File: sys\system\configuration\HandlerBase.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
// <copyright file="HandlerBase.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Configuration {
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Xml;
    internal class HandlerBase {
        private HandlerBase() {
        // XML Attribute Helpers
        private static XmlNode GetAndRemoveAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, bool fRequired) {
            XmlNode a = node.Attributes.RemoveNamedItem(attrib);
            // If the attribute is required and was not present, throw
            if (fRequired && a == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                    SR.GetString(SR.Config_missing_required_attribute, attrib, node.Name),
            return a;
        private static XmlNode GetAndRemoveStringAttributeInternal(XmlNode node, string attrib, bool fRequired, ref string val) {
            XmlNode a = GetAndRemoveAttribute(node, attrib, fRequired);
            if (a != null)
                val = a.Value;
            return a;
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveStringAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref string val) {
            return GetAndRemoveStringAttributeInternal(node, attrib, false /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveRequiredStringAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref string val) {
            return GetAndRemoveStringAttributeInternal(node, attrib, true /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        // input.Xml cursor must be at a true/false XML attribute
        private static XmlNode GetAndRemoveBooleanAttributeInternal(XmlNode node, string attrib, bool fRequired, ref bool val) {
            XmlNode a = GetAndRemoveAttribute(node, attrib, fRequired);
            if (a != null) {
                try {
                    val = bool.Parse(a.Value);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                            SR.GetString(SR.GetString(SR.Config_invalid_boolean_attribute, a.Name)),
                            e, a);
            return a;
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveBooleanAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref bool val) {
            return GetAndRemoveBooleanAttributeInternal(node, attrib, false /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveRequiredBooleanAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref bool val) {
            return GetAndRemoveBooleanAttributeInternal(node, attrib, true /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        // input.Xml cursor must be an integer XML attribute
        private static XmlNode GetAndRemoveIntegerAttributeInternal(XmlNode node, string attrib, bool fRequired, ref int val) {
            XmlNode a = GetAndRemoveAttribute(node, attrib, fRequired);
            if (a != null) {
                if (a.Value.Trim() != a.Value) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.Config_invalid_integer_attribute, a.Name), a);
                try {
                    val = int.Parse(a.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.Config_invalid_integer_attribute, a.Name),
                        e, a);
            return a;
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveIntegerAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref int val) {
            return GetAndRemoveIntegerAttributeInternal(node, attrib, false /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveRequiredIntegerAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref int val) {
            return GetAndRemoveIntegerAttributeInternal(node, attrib, true /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        private static XmlNode GetAndRemovePositiveIntegerAttributeInternal(XmlNode node, string attrib, bool fRequired, ref int val) {
            XmlNode a = GetAndRemoveIntegerAttributeInternal(node, attrib, fRequired, ref val);
            if (a != null && val < 0) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                    SR.GetString(SR.Config_invalid_positive_integer_attribute, attrib),
            return a;
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemovePositiveIntegerAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref int val) {
            return GetAndRemovePositiveIntegerAttributeInternal(node, attrib, false /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveRequiredPositiveIntegerAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref int val) {
            return GetAndRemovePositiveIntegerAttributeInternal(node, attrib, true /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        private static XmlNode GetAndRemoveTypeAttributeInternal(XmlNode node, string attrib, bool fRequired, ref Type val) {
            XmlNode a = GetAndRemoveAttribute(node, attrib, fRequired);
            if (a != null) {
                try {
                    val = Type.GetType(a.Value, true /*throwOnError*/);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                            e.Message, //SR.GetString(SR.Config_invalid_type_attribute, a.Name),
                            e, a);
            return a;
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveTypeAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref Type val) {
            return GetAndRemoveTypeAttributeInternal(node, attrib, false /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        internal static XmlNode GetAndRemoveRequiredTypeAttribute(XmlNode node, string attrib, ref Type val) {
            return GetAndRemoveTypeAttributeInternal(node, attrib, true /*fRequired*/, ref val);
        internal static void CheckForUnrecognizedAttributes(XmlNode node) {
            if (node.Attributes.Count != 0) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_unrecognized_attribute, node.Attributes[0].Name),
        // Obsolete XML Attribute Helpers
        // if attribute not found return null
        internal static string RemoveAttribute(XmlNode node, string name) {
            XmlNode attribute = node.Attributes.RemoveNamedItem(name);
            if (attribute != null) {
                return attribute.Value;
            return null;
        // if attr not found throw standard message - "attribute x required"
        internal static string RemoveRequiredAttribute(XmlNode node, string name) {
            return RemoveRequiredAttribute(node, name, false/*allowEmpty*/);
        internal static string RemoveRequiredAttribute(XmlNode node, string name, bool allowEmpty) {
            XmlNode attribute = node.Attributes.RemoveNamedItem(name);
            if (attribute == null) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_required_attribute_missing, name),
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.Value) && allowEmpty == false) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                SR.GetString(SR.Config_base_required_attribute_empty, name),
            return attribute.Value;
        // XML Element Helpers
        internal static void CheckForNonElement(XmlNode node) {
            if (node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
        internal static bool IsIgnorableAlsoCheckForNonElement(XmlNode node) {
            if (node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Comment || node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Whitespace) {
                return true;
            return false;
        internal static void CheckForChildNodes(XmlNode node) {
            if (node.HasChildNodes) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
        internal static void ThrowUnrecognizedElement(XmlNode node) {
            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
        // Parse Helpers