cs (1)
343int index = sb.Length;
PresentationBuildTasks (15)
Framework\MS\Internal\Globalization\LocalizationComments.cs (5)
108if (tokenBuffer.Length > 0) 149if (tokenBuffer.Length == 0) 205if (currentPair.PropertyName != null || tokenBuffer.Length != 0) 231if (builder.Length > 0) 247if (builder.Length > 0)
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\MarkupExtensionParser.cs (5)
1084if (stringBuilder.Length != 0) 1106if (stringBuilder != null && stringBuilder.Length > 0) 1150if (stringBuilder.Length > 0) 1205Debug.Assert(sb.Length > 0); 1208int i = sb.Length-1;
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\XamlReaderHelper.cs (5)
1277for (int i = 0; i < textValueStringBuilder.Length; i++) 1294if (!lastTextWasPreserved && textValueStringBuilder.Length > 0) 1296char lastChar = textValueStringBuilder[textValueStringBuilder.Length - 1]; 1300textValueStringBuilder.Remove(textValueStringBuilder.Length - 1, 1); 1304if (textValueStringBuilder.Length > 0)
PresentationCore (9)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\FontCache\FamilyCollection.cs (2)
564if (potentialFaceName.Length > 0) 567Text.TextInterface.Font font = GetFontFromFamily(fontFamilyDWrite, potentialFaceName.ToString(1, potentialFaceName.Length - 1));
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\FontFace\FontDifferentiator.cs (3)
72if (faceNameBuilder.Length > 0) 81if (faceNameBuilder.Length > 0) 88if (faceNameBuilder.Length == 0)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\TextFormatting\TextStore.cs (2)
2313Invariant.Assert(stringBuilder.Length == cchText); 2315char[] rawText = new char[stringBuilder.Length];
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\GlyphsSerializer.cs (2)
158int length = sb.Length; 174Debug.Assert(_glyphStringBuider.Length == 0);
PresentationFramework (15)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Globalization\BamlTreeUpdater.cs (1)
414if (textContent.Length > 0)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Globalization\LocalizationComments.cs (5)
108if (tokenBuffer.Length > 0) 149if (tokenBuffer.Length == 0) 205if (currentPair.PropertyName != null || tokenBuffer.Length != 0) 231if (builder.Length > 0) 247if (builder.Length > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\DataGridClipboardHelper.cs (1)
31int length = sb.Length;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (2)
8525for (int uriIndex = 0; uriIndex < sb.Length; uriIndex++) 8527if (sb[uriIndex] == '\\' && uriIndex + 1 < sb.Length && sb[uriIndex + 1] == '\\')
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\MarkupExtensionParser.cs (5)
1084if (stringBuilder.Length != 0) 1106if (stringBuilder != null && stringBuilder.Length > 0) 1150if (stringBuilder.Length > 0) 1205Debug.Assert(sb.Length > 0); 1208int i = sb.Length-1;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\Primitives\MarkupWriter.cs (1)
1668if (r.Length > 0)
System (72)
compmod\system\componentmodel\MaskedTextProvider.cs (47)
451this.testString.Capacity = this.testString.Length; 532for (int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++) 690return FindAssignedEditPositionFrom( this.testString.Length - 1, backward ); 701return this.testString.Length; 800for(int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++ ) 880if( index < 0 || index >= this.testString.Length ) 915if( lastAssignedPos == this.testString.Length - 1 ) // at the last edit char position. 917testPosition = this.testString.Length; 929testPosition = this.testString.Length; 1003for( int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++ ) 1027endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1067endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1160endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1195if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 1197endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1236endPosition = this.testString.Length - 1; 1299if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1348if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1370Debug.Assert(input != null && position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "input param out of range."); 1391if( shiftNeeded && (testPosition == this.testString.Length - 1)) // no room for shifting. 1394testPosition = this.testString.Length; 1411testPosition = this.testString.Length; 1514if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1529if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1652if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 1682Debug.Assert(startPosition >= 0 && startPosition <= endPosition && endPosition < this.testString.Length, "Out of range input value."); 1818if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1863if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 1917if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 1956if (endPosition >= this.testString.Length) 2027testPosition = this.testString.Length; 2100Debug.Assert( startPosition >= 0 && endPosition >= 0 && endPosition >= startPosition && endPosition < this.testString.Length, "position out of range." ); 2164ResetString(resetPos, this.testString.Length - 1); 2176Debug.Assert(position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "Position out of range."); 2188Debug.Assert(position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "Position out of range."); 2313Debug.Assert(position >= 0 && position < this.testString.Length, "Position out of range."); 2589if( testPosition >= this.testString.Length ) 2602testPosition = this.testString.Length; 2641StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(this.testString.Length); 2643for (int position = 0; position < this.testString.Length; position++) 2658return ToString(/*ignorePwdChar*/ true, this.IncludePrompt, this.IncludeLiterals, 0, this.testString.Length); 2667return ToString(ignorePasswordChar, this.IncludePrompt, this.IncludeLiterals, 0, this.testString.Length); 2697return ToString( /*ignorePwdChar*/ true, includePrompt, includeLiterals, 0, this.testString.Length ); 2728if (startPosition >= this.testString.Length) 2734int maxLength = this.testString.Length - startPosition; 2829if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length) 2843if (position < 0 || position >= this.testString.Length)
compmod\system\componentmodel\Win32Exception.cs (1)
102int i = sb.Length;
net\System\Net\_AutoWebProxyScriptHelper.cs (2)
906return sb.Length > 0 ? sb.ToString(): string.Empty; 938return sb.Length > 0 ? sb.ToString(): string.Empty;
net\System\Net\_CommandStream.cs (1)
617int unusedChars = state.Resp.StatusBuffer.Length - completeLength;
net\System\Net\_FtpControlStream.cs (1)
1177if(response.StatusBuffer.Length < 4) {
net\System\Net\_NetworkingPerfCounters.cs (1)
377for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
net\System\Net\mail\SmtpClient.cs (1)
194if (sb.Length > 0)
net\System\Net\mail\SmtpReplyReaderFactory.cs (4)
351lines.Add(new LineInfo(statusCode, builder.ToString(0, builder.Length - 2))); // return everything except CRLF 361lines.Add(new LineInfo(statusCode, builder.ToString(0, builder.Length - 2))); // return everything except CRLF 484lines.Add(new LineInfo(parent.statusCode, builder.ToString(0, builder.Length - 2))); // return everything except CRLF 496lines.Add(new LineInfo(parent.statusCode, builder.ToString(0, builder.Length - 2))); // return everything except CRLF
net\System\URI.cs (1)
5235if (relPath.Length == 0 && path2.Length - 1 == si)
regex\system\text\regularexpressions\RegexCharClass.cs (3)
1056StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(rangeLen + _categories.Length + 3); 1066sb.Append((char) _categories.Length); 1076sb[SETLENGTH] = (char) (sb.Length - SETSTART);
regex\system\text\regularexpressions\RegexReplacement.cs (2)
52if (sb.Length > 0) { 69if (sb.Length > 0) {
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\AsyncStreamReader.cs (2)
177if( sb.Length != 0) { 211int len = sb.Length;
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\EventLog.cs (1)
1255if (sb.Length > 0) {
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\EventLogEntry.cs (2)
536if (result.Length == 0) { 539return result.ToString(0, result.Length - 1); // Chop of last ";"
sys\system\io\ports\SerialPort.cs (3)
1277if (lastValueChar == (char) singleCharBuffer[numCharsRead-1] && (currentLine.Length >= value.Length)) { 1282if (value[value.Length-i] != currentLine[currentLine.Length-i]) { 1290string ret = currentLine.ToString(0, currentLine.Length - value.Length);
System.Activities (2)
System\Activities\Validation\ActivityValidationServices.cs (1)
257if (exceptionMessageBuilder.Length > maxExceptionStringSize)
System\Activities\Validation\ExtensionMethods.cs (1)
25if (sb.Length == 0)
System.Activities.Core.Presentation (1)
System\Activities\Core\Presentation\InvokeDelegateValidationFeature.cs (1)
201if (errorBuilder.Length > 0)
System.Activities.Presentation (4)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Model\ModelUtilities.cs (1)
142if (sb.Length > 0)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\State\PropertyViewManagerStateContainer.cs (1)
124if (sb.Length > 0)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\VariableDesigner.xaml.cs (1)
1505if (sb.Length != 0)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\WorkflowViewElement.cs (1)
1126name.Replace(',', ']', name.Length - 1, 1);
System.Configuration (13)
System\Configuration\ConfigurationElement.cs (6)
1276if (sb.Length != 0) 1283if (writer != null && sb.Length != 0) 1285return (sb.Length != 0); 1294if (sb.Length != 0) 1310if (sb.Length != 0) 1319if (sb.Length != 0)
System\Configuration\ConfigurationLockCollection.cs (1)
306if (sb.Length != 0) {
System\Configuration\GenericEnumConverter.cs (1)
67if (names.Length != 0) {
System\Configuration\XmlUtil.cs (5)
1032lineWidth = sbLengthLastNewLine - ((StringWriter)utilWriter.Writer).GetStringBuilder().Length; 1050sbLengthLastNewLine = ((StringWriter)utilWriter.Writer).GetStringBuilder().Length; 1102sbLengthLastNewLine = ((StringWriter)utilWriter.Writer).GetStringBuilder().Length; 1111int startLength = ((StringWriter)utilWriter.Writer).GetStringBuilder().Length; 1120lineWidth += ((StringWriter)utilWriter.Writer).GetStringBuilder().Length - startLength;
System.Data (38)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Model\ModelUtilities.cs (1)
142if (sb.Length > 0)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\State\PropertyViewManagerStateContainer.cs (1)
124if (sb.Length > 0)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\VariableDesigner.xaml.cs (1)
1505if (sb.Length != 0)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\WorkflowViewElement.cs (1)
1126name.Replace(',', ']', name.Length - 1, 1);
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\DbConnectionOptions.cs (5)
230if ((0 < builder.Length) && (';' != builder[builder.Length-1])) { 499position = builder.Length; 562int count = buffer.Length; 570int count = buffer.Length;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTable.cs (1)
2818if (0 < builder.Length) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Odbc\OdbcException.cs (1)
30if (builder.Length > 0) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Odbc\OdbcInfoMessageEvent.cs (1)
32if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); }
fx\src\data\System\Data\Odbc\OdbcUtils.cs (4)
371if (_token.Length != 0) { // if we've read a token before 372_idx += _token.Length; // proceed the internal marker (_idx) behind the token 373_token.Remove(0, _token.Length); // and start over with a fresh token 427return (_token.Length > 0) ? _token.ToString() : String.Empty ;
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\OLEDB_Util.cs (11)
111if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 115if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 119if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 123if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 127if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 131if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 135if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 139if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 143if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 147if (0 < builder.Length) { builder.Append(Environment.NewLine); } 638if ((0 < builder.Length) && Char.IsDigit(builder[0])) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlCommand.cs (3)
5732SqlParameter tsqlParameter = new SqlParameter(null, ((execStatement.Length << 1) <= TdsEnums.TYPE_SIZE_LIMIT) ? SqlDbType.NVarChar : SqlDbType.NText, execStatement.Length); 5884if (0 < bld.Length) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlStream.cs (8)
517if (strBldr.Length >= (length+ charsToSkip)) { 527cnt = strBldr.Length < charsToSkip ? strBldr.Length : charsToSkip; 535cnt = strBldr.Length < charsToSkip ? strBldr.Length : charsToSkip; 541if (strBldr.Length == 0) { 547cnt = strBldr.Length < length ? strBldr.Length : length;
System.Data.Entity (10)
System\Data\EntityClient\DbConnectionOptions.cs (2)
159int count = buffer.Length; 169int count = buffer.Length;
System\Data\Mapping\ViewGeneration\QueryRewriting\FragmentQuery.cs (1)
102if (b.Length > 0) { b.Append(','); }
System\Data\Mapping\ViewGeneration\Structures\CellQuery.cs (1)
904builder.Remove(builder.Length - 2, 2);
System\Data\Mapping\ViewGeneration\Structures\ScalarRestriction.cs (2)
206bool leftExprEmpty = builder.Length == 0; 227bool rightExprEmpty = builder.Length == 0;
System\Data\Objects\ObjectContext.cs (1)
2146if (builder.Length > 0)
System\Data\Query\InternalTrees\Dump.cs (3)
243if (0 != sb.Length) { 263if (0 != sb.Length) { 310if (0 != sb.Length) {
System.Data.Entity.Design (7)
System\Data\Entity\Design\SSDLGenerator\EntityStoreSchemaGeneratorDatabaseSchemaLoader.cs (7)
231if (allows.Length != 0) 233if (whereClause.Length != 0) 244if (excludes.Length != 0) 246if (whereClause.Length != 0) 261if (whereClause.Length != 0) 295if (segment.Length != 0) 308if (segment.Length != 0)
System.Data.Linq (7)
ChangeTracker.cs (1)
609if (keys.Length > 0) {
SqlClient\Query\SqlFormatter.cs (1)
750if (sb.Length > 0) {
SqlClient\SqlBuilder.cs (4)
66if (decl.Length > 0) { 105if (sb.Length > 0) { 127if (sb.Length > 0) { 137if (sb.Length > 0) {
SqlClient\SqlProvider.cs (1)
682if (sb.Length > 0) {
System.Data.Services (18)
System\Data\Services\DataServiceConfiguration.cs (1)
881if (builder.Length > 0)
System\Data\Services\Providers\BasicExpandProvider.cs (2)
749if (result.Length > 0) 1520skipTokenPropertyBindings[1] = BindByName(projectedSkipTokenType, "Description", Expression.Constant(skipTokenDescription.Remove(skipTokenDescription.Length - 1, 1).ToString()));
System\Data\Services\Providers\ObjectContextServiceProvider.cs (1)
1247if (builder.Length > 0)
System\Data\Services\RequestQueryProcessor.cs (2)
1026if (orderBy.Length > 0) 1047String separator = orderBy.Length > 0 ? Comma : String.Empty;
System\Data\Services\Serializers\DataStringEscapeBuilder.cs (2)
72Debug.Assert(this.output.Length == 0, "Expected this.output.Length to be 0, because Build can only be called once for an instance of DataStringEscapeBuilder."); 126if (this.quotedDataBuilder.Length > 0)
System\Data\Services\Serializers\Serializer.cs (10)
789if (pathsBuilder.Length != 0) 849if (queryParametersBuilder.Length > 0) 865if (queryParametersBuilder.Length > 0) 887if (queryParametersBuilder.Length > 0) 896if (queryParametersBuilder.Length > 0) 1025if (projectionPaths.Length > 0) 1027if (queryParametersBuilder.Length > 0) 1035if (expansionPaths.Length > 0) 1037if (queryParametersBuilder.Length > 0) 1046if (queryParametersBuilder.Length > 0)
System.Data.Services.Client (11)
System\Data\Services\Client\ALinq\PathBox.cs (11)
53return projectionPaths.Where(s => s.Length > 0).Select(s => s.ToString()).Distinct(); 61return expandPaths.Where(s => s.Length > 0).Select(s => s.ToString()).Distinct(); 111if (sb.Length > 0) 124if (sb.Length > 0) 139if (sb.Length > 0 && sb[sb.Length - 1] == EntireEntityMarker) 141sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); 144if (sb.Length > 0 && sb[sb.Length - 1] == UriHelper.FORWARDSLASH) 146sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); 152if (sb.Length > 0)
System.Data.SqlXml (13)
System\Xml\Xsl\Runtime\DecimalFormatter.cs (4)
73lastDigitIndex = temp.Length; 82lastDigitIndex = temp.Length; 126decimalIndex = temp.Length; 133commaIndex = temp.Length;
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilGenerator.cs (1)
868if (unescapedText.Length == 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilStrConcatenator.cs (1)
38if (builder.Length != 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\XsltLoader.cs (4)
1126if (scriptCode.Length == 0) { 1141if (scriptCode.Length != 0) { 1160if (scriptCode.Length != 0) { 1168if (scriptCode.Length == 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Compiler.cs (3)
849Debug.Assert(lex.Length == 0 , "Builder shoud to be reset here"); 881Debug.Assert(lex.Length == 0 , "Builder shoud to be reset here"); 936if (lex.Length == 0) {
System.IdentityModel (1)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SessionSecurityToken.cs (1)
1052fullyQualifiedDomainName = fullyQualifiedDomainName.Remove(fullyQualifiedDomainName.Length - 1, 1);
System.Messaging (1)
System\Messaging\MessageQueueException.cs (1)
92int i = sb.Length;
System.Numerics (4)
System\Numerics\BigNumber.cs (4)
369if (number.digits == null || number.digits.Length == 0) 372int len = number.digits.Length - 1; // ignore trailing '\0' 495if (digits > 0 && digits > sb.Length) { 497sb.Insert(0, (value._sign >= 0 ? ("0") : (format == 'x' ? "f" : "F")), digits - sb.Length);
System.Runtime.Caching (1)
System\Caching\PerfCounters.cs (1)
62for (int i = 0; i < sb.Length; i++) {
System.Runtime.Remoting (3)
metadata\wsdlwriter.cs (3)
2413if (sb.Length > 0) 2427if (sb.Length > 0) 2432if (sb.Length > 0)
System.Runtime.Serialization (17)
System\Runtime\Serialization\CodeExporter.cs (11)
1401for (int i = 0; i < identifier.Length && builder.Length < MaxIdentifierLength; i++) 1412if (builder.Length == 0) 1515if (builder.Length == 0) 1518int length = builder.Length; 1519if (builder[builder.Length - 1] == '.') 1531int fragmentOffset = builder.Length; 1534for (int i = 0; i < fragment.Length && builder.Length < MaxIdentifierLength; i++) 1546else if ((c == '.' || c == '/' || c == ':') && (builder.Length == 1 1547|| (builder.Length > 1 && builder[builder.Length - 1] != '.'))) 1551fragmentOffset = builder.Length;
System\Runtime\Serialization\DataContract.cs (1)
1845return builder.Remove(builder.Length - 1, 1).Append(Globals.CloseBracket).ToString();
System\Runtime\Serialization\Json\XmlObjectSerializerReadContextComplexJson.cs (1)
247if (stringBuilder.Length != 0)
System\Runtime\Serialization\XmlObjectSerializerReadContext.cs (1)
288if (stringBuilder.Length != 0)
System\Xml\XmlDictionaryReader.cs (2)
441if (sb.Length > maxStringContentLength - value.Length) 511if (sb.Length > maxStringContentLength - value.Length)
System\Xml\XmlMtomReader.cs (1)
223if (expectedCharSetStr.Length != 0)
System.Security (4)
system\security\cryptography\xml\SignedXmlDebugLog.cs (3)
446if (validAlgorithmBuilder.Length != 0) { 483if (validAlgorithmBuilder.Length != 0) { 491if (validAlgorithmBuilder.Length != 0) {
system\security\cryptography\xml\utils.cs (1)
147while (i < sb.Length) {
System.ServiceModel (35)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\AddressHeader.cs (1)
78builder.Remove(0, builder.Length);
System\ServiceModel\Channels\AddressHeaderCollection.cs (1)
158builder.Remove(0, builder.Length);
System\ServiceModel\Channels\BindingContext.cs (1)
164if (builder.Length > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ChannelRequirements.cs (2)
273if (contractChannelTypes.Length > 0) 317if (bindingChannelTypes.Length > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\HttpHeaderInfo.cs (1)
176for (int i = asStringBuilder.Length - 2; i > 0; i--)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\SocketConnection.cs (1)
1669if (addressStringBuilder.Length > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Description\UniqueCodeIdentifierScope.cs (3)
97for (int i = 0; i < identifier.Length && builder.Length < MaxIdentifierLength; i++) 102if (builder.Length == 0) 111if (builder.Length == 0)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\ChannelDispatcher.cs (1)
732if (endpointContractNames.Length > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\EndpointAddressMessageFilter.cs (1)
224builder.Remove(0, builder.Length);
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\EndpointAddressProcessor.cs (3)
145valueLength = builder.Length; 171int len = builder.Length - startLength; 205builder.Remove(0, builder.Length);
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\SecurityImpersonationBehavior.cs (1)
421fullyQualifiedDomainName = fullyQualifiedDomainName.Remove(fullyQualifiedDomainName.Length - 1, 1);
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecurityUtils.cs (5)
1010if (str.Length > 0) 1021if (str.Length > 0) 1029if (str.Length <= 0) 1044if (str.Length > 0) 1052return str.Length <= 0 ? String.Empty : str.ToString();
System\ServiceModel\Syndication\Rss20FeedFormatter.cs (9)
265if (dateTimeStringBuilder.Length < 18) 287if (dateTimeStringBuilder.Length < 19) 304dateTimeStringBuilder.Remove(timeZoneStartIndex, dateTimeStringBuilder.Length - timeZoneStartIndex); 338if (result.Length == 4) 418while (i < stringBuilder.Length) 436while (index < builder.Length) 460Fx.Assert(builder.Length == 0 || builder[builder.Length - 1] != ' ', "The string builder doesnt end in a white space"); 473sb.Remove(sb.Length - 3, 1);
System\ServiceModel\UpnEndpointIdentity.cs (1)
163fullyQualifiedDomainName = fullyQualifiedDomainName.Remove(fullyQualifiedDomainName.Length - 1, 1);
System\UriTemplate.cs (4)
655if (pathString[pathString.Length - 1] != '/') 696if (this.ignoreTrailingSlash && (pathString[pathString.Length - 1] == '/')) 698pathString.Remove(pathString.Length - 1, 1); 724if (query.Length != 0)
System.ServiceModel.Discovery (1)
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\SerializationUtility.cs (1)
176if (listOfQNamesString.Length != 0)
System.ServiceModel.Internals (1)
System\Runtime\UrlUtility.cs (1)
594if (s.Length > 0)
System.ServiceModel.Web (11)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WCFServiceClientProxyGenerator.cs (7)
38for (int i = 0; i < fragment.Length && builder.Length < MaxIdentifierLength; i++) 51else if ((c == '.' || c == '/' || c == ':') && (builder.Length == 1 52|| (builder.Length > 1 && builder[builder.Length - 1] != '.'))) 202if (builder.Length == 0) 207int length = builder.Length; 208if (builder[builder.Length - 1] == '.')
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\HelpExampleGenerator.cs (2)
723if (validTypes.Length > 0) 732if (validTypes.Length > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\HelpHtmlBuilder.cs (1)
396for (int i = 0; i < sample.Length; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\UriTemplateClientFormatter.cs (1)
218sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
System.Web (25)
ErrorFormatter.cs (2)
1046sbBeginIndex = sb.Length; 1123sb.Length - sbBeginIndex);
Hosting\ProcessHostSupportFunctionsExtensions.cs (1)
34if (fullVirtualPath[fullVirtualPath.Length - 1] != '/') {
HttpCachePolicy.cs (2)
663if (s.Length > 0) { 880if (sb.Length > 0) {
HttpCacheVary.cs (1)
96if (s.Length > 0)
HttpValueCollection.cs (1)
320if (s.Length > 0)
Management\regiisutil.cs (1)
201if (sb.Length != 0) {
Profile\ProfileModule.cs (1)
248startPos = values.Length;
Routing\ParsedRoute.cs (8)
167if (pendingParts.Length > 0) { 180if (pendingParts.Length > 0 && pendingParts[pendingParts.Length - 1] == '/') { 188url.Append(pendingParts.ToString(0, pendingParts.Length - 1)); 219if (pendingParts.Length > 0) { 254if (pendingParts.Length > 0) { 272if (pendingParts.Length > 0) { 291if (pendingParts.Length > 0) {
State\StateWorkerRequest.cs (2)
392_status.Length, 394_headers.Length,
UI\Html32TextWriter.cs (4)
579if (_beforeTag.Length > 0) 598if (_beforeContent.Length > 0) 610if (_afterContent.Length > 0) 621if (_afterTag.Length > 0)
Util\UrlPath.cs (2)
287Debug.Assert(sb.Length == 1); 296list.Add(sb.Length);
System.Web.Entity (4)
System\Data\WebControls\OrderByBuilder.cs (4)
72if (0 < orderByClauseBuilder.Length) 86if (0 < orderByClauseBuilder.Length) 97if (orderByClauseBuilder.Length==0 && _generateDefaultOrderByClause) 254if (0 < orderByBuilder.Length)
System.Web.Extensions (7)
Compilation\WCFBuildProvider.cs (1)
285if (collectedMessages.Length > 0)
Script\Serialization\JavaScriptSerializer.cs (1)
189if (serializationFormat == SerializationFormat.JSON && output.Length > MaxJsonLength) {
Script\Services\ClientProxyGenerator.cs (2)
261if (args.Length > 0) { 273if (args.Length > 0) {
UI\ScriptManager.cs (1)
1098if (sb != null && sb.Length > 0) {
UI\WebControls\QueryableDataSourceHelper.cs (2)
187if (where.Length > 0) { 213if (orderBy.Length > 0) {
System.Web.Mobile (8)
Mobile\UrlPath.cs (1)
UI\MobileControls\Design\AppliedDeviceFiltersDialog.cs (1)
1130if(name == null || name.Length == 0)
UI\MobileControls\Design\MobileControlPersister.cs (2)
259if ((tagProps.GetStringBuilder().Length != 0) || 260(innerProps.GetStringBuilder().Length != 0)) {
UI\MobileControls\Design\Util\GenericUI.cs (1)
134if(delimitedString.Length > 0)
UI\MobileControls\LiteralTextParser.cs (2)
703int length = _stringBuilder.Length; 715for (int i = _stringBuilder.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
UI\MobileControls\MobilePage.cs (1)
1557if (stringBuilder.Length != 0)
System.Web.Services (1)
System\Web\Services\Description\ServiceDescriptionSerializer.cs (1)
3058if (sb.Length != 0) {
System.Windows.Forms (8)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Application.cs (1)
1468if (sb.Length > 0)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewCell.cs (1)
1628int insertionPoint = sb.Length;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell.cs (1)
199int insertionPoint = sb.Length;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewRowHeaderCell.cs (1)
274int insertionPoint = sb.Length;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\TableLayoutSettingsTypeConverter.cs (4)
107if (columnStyles.Length > 0) { 108columnStyles.Remove(columnStyles.Length - 1, 1); 121if (rowStyles.Length > 0) { 122rowStyles.Remove(rowStyles.Length - 1, 1);
System.Workflow.Activities (2)
Rules\Design\Dialogs\IntellisenseTextBox.cs (2)
170if (removedString.Length == 0 && selectionStart > 0) 173projectedValue.Length = projectedValue.Length - 1;
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (8)
AuthoringOM\Activity.cs (1)
998if (dottedPathBuilder.Length > 0)
AuthoringOM\Compiler\CompileXomlTask.cs (2)
864if (compilerOptions.Length > 0) 961if (validWarnings.Length == 0)
AuthoringOM\Compiler\TypeSystem\DesignTimeType.cs (1)
939typeName.Length = typeName.Length - 1; //remove the last comma
AuthoringOM\Serializer\WorkflowMarkupSerializer.cs (4)
2765if (stringBuilder.Length != 0) 2775if (stringBuilder != null && stringBuilder.Length > 0) 2799if (stringBuilder.Length > 0) 2826if (stringBuilder != null && stringBuilder.Length > 0)
System.Xml (64)
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (23)
2027Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 3295Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 || isTextDecl ); 3303int originalSbLen = sb.Length; 4661Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 4753int valueChunkLen = stringBuilder.Length - valueChunkStartPos; 4779valueChunkStartPos = stringBuilder.Length; 4795int valueChunkLen = stringBuilder.Length - valueChunkStartPos; 4878valueChunkStartPos = stringBuilder.Length; 4892int valueChunkLen = stringBuilder.Length - valueChunkStartPos; 4939Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 4968Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ); 5002} while ( !fullValue && orChars <= 0x20 && stringBuilder.Length < MinWhitespaceLookahedCount ); 5005XmlNodeType nodeType = ( stringBuilder.Length < MinWhitespaceLookahedCount ) ? GetTextNodeType( orChars ) : XmlNodeType.Text; 5262Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 5276Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ); 5374Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 5388if ( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ) { 5648Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 5703Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 5880Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 7699Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 7748if ( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ) { 7793if ( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplAsync.cs (20)
1127Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 || isTextDecl ); 1135int originalSbLen = sb.Length; 2443Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 2540int valueChunkLen = stringBuilder.Length - valueChunkStartPos; 2566valueChunkStartPos = stringBuilder.Length; 2582int valueChunkLen = stringBuilder.Length - valueChunkStartPos; 2665valueChunkStartPos = stringBuilder.Length; 2679int valueChunkLen = stringBuilder.Length - valueChunkStartPos; 2707Debug.Assert(stringBuilder.Length == 0); 2771Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 2817Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ); 2858} while ( !fullValue && orChars <= 0x20 && stringBuilder.Length < MinWhitespaceLookahedCount ); 2861XmlNodeType nodeType = ( stringBuilder.Length < MinWhitespaceLookahedCount ) ? GetTextNodeType( orChars ) : XmlNodeType.Text; 3287Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 3314Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ); 3424Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 3438if ( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ) { 3639Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 3708Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ); 3901Debug.Assert( stringBuilder.Length == 0 );
System\Xml\Dom\XmlNode.cs (2)
660sb.Remove( 0, sb.Length ); 666if ( firstChildTextLikeNode != null && sb.Length > 0 )
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParser.cs (3)
2335if ( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ) { 3036if ( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ) { 3047string val = ( stringBuilder.Length == 0 ) ? new string( chars, tokenStartPos, curPos - tokenStartPos - 1 ) : stringBuilder.ToString();
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParserAsync.cs (1)
1792if ( stringBuilder.Length > 0 ) {
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaValidator.cs (2)
792if (textValue.Length > 0) { 2195Debug.Assert(builder.Length != 0);
System\Xml\Schema\XmlValueConverter.cs (1)
3284if (bldr.Length != 0)
System\Xml\Schema\XsdDuration.cs (4)
409len = sb.Length; 411zeroIdx = sb.Length - 1; 430if (sb[sb.Length - 1] == 'P') 435if (sb[sb.Length - 1] == 'P')
System\Xml\Serialization\CodeIdentifier.cs (4)
67for (int i = 0; i < identifier.Length && builder.Length < MaxIdentifierLength; i++) { 70if (builder.Length == 0 && !IsValidStart(c)) { 76if (builder.Length == 0) return "Item"; 254if (sb.Length != originalIdentifier.Length)
System\Xml\Serialization\Mappings.cs (1)
997if (anyNamespaces.Length > 0)
System\Xml\Serialization\Xmlcustomformatter.cs (2)
164if (sb.Length != 0) 174if (sb.Length == 0 && iZero >= 0) {
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlSerializationWriter.cs (1)
1109if (arrayDims.Length > 0)